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词汇 Slovakia
释义 Slo·vak·i·a 英sləʊˈvɑːkiːə, -ˈvækiːə美sloˈvɑkiə, -ˈvækiəAHDslō-väʹkē-ə, -văkʹē-ə 高Economist¹³⁸⁵⁰

a landlocked republic in central Europe; separated from the Czech Republic in 1993源自其主体民族Slovak斯洛伐克人。Slovak来自捷克语,等于英语中的slav斯拉夫人。5世纪时,斯拉夫人中的一支就从东方迁移至此,建立国家。历史上,斯洛伐克曾经与同由斯拉夫人建立的捷克分分合合,1993年再次脱离捷克而独立。
用作名词InSlovakia's case, the shift is now backwards.在斯洛伐克,现今这种转变是在倒退。
Slovakiais bidding for independence from Czech.斯洛伐克正在要求从捷克独立出去。 A first step is to end the discrimination that persists in many countries—such as Slovakia, where 60% of children in special schools are Romani.
不过,第一步是要消除许多国家都存在的歧视问题。以斯洛伐克为例,该国特殊教育学校中60%的孩子是罗姆人。 ecocn

After three years in government the party’s only achievement is poor relations with Hungary and with Slovakia’s ethnic Hungarians.
该党三年在野却毫无政绩,还换来了与匈牙利和斯洛伐克的少数匈牙利人的紧张关系。 ecocn

Explicitly racist parties come and go in some parliaments; in Slovakia, one is in the government. But in no country over the past20 years have they gained full political power.
有种族主义色彩的政党间或进入一些国家议会,在斯洛伐克还参加了政府,但没有一个能在过去20年内全面掌权。 ecocn

In February2008 the head of a car- parts factory was seized after workers realised that he was planning to move the operation to Slovakia.
2008年2月,一家汽车零部件生产厂的老板遭到劫持,因为工人们得知他打算将生产活动转移到斯洛伐克。 ecocn

The adoption of the euro by such new members as Slovenia, Slovakia and now Estonia was a reminder of their dwindling influence.
欧元区的新成员斯洛文尼亚,斯洛伐克以及现在的爱沙尼亚日渐削弱的影响力是一个提醒。 ecocn

The disruption of supplies also spread to Italy, Austria, Slovakia, the Czech republic, Hungary and Slovenia as well as Poland.
供应的中断也蔓延到意大利奥地利、斯洛伐克、捷克、匈牙利、斯洛文尼亚以及波兰。 yeeyan

The other popular sport which has a long history in the country is the ice- hockey. The first official international tournament for ice hockey was held in Slovakia in1929.
其他具有较长历史的流行运动项目是冰上曲棍球,第一个正式的国际冰上曲棍球联赛于1929年在斯洛伐克举行。 ebigear

Before they took over, the country was run by a populist, Vladimir Meciar, whose misrule led Madeleine Albright, America’s then secretary of state, to call Slovakia a black hole in 1997.
在他们掌权之前,执政的是平民主义者弗拉基米尔•梅恰尔,他施行暴政,以致1997年美国时任国务卿奥尔布赖特将斯洛伐克称为黑洞。 ecocn

Her fiction and nonfiction appears in magazines in Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
她的小说和写实文学刊登在捷克斯洛伐克的杂志上。 yeeyan

In Europe only Norway, Slovenia and Slovakia have avoided a similar fate, although Moody’s reckons these countries are on the brink of a downturn.
在欧洲,只有挪威、斯洛文尼亚和斯洛伐克得以逃脱危机,不过穆迪认为这些国家也只是在崩溃边缘挣扎。 yeeyan

In Romania and Slovakia attempts to reform the judiciary have stalled.
在罗马尼亚和斯洛伐克,司法体制改革也已经停滞。 ecocn

In Slovakia, for example, several newspapers and magazines have just started using a shared- payment scheme that operates at a national level.
例如,在斯洛伐克一些报纸和杂志已经开始在国家层面上使用过一个共享支付的计划。 ecocn

It borders Germany and the Czech Republic to the north, Slovakia and Hungary to the east, Slovenia and Italy to the south, and Switzerland and Liechtenstein to the west.
它与德国接壤,北面是捷克共和国,斯洛伐克和匈牙利在其东面,斯洛文尼亚和意大利在其南面,瑞士和列支敦士登在它的西面。 ebigear

It borders Russia to the northeast, Belarus to the north, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary to the west, Romania and Moldova to the southwest and the Black Sea to the south.
东北部是俄罗斯,北接白俄罗斯,西面与波兰,斯洛伐克和匈牙利接壤,西南邻国是罗马尼亚和摩尔多瓦,南边是黑海。 ebigear

That will lower the costs of compliance, but it also means that the desired emissions cuts may take place in Spain or Slovakia instead of Norway.
那将降低遵守政策法规的成本,但这也同样意味着预计的减排能在西班牙或斯洛伐克得到好的效果,而不是挪威。 ecocn

The Netherlands, Slovakia and Austria have also expressed reluctance on the issue.
荷兰、斯洛伐克和奥地利在这个问题上也有不情愿的表示。 yeeyan

The acting British ambassador to Slovakia is now actually two people: a husband and wife who share the job on a four- month rotation.
现今代理英国驻斯洛伐克大使实际上是两个人:丈夫与妻子每四个月一次轮换,共同担任该职。 ecocn

The British minority in Slovakia may not be quite as big as the Hungarian one, but it has its quirks too— such as playing cricket.
在斯洛伐克的英国少数民族可能不像匈牙利人那么多,但他们还是有自己的癖好,例如打板球。 ecocn

Through its subsidiaries it has around a quarter of the retail markets in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania.
它的子银行占据了捷克共和国,斯洛伐克和罗马尼亚约四分之一的零售市场份额。 ecocn

To focus on countries where Carrefour is doing well, they pulled out of Japan, Mexico, South Korea, the Czech Republic and Slovakia and may yet sell subsidiaries in Portugal, Switzerland and Thailand.
为了把资源集中在家乐福业绩良好的国家,他们撤出了日本、墨西哥、韩国、捷克共和国和斯洛伐克,还可能出售葡萄牙、瑞士以及泰国的分公司。 ecocn

Slovakia, which depends on Russia for all its gas, has declared a state of emergency, forcing big energy users to cut consumption— including its flagship foreign carmakers.
所有燃气都依靠俄国的斯洛伐克已宣布进入紧急状态,逼迫能源大户减少用量,其中包括一些国外的旗舰汽车制造商。 ecocn




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