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词汇 smacking
释义 smack·ing 英ˈsmækɪŋ美ˈsmækɪŋAHDsmăkʹĭng 高COCA³⁰³²⁹BNC²⁶¹³²iWeb⁶¹¹¹⁶Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
the act of smacking something; a blow delivered with an open hand比喻用法。smack-ing动名词⇒adj.活泼的⁵²;令人爽快的¹²;发出轻爆声的n.掌掴声动词smack的现在分词形式.adj.活跃的;强劲的;极好的;啪地一声的;精力充沛的;精神勃勃的;兴旺的;尖锐的;发出大的声音的;轻快的_null.动词smack的现在分词形式近义词 slap侮辱hiding隐藏smack掌击声spanking拍击thrashing轻易击败…beating打
用作形容词The cabman went up to the soldier, flopped down on his knees, and gave asmackingkiss on his hand.马车夫走到军士跟前,双膝跪倒,吧的一声亲吻了军士的手。用作名词The child needs a goodsmacking.这孩子该好好打一顿。
He gave both of the children a goodsmacking.他把两个孩子都狠揍了一顿。as in.hitting
同义词 beatingclouting clubbingpunishing,slamming,slapping,thumping,whacking,whipping
hittingadjective striking
beatingclouting clubbingpunishing,slamming,slapping,thumping,whacking,whipping And regardless of the law, social changes seem to be making parents in rich countries cautious about smacking.
除法律规定外,社会变迁似乎使富裕国家的父母更为谨慎地运用体罚。 ecocn

The fish was barbecued Yemeni-style by slicing it in half, smacking the whole thing against the walls of a fire pit and baking it to a black crisp.
烤鱼用的是也门式的烤法,先把鱼剖成两半,然后把剖开的鱼在火炉壁上敲击,直到烤成焦脆。 yeeyan

While he was looking he heard about two inches from his ear someone smacking their lips like they had dry mouth and were preparing to speak.
忽然他听到在他耳边大概两英寸的地方,有人在吧唧着嘴,像是说话前要润润嘴巴似的。 kekenet

“ Social networking” itself is a disgusting phrase, smacking of ruthlessness and desperation.
“社交网络”本身就是一个侮辱性词汇,是搧在无情和绝望上的耳光。 yeeyan

An impressive, if not surprising, correlation between smacking one's teammate on the head and winning lots of games.
拍打队友头部与赢得更多比赛之间的关联,即便算不上出人意料,也让人印象深刻。 infoq

Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering, “ Shut up, all of you, just shut up!”
一边拍脑门一边做鬼脸,同时念叨:“闭嘴,你们都闭嘴!” yeeyan

Having used up my self-imposed smacking quota, I feel I need to progress to a strategy with rather more longevity.
我已经用完了自己打小孩的配额,我觉得我要寻找一种更长期的策略。 yeeyan

He races upfield, and just before smacking the ball into the net, tears off his shirt in a wild celebration.
他冲向前场,在将球射进球门前疯狂地扯下了自己的球衣。 yeeyan

However, I know of a couple of testers who love the head smacking animations so much that they let themselves get caught every time.
然而,我知道有一对夫妇就是通过这种方式来证明他们对彼此的爱,并且每一次都乐在其中。 yeeyan

If time is money, why waste it by continually smacking the snooze on your bedside alarm clock?
倘若时间就是金钱,为何要把时间浪费在你闹钟旁边打瞌睡呢? yeeyan

In the original version of the photoelectric effect, one photon kicks out one electron, like one pool ball smacking into another.
在光电效应的原始版本中,一个光子击出一个电子就像将一个池子里的球中拍打出一个。 yeeyan

In Europe, by contrast, smacking has nearly vanished from schools even in Britain and Ireland, where it was rife and the movement to stop parents and other adults hitting children is gaining ground.
而相反在欧洲,体罚几乎在学校里绝迹甚至是在体罚一度盛行的英国、爱尔兰,而且禁止父母及其他成人体罚儿童的风潮正呈上升之势。 ecocn

In poorer countries the thirst for beer is rising along with incomes, so buying local brewers is a lip- smacking prospect.
在较贫穷的国家,随收入增加对啤酒的渴望依然不减,因此收购本土酿酒商,还只是一个口头上的愿望。 ecocn

Kissing sounds, howling, and smacking lips.

Making kissing sounds, howling, and smacking lips.

Other scholars, such as Robert Larzelere of Oklahoma State University, defend the role of smacking in disciplining younger children, though he agrees that it is counter- productive for older ones.
其他一些学者,如俄克拉荷马州立大学的罗伯特·拉兹勒仍坚持体罚能教育小孩子的观点,但他也承认对于大一些的孩子来说体罚会产生反作用。 ecocn

She spins a wheel and listens to the clicking sound of a playing card smacking the spokes.
她摇动了车轮,用一张扑克牌卡在轮幅处,倾听扑克牌和轮幅相碰发出的滴答声。 yeeyan

Some conservatives feared that anything smacking of gay marriage would undermine“the real thing”.
有些保守人士害怕任何带有同性恋意味的事情都会暗中伤害“真正意义上的婚姻”。 ecocn

Sometimes an illness acts like a spiritual head smacking.
有时候一场患病真的能给人精神上的洗礼。 yeeyan

Stop smacking your lips and licking your fingers and snorting while you eat chips two feet away from me!
不要再咂你的嘴,舔你的手指,流你的鼻涕! 在你吃薯片时离我远点! yeeyan

These values will cause other types of inputs to be immediately recognized, such as bashing the keyboard in frustration or smacking the display case in abject disgust.
这些值将导致其他类型的输入被立即识别出来,例如猛击键盘或拍打显示器外壳。 ibm

They say dust particles may be flying off another moon, Phoebe, and are smacking into Iapetus's leading edge“ like bugs on a windshield.”
他们指出,尘埃颗粒可能飞离另一颗卫星——土卫九“菲比”并撞向土卫八的前缘,就像小虫子撞上汽车的风挡玻璃一样。 yeeyan

When she's at the sink she's jammed between the bed and the table, her body painfully curved sideways to avoid smacking her head on the sloped ceiling.
当她被床和桌子夹在中间动不了时,身体就得痛苦地弯向一边,以免把头撞到倾斜的天花板上。 yeeyan




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