

单词 slower
释义 slow·er 英'sləʊə美sloə 高COCA¹¹³⁵⁴BNC⁸³⁹⁴Economist⁴¹³⁵
more slowlymodulus at slower deformation缓形变模量
用作形容词Please tell the driver to goslower.请叫司机开慢一点。
Based on that, players can expect to earn experience at a rate that is a bitslowerthan questing at the same level, for the same amount of time.所以,相同时间下,玩家在战场获得的经验会比做任务慢一点。adj.unhurried, lazy
同义词 easy,gradual,heavy,lackadaisical,leisurely,lethargic,moderate,passive,quiet,reluctant,sluggish,stagnantcrawling,creeping,dawdling,delaying,deliberate,disinclined,idle,lagging,loitering,measured,plodding,postponing,procrastinating,slackapathetic,dilatory,dreamy,drowsy,imperceptible,inactive,indolent,inert,laggard,leaden,listless,negligent,phlegmatic,ponderous,remiss,sleepy,slothful,slow-moving,snaillike,supine,tardy,torpid,tortoiselike
反义词 active,complex,complicated,energetic,enthusiastic,intricate,lively,movingbusy,cognizant,fast,hurried,intelligent,on cue,on time,quick,rapid,ready,smart,waitingadj.behind, late
同义词 tedious,stiff,gradual,tame,stagnant,low,moderate,sluggish,dulloff,slack,protracted,delayed,prolonged,down,reduced,lingeringbackward,belated,conservative,dead,dilatory,inactive,overdue,sleepy,tardy,uneventful,unproductive,behindhand,long-drawn-out,unprogressivetime-consuminghindered,impeded,detaineddraggy,long-delayed,unpunctual
反义词 on cuesmart,waiting,ready,quick,fast,busyactive,bright,wild,violentintelligent,cognizant,on time,rapid,hurriedlively,interesting,excitingadj.unintelligent
同义词 simple,limited,stupid,dumb,dulldimbackward,dense,dunce,imbecile,moronic,obtuse,thick,unresponsive,dimwitted,slow on the uptake
反义词 on cuewaiting,ready,quick,fast,busy,activesharp,bright,smartcognizant,on time,rapid,hurriedintelligent The database will be slower than the memory access, so two servers will not be twice as fast as one.
数据库访问比内存访问慢,所以两台服务器的处理速度达不到一台服务器的两倍。 ibm

“ I want to walk homeward, ” I said, but Hattie ignored this, starting on again, slower this time.
“我要面向回家走,”我说。但是海蒂并不理会,又迈开了步子,这次慢了些。 yeeyan

Although winds were slower and rainfall was lighter over land, the storm still caused substantial damage along coastlines.
尽管登陆时风速减慢、雨量减少,这场风暴仍然在沿海地方造成了相当的损害。 yeeyan

Authorization checking performed in this way will be somewhat slower than inline code, particularly when invoked through a separate process.
以这种方式执行的授权检查将比内联代码慢一点,尤其是在通过单独的进程来调用的时候。 ibm

Bigger code also means bigger disk I/ O to get the code off the disk at startup time, which means that your application starts slower.
更大的代码也就意味着在启动时从磁盘获取代码需要更大的磁盘 I/ O,这就意味着你的应用程序启动较慢。 infoq

Even when a program contains only a single thread running on a single processor, a synchronized method call is still slower than an unsynchronized method call.
即使一个程序只包括一个在单一处理器上运行的单线程,一个同步的方法调用仍要比非同步的方法调用慢。 ibm

However, in 2005, Miller and colleagues showed that when monkeys learn simple tasks, their basal ganglia are more active early in the process, followed by a slower activation in the prefrontal cortex.
然而2005年,米勒和他的同事表示,当猴子学习简单的任务时它们的基底核在这一过程的早期中非常活跃,接着是前额皮质的缓慢激活。 yeeyan

If those exports cannot be replaced by domestic demand, growth will be slower, but not massively so.
如果这些出口不能被国内需求代替,增长将会放缓,但也不放缓过慢。 ecocn

Let's wait up for the slower ones.

No one could make me do anything faster or slower than I wanted.
没有人能让我比我想要的更快或更慢地做任何事情。 yeeyan

Not only was he far slower than the average, but the pattern of his results was strange.
研究结果显示他的测试结果不仅远远慢于平均水平,而且其模式也十分奇怪。 ecocn

On Sundays, he runs15 miles at a pace that's30 seconds per mile slower than his marathon race pace.
在星期天,他用每英里30秒的速度一次跑15英里,这个速度比他的马拉松比赛速度要慢。 yeeyan

Since the lower regions of the cable are moving slower than the higher ones, a rising car will lag behind the orbiting anchor, causing a drag on the cable that could destabilize the entire assembly.
由于较低部位的电缆比较高部位的电缆移动慢,上升的电梯箱将落后于转动锚点,这样就会引起一个拖拽并可能进一步破坏整个装置的稳定。 yeeyan

So it makes sense that at this stage, we’re slower on those.
因此在这个阶段是有意义的,我们在那些方面是要慢上一些。 infoq

They think they can get it to move even slower, around two hundredths of a mile per hour.
科学家认为,他们可以使光行进得甚至比这更慢,达到每小时约二百分之一英里。 hjenglish

This approach does aid you in optimizing the system: the system runs slower only if the information were lost.
这种方法的确可以帮助您优化系统:只有在这些信息丢失时,系统运行速度才会减慢。 ibm

This is only partly because it would fly about 10% slower than today’s airliners.
这只是某种程度上的优势,因为它的速度比目前的班机要慢10%左右。 ecocn

While it may have a slower CPU, the Blackberry makes up for it with its office applications.
尽管它可能有一个较慢的中央处理器 CPU,黑莓以其办公室应用程序弥补了这一缺陷。 yeeyan

Yet, as a consultant, I have learned that it's best to release a stable but slower product early.
但是,作为一个顾问,我认识到提早发行一个稳定但较慢的产品是最佳选择。 ibm

Slower growth means lower tax revenues and, possibly, lower spending on health.
增长放缓意味着税收减少,卫生开支也有可能减少。 who




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