

单词 Smithsonian
释义 Smithsonian ˌsmɪθˈsoʊniən 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
Smithsonian Institution United States National Museum 史密斯森协会联合国博物馆
A study by the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute concluded that ancient rainforests were able to cope with warming global temperatures and higher levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
由 Smithsonian热带研究机构进行的研究得出结论,古代雨林能够处理全球气温变暖以及更高水平的大气二氧化碳含量的问题。 yeeyan

Charles Hoy and his father sent the skull to the Smithsonian Institution, where it was identified as a new species.
该动物的头盖骨被查尔斯。霍伊和其父送至史密森学会,被确认为一种新的物种。 ecocn

Proceeds from ticket sales and donations fund education, outreach and research at the Smithsonian Institution.
门票销售收入和捐献资金用于史密斯森协会的教育,扩大服务和研究方面。 yeeyan

Ted Schultz, an entomologist at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, said the ant database was “ really valuable.”
华盛顿史密森学会的昆虫学家特德·舒尔茨认为蚁类数据库“非常有价值”。 edu.sina.com.cn

The latest study was carried out by the Department of Anthropology at the Smithsonian natural history museum in Washington.
最新的研究是由史密森尼国立自然历史博物馆的人类学系展开。 yeeyan

Widely reported scenarios that higher temperatures will dry out the Amazon rain forest also seem to be contradicted by evidence assembled by Smithsonian researcher Carlos Jamarillo.
同样,亚马逊雨林会因全球变暖而干枯的预测也与史密森尼学会卡洛斯·赫拉里奥 Carlos Jamarillo研究员收集的证据相悖。 yeeyan

“ I want to find these stars because I want to look back in time,” says Frebel, now at the Harvard- Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
“我想找到这些恒星,因为我想回顾过去。”弗雷贝尔说。现在,她在哈佛大学-史密森天体物理中心工作。 yeeyan

A Kepler scientist, Dimitar Sasselov of the Harvard- Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, created a stir last month when he said in a lecture that Kepler had discovered many Earth- like planets.
一个开普勒团队的科学家,哈佛-史密森纳天体物理中心的迪米塔·萨瑟洛夫于上个月引起了一场骚乱。他在一个讲座中说开普勒团队发现了很多类地球行星。 yeeyan

According to the Smithsonian National Museum of American History, smaller department stores used holiday displays to burnish their reputations and made the downtown shopping district the place to be.
根据 Smithsonian美国国家历史博物馆的记录,小型百货公司将在市中心商业区举办的圣诞展卖作为扩大自己知名度的绝佳方法。 yeeyan

According to the Smithsonian, these images may not only be the only color photographs taken of the quake damage, but also the first color images of San Francisco ever taken.
史密斯森指出,这组图片不仅仅是那次地震仅有的彩色照片,也是旧金山最早的彩色照片。 yeeyan

Barbara attended Yale as did three generations of Bushes before her and has worked with the Smithsonian and Cooper- Hewitt museums in New York.
芭芭拉进入了耶鲁大学在她之前,布什家族已有3代人到耶鲁学习,后来在纽约的史密森学会和库珀休伊特博物馆工作。 yeeyan

Called Smithsonian Wild, the project harbors five years’ worth of photographs collected in seven countries by dozens of camera traps that take photos when animals wander nearby.
被称作 Smithsonian Wild的项目,5年来在7个国家用红外触发相机拍摄到大量有价值的野生动物照片。 yeeyan

Encyclopedia Smithsonian: Browse topics like Japanese art, astronomy, horticulture, popular entertainment, domestic life, conservation and more on this authority site.
Encyclopedia Smithsonian:在这权威站点可以浏览日本艺术、天文学、园艺、流行娱乐、国内生活、持续等主题。 yeeyan

If you took a jazz- history course before2000 or so, you almost certainly listened to The Smithsonian Collection of Classic Jazz.
如果你在2000年之前修读爵士历史课程,那几乎可以肯定你不会错过史密森尼的经典爵士合集。 yeeyan

In 1982, three people died after a train derailed between the Federal Triangle and Smithsonian stations.
1982年,在 Federal Triangle站和 Smithsonian站行驶的一列车发生脱轨造成3人死亡。 yeeyan

It is the premier tissue storage facility in the world, and the Smithsonian, Harvard and Yale natural history museums are hoping to model their own collections after it, Feinstein said.
范因斯坦表示,安布罗斯·莫奈尔冷冻收藏中心是目前世界上首屈一指的组织贮藏机构,史密松尼、哈佛以及耶鲁的自然历史博物馆都希望能模仿该中心建立自己的冷藏机构。 yeeyan

It is home to a number of research institutions including the Smithsonian Institution Research Center, the Manatee Observation& Education Center, and the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute.
这里是许多研究机构所在地,其中包括史密森学会研究中心,海牛观察与教育中心和海港海洋学研究所。 yeeyan

Last week Leon Golub of the Harvard- Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics had put the odds of the August1 solar flare producing auroras at about 50-50.
上周哈佛-史密松森天体物理中心的 Leon Golub预测8月1号的太阳耀斑产生极光的可能性是一半一半。 yeeyan

One of my requests was for patent models from the Smithsonian National Museum of American History: Samuel Morse's1849 design for a telegraph register;
我的一个选择是来自史密斯森国家历史博物馆的专利模型:塞缪尔·莫尔斯 Samuel Morse1849年设计的收报机; yeeyan

Online, players will engage with scientists from the Smithsonian through video conferences, play games that will help to illustrate concepts, and unlock clues and hidden messages.
在网上,玩家将会和来自史密森协会的科学家视频交流。玩这个游戏会帮助阐明概念,解开线索,发现隐藏的信息。 yeeyan

Presumably, most would agree to locate one at the Smithsonian, because of the museum’s pre- eminence in preserving artifacts of American life, culture and achievement.
据推测,大多数人都由于博物馆在保护美国生活,文化和成就方面的卓越地位而同意将一架宇宙飞船安置在史密森学会的博物馆。 ecocn

Richard Stone has written about a Stonehenge burial, a rare antelope and mysterious Tibetan towers for Smithsonian.
理查德·斯通 Richard Stone曾在史密森尼杂志上发表过关于巨石阵墓葬、稀有羚羊和神秘西藏塔楼的文章。 yeeyan

Scientists at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, however, have found that that may not be the case.
然而,来自史密森生物保护研究所的科学家们发现,这一点可能不是关键因素。 blog.sina.com.cn

The diamond was finally donated, via US mail in a brown paper sack, to the Smithsonian.
这块钻石最终被放进一个棕色的纸袋中邮寄捐赠给史密森学会。 yeeyan

Smithsonian and U.S. Geological Survey.
史密森学会及美国地质调查局。 yeeyan




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