

单词 slouching
释义 slouch·ing 英'slaʊtʃɪŋ 高COCA⁴⁴⁸³⁴BNC⁶⁴³⁶⁷
动词 slouch:
assume a drooping posture or carriagewalk slovenlyslouch没精打采的样子…
用作形容词Slouching gives a bad impression and having a bad hand posture will be counter-productive to your practice.没精打采的给人印象不好,错误的手型会给你的练习带来反作用。 A moment was allowed for the first thrill to subside, then Hugo, the villain, stalked in with a clanking sword at his side, a slouching hat, black beard, mysterious cloak, and the boots.
第一阵高潮过后,歹徒雨果阔步上常他嘴上蓄着黑胡子,头上歪戴着一顶帽子,脚踏长靴,身披神秘外衣,腰间佩一把当啷作响的宝剑。 kekenet

There is a general worry that the required emissions cuts will be harder than expected to find, pushing up the cost of the permits and thus flattening an already slouching economy.
普遍的担忧是,随着排放许可价格的增高,并由此打击已经疲软的经济,要求的减排量将会比预期的更难达到。 ecocn

Also, recognize that putting your hands in your pockets encourages slouching, which isn't good.
同样的,你要意识到将手插入口袋会使你更加懒散,这并不是好事。 yeeyan

First off, both people have to sit off to the side of the display, which can cause leaning, slouching, and twisting to get into a position to both see and type.
首先,两个人都并非正对显示器,而是偏向显示器的边缘,在敲打键盘或观察显示器时,将会引起相互倚靠、懒散及扭头等情况的发生。 infoq

If you've been running a certain way for years, it's tough to break bad running habits such as slouching, keeping your head down, running on your toes, or swinging your arms across your chest.
如果你以某种瑕疵的姿势跑了许多年,要改变这些坏的跑步习惯是很困难的,比如:懒散、闷头跑、用脚尖跑或者胸前摆臂。 yeeyan

In emerging economies, too, greater prosperity means people are eating more and slouching behind desks instead of sweating in fields.
在新兴经济体,日渐膨胀的经济繁荣意味着人们吃得多,也懒得多:他们宁愿在办公桌前懒散地闲坐着,也不愿在运动场上挥洒汗水。 ecocn

Look at your favorite movie stars and athletes, do you see them slouching, shoulders rounded, back curved?
看看你所喜爱的电影明星和运动员们,你可曾见过他们蔫儿不啦叽、耷拉着双肩、弓着背的样子? ebigear

Notice how you feel in this moment, right now. Notice your mood, your energy levels, how your body feels, if you are frowning or slouching. Change nothing. Simply observe.
注意你此刻的感觉。如果你正在发愁或无精打采,那么注意你的心情,你的精力,以及你身体的感觉。什么也不要改变。就保持这个样子。 oloog

Notice your mood, your energy levels, how your body feels, if you are frowning or slouching.
如果你正在发愁或无精打采,那么注意你的心情,你的精力,以及你身体的感觉。 yeeyan

Try to keep a tall natural posture without slouching.
尽量保持上体自然的姿式。 yeeyan

When it comes to posture, your mother did know best. Her frequent reminders to stand up straight and stop slouching were good advice.
一提起身体姿势,妈妈总是知道得最多,她不厌其烦地提醒你要站直、别懒懒散散的,而这些都是正确的建议。 www.3tedu.com

While there are signs that China is slouching toward acceptance of homosexuality, no one will mistake any of the country’s metropolises for San Francisco anytime soon.
从中国对同性恋接受度的消极态度来看,这里的任何一个大都市都不可能在短时间内成为美国的旧金山。 yeeyan

While there are signs that China is slouching toward acceptance of homosexuality, no one will mistake any of the country's metropolises for San Francisco anytime soon.
当中国已经开始慢慢显现接受同性恋的迹象时,很快便不会有人把任何本国的大都市错当成旧金山了。 yeeyan

You may be slouching because you're tired, but people may read it as a sign that you're not interested.
当你弓背,这可能由于疲劳,但人们从中获得的信号是你缺乏兴趣。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Slouching in your chair, or walking with your shoulders slumped over does not create the image of a powerful man.
没精打采的坐在椅子上,或者是走路的时候肩膀往下落,都不会给别人留下强壮的印象。 cnpua

Slouching into a nearby chair, I found myself questioning the nature of our relationship, how uneasy I became when Nick gave me everything I supposedly wanted.
没精打采的坐在旁边的一个椅子上,我发现我自己居然在质疑我们恋爱关系的本质。尼克给了所有我可能想要的,我却很不舒服。 yeeyan

Slouching causes all sorts of problems with instrument holding position, and bow position.
伛原因各种各样的问题,文书举行的立场,并鞠躬立场。 violiner

Slouching not only makes you look less attractive, it can also affect your health.
没精打采不仅使你看起来缺乏吸引力,而且影响你的健康。 yeeyan

Slouching not only makes you look older than you are, it also leads to a huge drop in energy by decreasing your oxygen intake.
没精打采的坐着不仅让您看起来比实际年龄大,也会导致氧气摄入量减少而使精力大幅衰退。 yeeyan

Slouching or rolling your shoulders forward shortens your chest muscles and reduces their flexibility.
肩膀低垂或是内旋会使胸肌缩短并且弹性降低。 kekenet




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