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词汇 small beer
释义 small beer ˌsmɔːlˈbɪər ☆☆☆☆☆高短语⁴⁴⁶⁹⁸

something of small importancesmall beer chronicle家事琐记,微不足道的…think small beer轻视自己chronicle small beer记载无足轻重的琐事…think no small beer of oneself妄自尊大
近义词 trifle琐事trivia琐事triviality琐事
用作名词He drank a whole pint of light beer.他喝了一整品脱淡啤酒。
One unit is roughly equialent to a glass of wine or asmall beer.一个单位的酒精粗略地等于一杯葡萄酒或一杯淡啤酒。
Various small matters preyed on my mind and robbed me of all peace.各种琐事使我感到烦恼,弄得我心神不宁。
Miss Ley would gladly have escaped an afternoon of small talk with the notabilities of Leanham.利小姐庆幸逃脱了同利恩哈姆那些名贵们一个下午的琐事闲谈。noun.weak beer
同义词 inferior beer
small changenoun trifling sum
chicken feed,coinage,coppers,peanuts,small beer,small potatoes Microsoft’s push into video gaming is small beer compared with its dominance of the global software industry.
相对微软在全球软件行业的霸主地位而言,进攻游戏领域只不过是它的一碟开胃小菜。 ecocn

The charges against Lee Kun- hee, the66-year-old chairman of Samsung, seem small beer compared with the accusations.
和其他指控相比,针对三星主席66岁的李健熙的就算不了什么了。 ecocn

The sums involved were small beer for a behemoth like GE.
涉及金额对财大气粗的通用来说不过是九牛一毛。 ecocn

Small beer compared with the cataclysm of a year ago— but enough to temper the holiday cheer.
这些同一年前的重大变动相比不值一提,但却足够压抑节日快乐心情的了。 ecocn

Even the dollar’s recent drop is small beer.
甚至美元在近期贬值也是微不足道的。 ecocn

He thinks he's a mainstay of the company, but he's really rather small beer.
他自以为是公司的台柱,但事实上他是个微不足道的人。 iciba

He thought he's wonderful, but he's reallyrather small beer.
他自以为了不起,其实算不了什麽。 hicoo

Industry analysts reckon that, at maximum capacity, tidal power could generate13 gigawatts nationwide, small beer compared with the35 gigawatts of wind generation that already exists.
产业分析师估计,潮汐能源最多能产13万千瓦的电量,相比已有风力发电的35万千瓦逊色不少。 ecocn

Next to Bernard L. Madoff and the sins of the subprime era, the supposed shenanigans of a few Chinese companies might seem like small beer.
于“庞氏骗局”和罪恶的次级贷款之后,这些中国公司的诈骗似乎微不足道。 yeeyan

One unit is roughly equivalent to a glass of wine or a small beer.
一个单位的酒精粗略地等于一杯葡萄酒或一杯淡啤酒。 dxy

Republicans dismiss this as small beer and remind the president that not just Reagan but John Kennedy pushed through economy-wide, broad-based tax cuts to stimulate the economy in a recession.
共和党人不赞同这种做法,认为这没有什么作用并提醒总统,不仅里根还有约翰•肯尼迪都曾通过全面经济和广泛的减税来刺激衰退中的经济。 ecocn

She thinks small beer of painters.
她看不起画家。 iciba

So, in the great scheme of the mathematical universe, the numbers being bandied about over the last few weeks are pretty small beer.
因此,在数学宇宙那浩瀚无边的海洋里,最近几周被信手拈来脱口而出的那些数字简直就是小巫见大巫,微不足道了。 yeeyan

That grant was pretty small beer, we shall need a lot more money.
那个回报太少了,我们需要更多的钱。 xmuer

That is hardly small beer.
那个确实是有点难。 ecocn

The actual demands set out in the document are small beer indeed.
文件中陈述的实际要求确实是无关紧要的。 iciba

Small beer perhaps.
也许是为她买过淡啤酒吧。 yeeyan




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