

单词 smith
释义 smith 英smɪθ美smɪθAHDsmĭth 高四八COCA¹¹³⁷BNC¹⁰⁸⁶
Rhodesian statesman who declared independence of Zimbabwe from Great Britain born in 1919United States sculptor 1906-1965United States singer noted for her rendition of patriotic songs 1909-1986United States suffragist who refused to pay taxes until she could vote 1792-1886United States blues singer 1894-1937religious leader who founded the Mormon Church in 1830 1805-1844English explorer who helped found the colony at Jamestown, Virginia; was said to have been saved by Pocahontas 1580-1631Scottish economist who advocated private enterprise and free trade 1723-1790someone who works at something specifiedsomeone who works metal especially by hammering it when it is hot and malleable来自古英语,源自原始日耳曼语,本意是“使用尖锐工具的技术工”。Smith是个常见姓氏,来自其职业。smith forging锻造,自由锻造…Smith alloy史密斯铁铬铝高温电阻…smith forge锻造炉smith welding锻焊tune smith作曲者smith work锻造工作hammer smith锻工smith tool锻工工具
近义词 worker工人John Smith约翰.Adam Smith亚当斯密metalworker金工工人Ian Smith伊恩·史密斯…

as in.craftsman
同义词 artisanjourneyman,machinist,maker,manufacturer,master,mechanic,specialist,technician,wrightskilled worker
反义词 apprentice,unskilled workeras in.craftsperson
同义词 artificer,artisan,blacksmith,journeyperson,machinist,maker,manufacturer,mechanic,skilled worker,specialist,technician,wright
反义词 bumbler,unskilled
craftsmannoun skilled person
artisan,journeyman,machinist,maker,manufacturer,master,mechanic,skilled worker,specialist,technician,wright
craftsmennoun skilled person
artisans,journeymen,machinists,makers,manufacturers,masters,mechanics,skilled workers,smiths,specialists,technicians,wrights
craftspersonnoun person skilled in art
artificer,artisan,blacksmith,journeyperson,machinist,maker,manufacturer,mechanic,skilled worker,smith,specialist,technician,wright The ultimate beneficiaries of this competition, Smith explained, are not businesses but consumers, who enjoy ever better products at ever lower prices.
斯密解释说,这种竞争的最终受益者并非企业,而是以较低价格购买到较好产品的消费者。 yeeyan

What had he been doing with Stephen Smith?
他跟斯蒂芬.史密斯在一起干什么? ecocn

“ It dies on its output, ” said David I. Smith, a director of technology assessment at Mayo Clinic.
“它在它的输出死,”戴维说一,史密斯是在梅奥诊所进行评估的技术总监。 yeeyan

“The growth in demand for these minerals is just phenomenal, ” Smith said.
“对这些矿物质的需求增长是太奇妙了,”史密斯说。 yeeyan

“You have to be a roboticist to want one of these, ” Smith said.
“所要完成的功能是机器人专家来决定的,”史密斯说。 yeeyan

A new motion was sponsored by John Smith.

Adam Smith said that prosperity depends on the rule of law, peace and low taxes.
亚当斯密说繁荣取决于法制的规则,和平以及低水平的税收。 yeeyan

After dinner, Mr. Smith invited me to the living room so that we could continue our discussion which, until then, had been laced with innuendo but had not dealt with politics directly.
晚餐后,史密斯先生邀请我到起居室以便我们可以继续我们的讨论,直到那时我们只是含沙射影并没有直接触及政治。 yeeyan

An angry mob attacked the jail and shot both Smith and his brother to death.
有一个非常愤怒的暴徒袭击了监狱,并开枪打死了史密斯兄弟俩。 yeeyan

Despite all these hassles, Mr Smith says that he loves working in China.
尽管有种种麻烦,史密斯先生表示他喜欢在中国工作。 yeeyan

Despite these shortcomings, it was the work of two men that helped the colony to survive: John Smith and John Rolfe.
尽管存在这些缺陷,还是有两个男人帮助殖民地生存了下来:约翰·史密斯和约翰·罗尔夫。 yeeyan




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