

单词 smallness
释义 smallness 英'smɔ:lnis美'smɔ:lnis 高COCA⁴⁴³²¹BNC³⁵⁵⁷⁴iWeb³⁶⁶⁷²Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

the property of having a relatively small sizethe property of being a relatively small amount;

he was attracted by the smallness of the taxes

the property of having relatively little strength or vigor;

the smallness of her voice

lack of generosity in trifling matterssmall-ness名词后缀⇒n.小⁷³;贫乏¹⁰;小气¹²;弱小近义词 tininess极小pettiness琐碎minuteness微小compactness致密性littleness细小少量反义词 largeness巨大

用作名词Smallness is the antithesis of largeness.小是大的对立面。
The seed was extremely small, but in itssmallness, it contained the memory of the distant tree, and the memory of all trees.那粒种子非常非常的小,但是在精小之中却保留着对远方那棵树以及对整片树林的记忆。noun.littleness
同义词 narrownessbrevity,diminutiveness,minuteness,petiteness,scantiness,shortness,slightness,tininessatomity,dinkiness,infinitesimalness,small size,smallishness
inconsiderablenessnoun pettiness
immateriality,inconsequence,inconsequentiality,indifference,meanness,molehill,negligibility,negligibleness,nothingness,paltriness,trifling matter,triviality,trivialness,worthlessness
insignificancenoun unimportance
immateriality,inconsequence,inconsequentiality,indifference,meanness,molehill,negligibility,nothingness,paltriness,pettiness,smallness,trifling matter,triviality,worthlessness
negligibilitynoun pettiness
negligiblenessnoun pettiness
nihilitynoun nothingness
nonexistencenoun nothingness
nihility,nothing,pettiness,smallness,unimportance,worthlessness Her white gloves displayed the delicacy of the hand which toyed with the carved, Chinese ivory handle of a parasol, and her silken shoe outlined the smallness of her foot.
白手套显出一双细长的手,手里玩着一把中国象牙柄的遮阳伞,一双缎鞋衬托出她脚的秀气。 ebigear

The book’s subtitle is the less engaging “A Study of Economics as if People Mattered”, but it is more true to its content. For the book is not a paean to smallness.
书的副标题——“一本把人当回事的经济学研究”虽然没有那么引人注目,但是更贴近文章的内容,因为这本书不是赞美小的事物的。 ecocn

The next really important thing is the smallness of Judea.

When these poor creatures grow to be men, the millstones of the social order meet them and crush them, but so long as they are children, they escape because of their smallness.
这种可怜的小把戏,一旦成了人,几乎总要遭受社会秩序这个磨盘的碾压,但是,只要他们还是孩子,个儿小,就可以逃过。 ebigear

Due to the liabilities of newness and smallness, entrepreneurial firms usually fail to procure desired resources from formal and ritualized channels like more established corporations.
创业企业受到企业“新”和“小”等不利条件的影响,无法像大企业一样通过市场化和正规化的途径获得企业发展所需资源。 dictall

He hoped they would all excuse the smallness of the party, and could assure them it should never happen so again.
宾客这么少,希望小姐们见谅,并且向她们保证:以后决不会再发生类似情况。 kekenet

He was attracted by the smallness of the taxes.
他被那些小额税收吸引住了。 nciku

I think this sense of my own smallness is the best I have had to offer at this and many subsequent deathbeds.
这让她十分羞愧。 “我想,我为这位以及后来的临终病人所能提供的最好的东西就是我的这种微不足道。” ecocn

If, then, we see meanness and smallness in the people whom we meet, it would be well to ascertain if we ourselves are not causing such qualities to emanate from us.
如果我们在我们遇到的人身上看到了卑鄙和小气,那么,最好是确定一下我们自己是否没有使这些品质从我们这里散发出来。 yeeyan

It is not because of my smallness. It is because I do not like such kind of character.
这不是因为我小气,而是我不喜欢这样的人品性格。 ebigear

Julie certainly knew how catastrophic her smallness was. However, she also discovered the space where the rottenness of abuse could not reach her.
朱莉当然明白自己的渺小是多么的悲惨,她同时也发现了一个龌龊的虐待不可能伤害她的空间。 yeeyan

Rather, it was Gerald’s compact smallness that made him what he was, for he had learned early that little people must be hardy to survive among large ones.
更确切些不如说,正是杰拉尔德的矮小精干使他成为现在这样,因为他早就明白矮小的人必须在高大者中间顽强地活下去。 kekenet

Should you find yourself the victim of other people's bitterness, ignorance, smallness or in securities, remember, things could be worse. You could be one of them!

The so-called bigness and smallness, strength and weakness often depend on people's sense and habits.
所谓大与小,强与弱,很多时候都是依照人们的感官和习惯定论的。 blog.sina.com.cn

The mother could consider the weakness, smallness and beauty of life.
进而,这位母亲想到了脆弱、纤小以及生命的美丽。 yeeyan

The seed was extremely small, but in its smallness, it contained the memory of the distant tree, and the memory of all trees.
那粒种子非常非常的小,但是在精小之中却保留着对远方那棵树以及对整片树林的记忆。 iciba

Their courage is evident, but so is their smallness in the face of a vast and complex authoritarian system.
这些人勇气可嘉,但是在这庞大繁琐的机构面前,他们又是如此的微不足道。 yeeyan

This is a tightly planned little house. He often feels protected by its smallness; there is hardly room enough here to feel lonely.
这对于58岁的乔治来说不是那么的宽敞的房子,可也要感谢房子狭小的设计,没有多余的空间,好让乔治觉得不那么的孤单。 yeeyan

Well, they were honest eyes, he concluded, and in them was neither smallness nor meanness.
好了,他的结论是自己这对眼睛是诚恳的,其中没有小气和卑劣。 ebigear

You are trying to return to the other person their greatness, instead of focusing on their smallness.
你尝试把别人自己的伟大找还给他们,而不是关注于他们的渺小。 blog.sina.com.cn

Smallness also makes austerity a bit easier to stomach: everyone knows someone, or knows of someone, who has lost a job or taken a pay cut to keep one.
不过,小型经济体的紧缩措施对于个体的影响也更加明显:其中的每个人都直接或间接地知道,要保障一个人的就业就要牺牲另一个人的薪金甚至是工作岗位。 ecocn




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