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词汇 smarts
释义 smart·s 英smɑːt美smɑːrt 高COCA³⁰⁶³³BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺iWeb²²⁰⁷³Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

bright and new-looking; well-dressed; neat; stylish in appearance


good or quick in thinking; clever


of a blow or criticism forceful

a kind of pain such as that caused by a wound or a burn or a sore
showing mental alertness and calculation and resourcefulnesselegant and stylish;

chic elegance

a smart new dress

a suit of voguish cut

characterized by quickness and ease in learning;

some children are brighter in one subject than another

smart children talk earlier than the average

improperly forward or bold;

don't be fresh with me

impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup

an impudent boy given to insulting strangers

Don't get wise with me!

painfully severe;

he gave the dog a smart blow

quick and brisk;

I gave him a smart salute

we walked at a smart pace

capable of independent and apparently intelligent action;

smart weapons

be the source of pain
smart, bright, clever, intelligent, shrewd, wise


1.bright一般指年轻人,尤指小孩的聪明、机警; wise指“有智慧的”“英明的”“有头脑的”; smart指“头脑敏捷的”“精明老练的”,常指思维能力很强,办事巧妙,能圆滑地处理人际关系等,有时也带有表面的或肤浅的色彩; clever指“聪明的”“伶俐的”“能干的”,尤指很有理解或学习能力的; shrewd指“机灵的”“敏锐的”“精明的”,表示谙于世故,对事物浅尝辄止,遇事老谋深算,从不忽略个人私利; intelligent指某人是“聪明的”“智力好的”,善于作出正确的判断。例如:

In some schools, the bright pupils tutor the dull ones.在一些学校里,一些聪明的学生辅导迟钝的学生。
She was wise to their scheme.她了解他们的诡计。
He is so smart that he will jump at the chance.他这个人很有头脑,不会错过这个机会的。
Jack is a clever student.杰克是个聪明伶俐的学生。
I think you've made a shrewd investment there.我认为你在那方面的投资极为聪明。
Elephants are intelligent animals.象是聪明的动物。

2.bright强调反应快; wise强调有判断力的、能明辨是非的; intelligent强调思维清楚、理解力强。例如:

Tom is a bright scholar in the class.汤姆在班上是个聪明的学生。
It is wise to keep out of debt.不借债是明智的。
He was intelligent enough to understand my question from the gestures I made.他很聪明,从我的手势就明白了我的问题。bright,clever,wise,brilliant,intelligent,ingenious,smart,shrewd










来自形容词 smart 做名词使用的复数形式。
用作形容词 adj.
~+名词smart answer巧妙的回答smart blow猛一击smart car漂亮的汽车smart fall急剧下降smart frock漂亮的连衣裙smart hat漂亮的帽子smart idea很妙的主意smart pace矫健的步子smart rebuke严厉批评smart restaurant格调高雅的餐馆smart rise急剧上升smart set时髦的阔人smart student聪明的学生smart walk轻松的散步~+介词smart about business做生意精明smart in在…方面精明的smart in all things各方面很精明smart in dealings经营手段精明smart in dress衣着光鲜
用作形容词 alec

自作聪明的人,万事通 person who acts as if he has great ability

近义词 modishelegantstylishfashionable反义词 dowdyfrowzyunfashionable
~+ n.He is a smart businessman.他是一个精明能干的生意人。
Smart children talk earlier than the average.聪明的幼童比一般的孩子早开口说话。
They were prevented from stealing the car by a smart policeman.一名机警的警察使他们盗车未遂。
Don't give me any smart answers!别给我油嘴滑舌的回答!
She was a good editor,but she kept making smart remarks to the head of the department and he finally had to sack her.她是个好编辑,可是她老是对编辑部领导说些尖刻的话,所以他最终不得不解雇她。
My brother bought a smart new car.我弟弟买了一辆漂亮的新车。
They go to very smart restaurants.他们总是到很时髦的餐馆吃饭。
I gave a smart blow on the lid, and it flew open.我朝盖子猛一击,就把它打开了。
He had to put up with a smart rebuke from the teacher.他不得不忍受老师的严厉指责。
S+be+~The child is smart,he'll do well in life.那个孩子很机灵,他一定会很有前途。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseHis brother is smart in appearance.他兄弟外表精干。
He is smart about business.他做生意很精明。
He is smart in all things.他各方面都很精明。S+be+~+to- vHe is too smart to jump at the chance.他这人很精明,不会错过这个机会的。It is/was+~+of sb+to- vIt's smart of you to bring a map.你很聪明,能想到带张地图回来。S+be+~+that/wh-clauseHe is so smart that he will not jump at the chance.他这个人很有头脑,不会错过这个机会的。
S+V+O+~Go and make yourself smart before we call on the Joneses.在我们去访问琼斯家以前,你先把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮的。

smart指人时,表示思维能力很强,办事巧妙,能圆滑地处理人际关系等,有时也带有表面的或肤浅的色彩; 有时含贬义,即含有狡猾、诡秘的一面。



用作形容词I'm asmartgirl that speaks with asmartaccent.我是个机灵的姑娘,说话带有时髦的腔调。
A few months ago they opened a new shop catering exclusively to thesmartset.几个月前他们新开了一家商店,专门向最时髦的人士出售物品。
He really cuts a dash in hissmartnew uniform.他穿著漂亮的新制服真是神气十足。
Asmarttie and a dirty collar don't go well together.漂亮的领带与肮脏的领口在一起不相称。
This boy is verysmart; he may be another Edison.这男孩很聪明,他可能成为另一个爱迪生。
I gave asmartblow on the lid, and it flew open.我朝盖子猛一击,就把它打开了。用作不及物动词His eyessmartat the smoke.他的眼睛被烟熏痛了。
He feared that he wouldsmartfor this foolishness.他担心为这个愚蠢举动而自食其果。用作名词Thesmartof his wound kept him awake.伤痛使他无法入睡。noun.intelligence
同义词 IQ,acuity,acumen,alertness,aptitude,brainpower,brains,brightness,brilliance,cleverness,competence,comprehension,intellect,judgment,know-how,mind,perception,perspicacity,precocity,reason,savvy,sense,understandinggray matter,the right stuff,what it takes
反义词 disbelief,disinclination,ignorance,inability,ineptness,misinterpretation,mistake,misunderstanding,stupidity
acumennoun ability to understand and reason
acuity,acuteness,astuteness,awareness,brains,brilliance,cleverness,comprehension,cunning,discernment,discrimination,farsightedness,good taste,grasp,guile,ingenuity,insight,intellect,intelligence,intuition,judgment,keenness,perception,percipience,perspicacity,perspicuity,refinement,sagacity,sensitivity,sharpness,shrewdness,smartness,understanding,vision,wisdom,wit
aptitudenoun quickness at learning
ability,capability,capacity,cleverness,competence,faculty,flair,gift,giftedness,intelligence,knack,proficiency,savvy,smarts,stuff,talent,what it takes
aptitudesnoun quickness at learning
abilities,capabilities,capacities,cleverness,competences,faculties,flair,giftednesses,gifts,intelligence,knacks,proficiencies,savvy,smarts,stuff,talents,what it takes
aptnessnoun talent
brightnessnoun intelligence
brilliancenoun genius
brilliancy,cleverness,excellence,inspiration,intelligence,inventiveness,sagacity,smartness,smarts,talent,wisdom And anyone smart enough to understand IQ tests will tell you they do not give a full measure of any individual's smarts or range of talents.
任何一个能看懂智商测试的人都能分辨出,他们并没有给出任何个人聪明程度的全部指标或能力范围。 yeeyan

Be professional and have the confidence and smarts to agree and disagree with your boss when the time is right.
如果时机合适,用专业的态度、自信并机敏地赞同或反对上司的意见。 cri

It can take smarts to survive in the big city. Especially for birds.
在大城市中生存需要有一定的智慧,尤其是鸟类。 hjenglish

So often the prime mover is an inventor of some sort, while the partner brings street smarts or finance, or simply energy and confidence.

To get the balance between America and France right, the new president will need all the smarts he can summon.
新总统要在美国和法国不同类型的右派政府之间取得平衡,他需要绞尽脑汁,尽心尽力。 yeeyan

As the thinking goes, symmetrical faces are then deemed beautiful; beauty is linked to confidence; and it’s a combination of looks and confidence that we often equate with smarts.
按照这一思路,匀称的脸被认为是漂亮;美貌与自信联系在一起;我们常常把美貌与自信的结合等同于聪明。 yeeyan

His success was the result of his unusual combination of technical smarts, strategic vision, flair for design and sheer force of character.
他的成就源于他在技术才能、战略远见、设计天赋以及纯粹的性格力量方面的非凡结合。 ecocn

How well someone can memorize notes is not an indicator of smarts.
背诵笔记的熟练程度,不是验证是否聪慧的指标。 yeeyan

In an economy that increasingly rewards intelligence, you'd expect college grads to pull ahead of the pack even if their diplomas signified nothing but their smarts.
在一个日益奖赏才智的经济体制下,你总会期望大学毕业生成为同龄人中的佼佼者,即使他们的文凭除了意味着其聪明外别无其他。 cri

Kids praised for their smarts, on the other hand, were easily discouraged.
另外一边,被表扬聪明的孩子,非常容易就垂头丧气了。 yeeyan

Leadership requires business smarts, people smarts, technical capabilities, but above all it is about power.
领导者需要商业智慧、人力智慧和技术能力,但首先它需要权力。 yeeyan

Not sure how it deals with partitioning unless there are some smarts built-in to deal with hot swapping.
目前并不能确定它是否能进行分区,除非其内置了处理热插拔的智能技术。 yeeyan

Perhaps the most effective defense, however, is for computer users to demonstrate some cyber street- smarts.
也许最有效的防御,然而,是电脑用户示范一些网络防御技巧。 yeeyan

Programmers have turned computers from extraordinarily powerful but fundamentally dumb tools, into tools with smarts.
程序员已经让电脑变成了相当强大的工具,虽然它不会说话,但它相当聪明。 yeeyan

Second, the PARC inventors had creative smarts.
第二,帕洛阿尔托研究中心的发明家拥有创造新的头脑。 yeeyan

The sharpest financial minds will up and quit, the argument goes, and take their smarts with them at the very moment they’re needed to re-engineer their companies and restart the economy.
最出色的金融精英们会奋而站起和退出,停止争论并同时把他们的聪明才智带走,在这个需要他们重建公司和重新启动整体经济的非常时刻。 yeeyan

There was also an element of strategic smarts at work.
也有工作中的战略型聪明人因素在里面。 yeeyan

This job requires more than your sales smarts.
你的这份工作需要销售技巧。 yeeyan

Unfortunately, that's not really saying much, since just about any CEO, executive, or entrepreneur you're likely to come across has the smarts to do the job.
不幸的是,并不是所有的人都那么出色,即使是那些 CEO,总裁,或者企业家都不一定有足够智慧去做好他们的工作。 yeeyan

We have the means to estimate the hazard and the smarts to design buildings to withstand those hazards-- those things are never the problem.
我们有评估地震危险的方法,也有设计抵抗这些危险的建筑的才智——这些都不是问题了。 yeeyan

When it comes to smarts, which is more important— nature or nurture, genetics or environment?
谈到智力,什么才是重要的影响因素——先天还是后天?基因还是环境? yeeyan

Why not take advantage of all their smarts for yourself?
因此,为何不利用他们的智慧? ibm

Yet another goofy phrase for a fairly simple idea, use the smarts of the browser to do work on the desktop instead of doing it all on the server.
关于这个简单思想的另一个比较有趣的说法就是:通过在桌面上实现浏览器的智能化工作来替代服务器中的全面处理。 ibm




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