

单词 bankrupt
释义 bank·rupt 英ˈbæŋkˌrʌpt, -rəpt美ˈbæŋkˌrʌpt, -rəptAHDbăngkʹrŭpt', -rəpt ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIMST宝八COCA¹³⁰⁵⁵BNC¹⁰²⁴¹iWeb¹²⁵⁷⁹Economist⁷¹³⁹


unable to pay one's debts


lacking in a particular desirable quality


person who is bankrupt

vt. 使破产,使枯竭,使极端贫困

make bankrupt or very poor

someone who has insufficient assets to cover their debts
financially ruined;

a bankrupt company

the company went belly-up

reduce to bankruptcy;

My daughter's fancy wedding is going to break me!

The slump in the financial markets smashed him

用作形容词 adj.
副词+~entirely bankrupt完全地失败morally bankrupt道德上败坏~+介词bankrupt in在…失败bankrupt of new ideas缺乏新意用作名词 n.形容词+~intellectual bankrupt知识贫乏者undischarged bankrupt未偿还债务的破产者
方振宇词汇奥秘bank=bench 长凳,原指商用的长凳或台板,最初是作为钱商的柜台+rupt破,断→钱商的柜台断了→生意破产了→破产的
bank=bench,长凳,工作台+rup断裂+t动词的过去分词后缀,=ed,在此用作动词和形容词后缀→折断摆放货币的长凳⇒使破产,破产的。非常记忆bank银行〖熟词〗+ru入〖拼音〗+pt葡萄〖拼音〗⇒倒闭的银行里进入了很多买葡萄的人联想记忆bank银行+rupt打破→银行里的账户被打破了→破产的谐音记忆音“办垮”⇒ 公司办垮了就破产bankrupt 词根记忆bank银行+ rupt断⇒破产的rupt折断的,货币商人如破产则砸碎凳子⌡近义词 spentfailedruinedexhaustedadj. broke反义词 wealthyadj. solvent
~+ n.This is a bankrupt foreign policy.这一外交政策已宣告失败。
S+be+~That plant was bankrupt because of mismanagement.由于经营不善,那家工厂破产了。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseIn her old age, she was bankrupt in reputation.她在老年时名声扫地。
He seemed to be bankrupt of hope and confidence.他似乎毫无希望和信心。用作名词n.The shopkeeper is bankrupt.那位店主破产了。
It will send him into bankrupt.这会使他破产。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.The cost of defending the libel action almost bankrupted the small magazine.为诽谤罪辩护的诉讼费几乎使这家小杂志社破产。
A nervous breakdown bankrupted him of courage to face society.精神的崩溃使他丧失了面对社会的勇气。Pbankruptcyn.破产Psemi-bankruptcyn.半破产状态




用作形容词If your liabilities exceed your assets, you may gobankrupt.如果你所负的债超过你的资产,你就会破产。
I wasbankruptand unable to pay his debts.我破产了,不能偿还他的债务。
He has been feeling low since he wentbankrupt.破产后他一直很消沉。
He believes that modern society is morallybankrupt.他认为现代社会已丧失道德观念。
The opposition attacked the government as morallybankrupt.反对党抨击政府道德沦丧。
He wasbankruptof original ideas.他毫无独创性的见解。
We arebankruptof earthly treasures.我们失去了尘世间的所有珍宝。用作名词He realizes thebankrupt's assets.他变卖破产者的财产。
Thebankrupthad made over all his property to his wife.这个破产者已把他所有的财产转让给了他的妻子。用作及物动词Foolish expenditures willbankrupthim.胡乱的花费将使他破产。
Replacing those machines now willbankruptus.现在要更换那些机器肯定会使我们破产。
Farmers grumble that their margins are so low that a bad year canbankruptthem.农民抱怨说他们利润太低,以至于一年歉收就足以导致破产。adj.unable to pay debts
同义词 broke,destitute,failed,insolventdepleted,exhausted,impoverished,lacking,lost,ruined,spentin Chapter 11,out of business,tapped out
反义词 rich,solvent,wealthy,restored,saved,successful,unused
bad offadjective down and out
busted,destitute,dirt poor,flat broke,impoverished,in need of,indigent,needy,poor,poverty-stricken
beggarnoun person in financial trouble
alms person,bankrupt,dependent,down-and-out,guttersnipe,indigent,mendicant,pauper,poor person,poverty-stricken person,street person,suppliant,vagrant,ward of state
breakverb weaken, cause instability
brokeadjective without money
bankrupt,beggared,bust,cleaned out,destitute,dirt poor,flat broke,impoverished,in Chapter 11,in debt,indebted,indigent,insolvent,needy,penniless,penurious,poor,ruined,stone broke,strapped,tapped out
closedadjective shut, out of service
bankrupt,dark,fastened,folded,gone fishing,locked,not open,out of business,out of order,padlocked,sealed,shut down
debtornoun purchaser
account,bankrupt,borrower,deadbeat,defaulter,mortgagor,risk,welsher At the same time, retailers are demanding that exporters show that they have strong balance sheets and will not go bankrupt before completing orders.
同时,零售商要求出口商显示他们有强劲的平衡资产负债表的能力和在完成业务前不会破产。 yeeyan

At the center of our government lies a bankrupt institution: Congress.
美国政府的中枢,有一个破产的机构:国会。 yeeyan

As the prices plunged, leading citizens found themselves bankrupt.
由于价格下跌,导致市民发现自己破产。 http://source.yeeyan.org

Barclays stepped in for DFC, a bankrupt New Zealand mortgage bank in 1989, replacing it as a counterparty for all its interest-rate swaps.
1989年巴克莱银行收购了一家破产的新西兰按揭银行―― DFC,,并将它作为自己所有利率掉期额的交易商。 ecocn

But we will not achieve that until we win our democracies back from overwhelming corporate influence, in pursuit of a bankrupt value system.
但除非我们从在追求一个破产的价值体系的压倒性的企业影响中赢回民主,我们将不可能有所成就。 yeeyan

Companies fear that, after they have invested billions in a plant, the political tide will turn once more and bankrupt them.
公司害怕,当他们对一个核电站投资了数十亿美元之后,政治潮流会再次逆转并使它们破产。 yeeyan

If businesses managed their money as carelessly as they manage their people, most would be bankrupt.
如果企业像对待人员一样粗心的管理资金,大多数都会破产。 yeeyan

In 1997, when overseas hot money fled as asset bubbles in these countries burst, some emerging- market countries, Thailand, for example, found themselves essentially bankrupt.
1997年,这些国家的资产泡沫破裂的时候,海外热钱纷纷逃离,某些新兴市场国家如泰国,发现自己基本上破产了。 yeeyan

In 2006, the government changed a draconian bankruptcy law that stripped some owners of bankrupt companies of their right to vote in elections or to start a new business.
2006年,政府改变了严苛的的破产法,根据旧法,破产的公司中的某些业主不能在选举中投票或重新开启一项新的业务。 yeeyan

In spite of the recession, the markets are telling them to either straighten out their problems or go bankrupt.
在衰退阴影之下,市场正在告诉他们,要么理顺自己的问题,要么走向破产。 yeeyan

Last Wish: That the clothing bills of his daughter, Princess Grace, not bankrupt the principality of Monaco.
遗愿:他女儿格蕾丝公主做衣服的花费不能使得摩纳哥公国破产。 putclub

Neither a lazy employee nor a bankrupt employer constitutes just cause.
员工懒散和雇主破产都不构成正当理由。 ecocn

The court adjudicated the company bankrupt.

The bankrupt had made over all his property to his wife.
这个破产者已把他所有的财产转让给了他的妻子。 kekenet

They thought we would to bankrupt, but we managed.

We must recover our losses immediately, or we shall be bankrupt.

When other countries see us bailing out companies that are going bankrupt, they lose trust in the dollar bill.
当其他国家看到我们保全那些快要破产的公司时,他们对美元就失去了信任。 yeeyan




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