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词汇 Smil
释义 SmilCOCA¹²⁴⁹³⁴BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
abbr.同步多媒体集成语言=Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language
A truly visual editor with drag- and- drop and timeline capability is not yet here for SMIL3, which will discourage many users.
SMIL3尚未提供具有拖放和时间轴功能的真正的视觉化编辑器,这一点使很多用户觉得丧气。 ibm

A wide variety of smaller vendors have begun to provide SMIL authoring tools and players as well.
众多较小的供应商已开始提供 SMIL创作工具和播放器。 ibm

The wireless industry, meanwhile, has taken on SMIL as a means of enriching its current text-based messaging technology.
同时,无线业界把 SMIL看作一种丰富其当前基于文本的消息传递技术的方法。 ibm

A more reliable and informative approach is to use the SMIL3 test cases listed on the W3C recommendation page.
更为可靠和便捷的方式是使用 W3C建议页面上列出的 SMIL3测试用例。 ibm

All told, it's looking like a promising year for SMIL.
总的说来,今年看来象是 SMIL希望年。 ibm

Also, as wireless networks evolve, SMIL players focused on MMS deployments should introduce new considerations into SMIL authoring.
此外,随着无线网络的发展,关注 MMS部署的 SMIL播放器应该对 SMIL创作有新的考虑。 ibm

Another entrant is Toronto-based Confluent Technologies, which publishes a SMIL authoring tool called Fluition.
另一个新加入者是位于多伦多的 Confluent Technologies,它发布了名为 Fluition 的 SMIL创作工具。 ibm

As previously noted, perhaps the most extensive implementation of SMIL2.0 comes from Real Networks.
正如前面提到的那样,最广泛的 SMIL2.0实现可能来自 Real Networks。 ibm

As SMIL2.0 adoption continues, Java technology projects embracing the2.0 standard are almost certain to follow.
随着对 SMIL2.0采用的继续,支持2.0标准的 Java技术项目也一定会继续出现。 ibm

As SMIL's popularity grows, developers are branching out into tools and tactics borrowed from other coding environments.
随着 SMIL越来越流行,开发人员正在转入从其它编码环境借鉴而来的工具和策略。 ibm

But at least among a few key players, SMIL has begun to establish itself as an important approach to presenting multimedia online.
但至少在几个主要的参与者中, SMIL已开始成为表示在线多媒体的重要方法。 ibm

However, because the SMIL specification is based on XML, which is composed in plain- text format, any reasonably capable editor will do.
但是,因为 SMIL规范是基于 XML的,而 XML是以纯文本格式编写的,所以任何合理的编辑器都可行。 ibm

However, many of these tools are not yet up to speed with SMIL3.
不过,多数这些工具还尚未达到 SMIL3的速度。 ibm

In addition to large industry groups and vendors, smaller players are leaping into the SMIL support industry.
除了大的业界组织和供应商以外,较小的参与者也正在投身于 SMIL支持行业。 ibm

In a production environment, developers need complete and reliable tools, but in the meantime, Ambulant is good as a learning aid for SMIL3.
在生产环境下,开发人员需要完整可靠的工具,但同时 Ambulant是 SMIL3的很好的学习助手。 ibm

In days to come, as support for the current2.0 specification grows, working with SMIL could become a standard strategy for any developer whose work requires some form of multimedia asset control.
在不久的将来,随着对当前2.0规范支持的增长,对于任何在工作中需要某种形式的多媒体资产控制的开发人员,使用 SMIL将成为他们的标准策略。 ibm

In SMIL the start and end values of a property are specified, along with a duration.
在 SMIL中指定特性的起始值和结束值以及持续时间。 ibm

One type involves the movement of code between engine modules and does not directly affect top-level SMIL coding.
一种类型包含引擎模块之间的代码移动,但不会直接影响顶级的 SMIL编码。 ibm

Right now, in the context of SMIL3, you can use a plain- text editor for editing and Ambulant as a player, or you can use your own preferred tools.
目前,在 SMIL3环境中,您可以使用一个纯文本编辑器进行编辑并使用 Ambulant作为播放器,或者您也可以使用您自己喜欢的工具。 ibm

Smibase is a database-driven SMIL content management system.
Smibase是一个数据库驱动的 SMIL内容管理系统。 ibm

Some of the patterns, like SMIL animations, are inconsistent with others, like CSS3 animations, and need to be reconciled.
某些模式,比如说 SMIL动画,则与其他的,比如说 CSS3动画不一致,需要加以调和。 yeeyan

The other type of change results in changes to elements and attributes, which are of interest to the SMIL developer.
另一种类型的更改是对元素和属性进行更改,这种是 SMIL开发人员比较感兴趣的一种。 ibm

The declarative capability that SVG inherits from SMIL lets you animate graphicsfor example either at predetermined times, or in response to certain events.
SVG继承自 SMIL的声明性能力让您可以使图片成为动画,以预定的次数播放,或者响应某些事件。 ibm

The SMIL2.0 spec, for its part, is a series of markup modules defining semantics and XML syntax for certain SMIL functions.
对于 SMIL2.0规范的一部分而言,它是一系列定义某些 SMIL函数的语义和 XML语法的标记模块。 ibm

Using SMIL encoding and SMIL-based players, MMS would add text, images, audio, and eventually video to SMS.
使用 SMIL编码和基于 SMIL的播放器, MMS可以将文本、图像、音频以及最终将视频添加到 SMS。 ibm

SMIL is a tool for choreography of these different media formats in response to time and events.
SMIL是一种工具,用于编排这些不同的媒体格式,以响应时间和事件。 ibm

SMIL is an XML-based language that allows authors to write interactive multimedia presentations without using multimedia management tools such as Macromedia Director.
SMIL是一种基于 XML的语言,它允许作者编写交互式多媒体表示而无需使用象 Macromedia Director这样的多媒体管理工具。 ibm




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