

单词 smmt
释义 smmtEconomist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders 发动机生产经销商协会
The majority of cars made over the month— 83.5 per cent — were allocated for export as UK demand tails off, the SMMT said.
由于英国本国市场需求的减少,上个月生产的轿车中大部分----83.5%----用于出口 SMMT协会说。 yeeyan

“ Following extended winter shutdowns, vehicle output continued to fall in January in line with expectations, ” Paul Everitt, the SMMT's chief executive, said.
“在长时间的冬季停产以后,汽车产量在1月份持续下跌,这个情况也是预料之中的。” SMMT的首席执行官保罗艾维特说。 yeeyan

“The new administration understands the importance of the sector, ” says Paul Everitt of the SMMT, hopefully.
“新的政府明白这一行业的重要性。” SMMT的保罗·埃弗里特满怀希望地说。 ecocn

On September7th, in advance of next month’s spending review, the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders SMMT made its case to an all- party group of parliamentarians.
在9月7号,在下月支持审查之前,汽车制造商和贸易商协会 SMMT已将这一提议向各党派议员小组作了说明。 ecocn




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