

单词 bankrolling
释义 bank·roll·ing 英'bæŋkrəʊl美'bæŋkroʊl COCA⁶⁵³⁸⁰BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
a roll of currency notes often taken as the resources of a person or business etc.;

he shot his roll on a bob-tailed nag

provide with sufficient funds; finance;

Who will bankroll the restoration of the former East German economy?

近义词 roll卷pay支付fund基金back后面invest投资finance金融sponsor保证人subsidize给与补助金或奖助金…
That company is bankrolling our office party this year. Everything is free.

A few years ago most economists argued that the spectacle of poor countries bankrolling America's deficits was the perverse and unsustainable consequence of American profligacy.
在几年前,大多数经济学都认为,穷国资助美国赤字的壮观景象是美国人肆意挥霍所产生的不正常也不可持续的结果。 topsage

Despite bankrolling the GSEs, the Treasury has limited authority to overrule their regulator.
尽管财政部为两房提供了资金,但它制约联邦住房金融局的能力还十分有限。 renren

Even the American government is redrawing the boundaries between the state and the economy, or so goes the argument, with its Soviet-style bankrolling of ailing banks and carmakers.
就像争论所说那样,甚至连美国政府也在通过向境况不佳的银行和汽车制造商提供苏联式资金的方式,来重新划定国家与经济之间的界限。 yeeyan

In Brussels, for instance, it is bankrolling an industry group called ICOMP, which has lobbied the commission to look into these cases and counts Foundem among its members.
比如在布鲁塞尔,微软给一个名为 ICOMP的工业集团提供资金使其游说欧盟委员对这些案例进行调查, Foundem就是其中之一。 yeeyan

Officials tried to frame the red- shirt revolt as a power play by Thailand’s former prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, who has been accused of bankrolling the protests and inciting violence.
政府官员试着将泰国前总理他信•西那瓦作为红杉军反抗运动的始作俑者,他被指责为骚乱提供资金支持并且煽动暴力反抗。 ecocn

The family has wielded political influence, too, mostly bankrolling liberal causes.
与此同时,海默家族为一些南非的自由事业提供资助,在政界也有一定的影响。 ecocn

The rich businessman is accused of bankrolling the Hutu militias that committed the murders.
这位富有的商人被指控为凶手——胡图族军事武装提供资金。 yeeyan

There were notably few of the hard-knuckle African politicians who often run the interior or defence ministry or act as kingmakers, sometimes bankrolling rotten presidents.
在非洲存在少数的强硬派政治家,他们控制着国家命脉或国防部,政治力量雄厚-有时还要为软弱无能的总统提供资金。 ecocn

They are sometimes accused of bankrolling an ingrate—the American government—which says thanks by grumbling about the yuan.
他们有时被指责给那些忘恩负义的人提供资金——美国政府——通过职责人民币来到谢。 yeeyan

They have been bankrolling the opposition and helping to sustain the tens of thousands of protesters who have been camping out on the streets of Sana’a, the capital.
这些人为反对派提供资金支持,还帮助供养了数万名在首都街道上安营扎寨的示威者。 ecocn




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