

单词 slow pace
释义 slow pace sləupeis 短语³⁵⁴⁸⁸
He was expected to raise UN concerns about the slow pace at which some300,000 internally displaced Tamils held in camps since the defeat of Tamil Tiger rebels in May are being released.
在五月份释放了猛虎组织俘虏之后,仍有30万名泰米尔人民无家可归,只能在收容所中度日。 林恩认为这一进程太过迟缓,希望引起联合国的重视。 ecocn

Americans lament India’s slow pace in opening its retail, insurance and banking markets.
美国商人也对印度开放零售、保险、和银行市场动作缓慢表示失望。 ecocn

In China, the fruit and vegetable juice beverage industry has developed from almost the same start as the beverage industry, but at a relatively slow pace and in a manner of continuous exploration.
中国果蔬饮料业与整个饮料业几乎是同时发展,但发展缓慢,一直处于对市场的不断摸索阶段。 cnki

In the past, she says, the Senate has overhauled its rules dramatically only when under immense popular pressure, or when a big bipartisan majority gets fed up with the chamber's slow pace.
她说,在过去,只有当在巨大的公众舆论压力下或者两党都无法再忍受会议进程的迟缓时,参议院才会对其机制进行一次大规模的检修。 renren

It is precisely the small- town atmosphere and slow pace of life that appeal to the locals.
这的确正是小镇现在的气氛,搅乱了当地人宁静的生活。 yeeyan

President Bush says many people are frustrated by the slow pace of political progress in Iraq, and he understands that.

Some were disappointed by the slow pace of the withdrawal.
一些人对缓慢的撤兵觉得失望。 ecocn

The default is a3- button sequence at a rather slow pace.
默认的设置是由3个按钮组成的序列,而且亮灯速度非常缓慢。 yeeyan

Their funeral culture is particularly rich, and in Yi traditional culture it has deep roots, a long history from a remote origin, and a slow pace of change.
丧葬文化极其丰富,在彝族传统文化中具有底蕴深厚、源远流长而变异缓慢的特质。 cass




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