

单词 small car
释义 small car smɔ:lkɑ: 短语²⁶⁴⁷³
A2008 study found that the megalodon shark had the most powerful bite of any known creature that ever lived— strong enough to crush a small car.
2008年的研究表示巨齿鲨的咬合力空前绝后——强大到甚至可以粉碎一辆汽车。 yeeyan

The Fiesta may set new class standards for refinement and handling, but it is still a small car and some industry observers fear that it may be too sophisticated for the market.
嘉年华或许重新定义了什么是精致和驾乘,但它依然只是一款小型车,有些业界观察家担心它对市场来说或许太过精巧。 ecocn

“ Although the small car gives me no dignity at all, it does give me convenience, ” he said.
他说:“虽然这辆小车没有我带来尊严,但是它确实给我提供了方便。” sdcate

I was in the backseat of a small car in remote western Yemen, traveling along with a man named Mohammed, who had offered to bring us to a particular village down the road.
当时我在也门西部偏远地区一辆小汽车的后座上,和一位名叫穆罕默德的男子同行,这名男子主动答应带我们去一个特定的沿路村庄。 yeeyan

Joint venture brand reputation, the price of its own brand, plus leading EMT transmission time for the new Chevrolet Sail small car in its class in the full competition.
合资品牌的名气、自主品牌的价格,在加上领先的 EMT变速箱时间,让雪佛兰新赛欧在同级别的小车中竞争力十足。 ihoo.1g1.zgasp.com

Man, who have already owned to like, and then envy a small car of the other people's extravagant life and the ocean building.
已经拥有了喜欢的男人,又羡慕着别人的锦衣玉食和洋房小车。 juqing360

Third, the axis and small car coordination and control strategy design and implementation.
三是主轴及小车协调控制策略设计与实现。 zhidao.wangchao.net.cn

This is a small car.
这是一辆小车。 blog.sina.com.cn




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