

单词 slovenly
释义 slov·en·ly 英ˈslʌvənliː美ˈslʌvənliAHDslŭvʹən-lē ☆☆☆☆☆高GISTCOCA⁵³⁶⁹⁰BNC³⁹⁸⁴⁰iWeb⁴²⁷⁷⁸

negligent of neatness especially in dress and person; habitually dirty and unkempt;

filled the door with her frowzy bulk

frowzy white hair

slovenly appearance

sloven,邋遢鬼,-ly,形容词后缀。词根记忆slov松开+en+ly…的→松松垮垮的→凌乱的slov松开+en-内ly…的→松松垮垮的⇒凌乱的近义词 messy散乱的seedy褴褛的sloppy肥大的shabby破旧的filthy污秽的sordid卑鄙的untidy不整齐的careless粗心的frowzy不整洁的frowsy不整洁的unkempt乱蓬蓬的disheveled凌乱的dishevelled散乱的slipshod穿塌跟鞋的反义词 neat整洁的

用作形容词He had no dealings with thoseslovenlyeasy riders.他不与那些不修边幅,到处闲荡的人打交道。
Better a bachelor s life than aslovenlywife.过光棍生活,胜过有一个邋遢老婆。
The dinner was served in aslovenlymanner.这顿饭潦草地开了出来。adj.dirty, disordered
同义词 bedraggled,botched,careless,dingy,disheveled,disorderly,dowdy,down-at-the-heel,frowzy,frumpy,grody,grubby,grungy,heedless,icky,loose,messed-up,messy,mussy,negligent,pigpen,raunchy,seedy,slack,slapdash,sleazy,slipshod,sloppy,tacky,topsy-turvy,unfastidious,unkempt,unthorough,untidy
反义词 clean,ordered,organized
bedraggledadjective unkempt
decrepit,dilapidated,dirty,disheveled,disordered,dowdy,drenched,dripping,faded,messy,muddied,muddy,run down,seedy,shabby,sloppy,sodden,soiled,stained,sullied,tacky,tattered,threadbare,untidy,wet
dirtiestadjective soiled, unclean
dirtyadjective soiled, unclean
disheveledadjective wrinkled, unkempt in appearance
bagged out,beat up,bedraggled,blowzy,dirty,disarranged,disarrayed,disordered,frowzy,grubby,messed-up,messy,mussed-up,mussy,ruffled,rumpled,scuzzy,slipshod,sloppy,slovenly,tousled,unbuttoned,uncombed,unfastidious,untidy,unzipped
disorderlyadjective messy, untidy
all over the place,chaotic,cluttered,confused,dislocated,disorganized,heterogeneous,indiscriminate,irregular,jumbled,mixed-up,out of step,out of whack,out-of-control,scattered,scrambled,slovenly,topsy-turvy,tumult,uncombed,undisciplined,unkempt,unmethodical,unrestrained,unsystematic,untrained
dowdyadjective poorly dressed;old-fashioned
antiquated,archaic,baggy,bedraggled,blowsy,bygone,dated,dingy,drab,dull,frowzy,frumpy,homely,moldy,old hat,out-of-date,outdated,outmoded,passé,plain,run down,scrubby,shabby,slatternly,sloppy,slovenly,stodgy,tacky,tasteless,unfashionable,unkempt,unseemly,unstylish,untidy,vintage,wrinkled We brush our teeth, wash our faces, bath every day, shrinking from exposing us as slovenly to others' eyes. However, the soul is totally neglected. It is buried too deep with accumulated dirt.
每日在洗脸,刷牙,洗澡,自己蓬头垢面的出门怕是无法见人,但我们的灵魂却从没被清洗,他被积淀的污垢已太深。 cmzx

Slovenly habits generate a byproduct of electromagnetic energy, from radio waves to X-rays, that illuminate the entire pig pen, masking what's going on.
惰性形成了一些电磁能副产品,从无线电波到 X射线,它们照亮了整个猪圈,而掩盖了正在发生的事情。 yeeyan

Better a bachelor's life than a slovenly wife.
过光棍生活,胜过有一个邋遢老婆。 putclub

But the majority of the omissions and corrections were prompted by a careful taste , which abhorred everything redundant or slovenly.
但是多数删减和校正都经作者仔细玩味而临时决定的,这一过程不可容忍任些微的累赘和草率。 blog.sina.com.cn

Chuang Tzu sought to live in a simple and plain life strictly, he pursued after little enjoyment of material. Hence, from his appearance, people thought he was slovenly.
庄子一直厉行简单朴素的生活,对物质享受,从不刻意追求。所以给人的印象难免有些邋遢与不修边幅。 blog.sina.com.cn

He's a scrawny, grey faced man, who looks half- starved, and he's always very slovenly in appearance.
他是个瘦骨棱棱,脸色发灰的人,活象没吃饱饭,外表总是非常邋遢。 kuenglish

He's always so down at heel; is he hard up or just slovenly?
他总是这么邋遢,是生活潦倒还是不修边幅? hotdic

If you appear slovenly, no one can really trust you.
如果你的外表邋遢,没有人会真正相信你。 topsage

Jack's habits are slovenly and like ill weeds grow apace.
杰克的习惯是不修边幅,这一习惯就像莠草一样总比庄稼长得快。 hotdic

Local legend has it he was disgusted with the lazy and slovenly ways of monks he encountered. So he studied animals and mimicked their movements to create exercises.
当地传说他对所遇僧侣懒惰散漫的生活方式深恶痛绝,于是他观察动物并模仿他们的动作,创造了这一锻炼。 blog.sina.com.cn

Local legend has it he was disgusted with the lazy and slovenly ways of monks he encountered.
当地的传说有,他厌烦了他遇到的和尚的懒惰的,邋遢的方式。 putclub

No slovenly, careless person can become a successful leader. Leadership calls for respect.
一个做事马虎、生性冷漠的人,不可能成为成功领袖。 ifeng

Obese people were also significantly more likely to be pictured from the side or rear, unclothed or in slovenly attire, eating unhealthy food and being lazy.
肥胖者也更有可能是从侧面或者后面进行拍照,没穿衣服或者穿着邋遢,吃着不健康的食物而且表现懒惰。 yeeyan

One reason: We figure there's still a chance our spouse will change his or her slovenly ways.
原因之一在于,我们总觉得自己的配偶还是有机会作一个清爽利落之人的。 blog.sina.com.cn

Perhaps the last, best example of the authentically slovenly politician is sitting in a prison cell in Rochester, New York.
要说政客中谁最不修边幅,大概要首推正在纽约罗彻斯特一所监狱中服刑的詹姆斯•特拉菲坎特。 ecocn

Showed no interest in things outside world, often alone in thought, life, lazy, slovenly;
表现为对外界事物不感兴趣,常独处沉思、生活懒散、不修边幅; liebiao

So when I take vacations, I'm not a slovenly person. I'll really enjoy take a nice long walk on the beach or do surfing.
所以如果我有假期,当然我不是闲散之人,我很享受在沙滩上漫步或者去冲浪什么的。 mtime

We can't produce products of high quality with such slovenly working habit.
这样马马虎虎的工作习惯决不能产出优质产品来。 kuenglish




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