

单词 slopping
释义 slop·ping 英s'lɒpɪŋ美s'lɒpɪŋ COCA⁷⁹¹⁰⁹BNC³⁹⁸³⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

名词 slop:
wet feed especially for pigs consisting of mostly kitchen waste mixed with water or skimmed or sour milkdeep soft mud in water or slushusually plural waste water from a kitchen or bathroom or chamber pot that has to be emptied by handusually plural weak or watery unappetizing food or drinkwriting or music that is excessively sweet and sentimentalWater wassloppingaround in the bottom of the boat.水在船底晃晃荡荡的。
Why do some children likesloppingaround in puddles?为什麽有些儿童爱在水坑里泼水玩?
The tea slopped into the saucer.茶溢出流到茶托里了。 B is a thinker, he does not speak often in class, but when he does articulate his ideas, he is careful, precise and intelligent. No slopping thinking for him.
他是个思想者,课堂上并不经常发言,而一旦他表达自己的想法,他仔细,精确和睿智。思路清晰,毫不含糊。 blog.sina.com.cn

In order to improve this condition, the designer suggests to arrange the slopping sill in bend chute, and through the hydraulic model test, the effect is proved good in improving water.
为改善水流条件,提出了在陡槽弯道段底板布置斜底槛以消减冲击波的方案,通过水工模型试验表明,设计斜底槛能有效改善弯道水流流态。 dictall

Slopping- lifted probes plate design is optional for easy maintenance and re- wiring on field.
针板可做为掀起式,以方便维修和配线修改。 www.kaiyun.net.cn

According to analysis of jet characteristics and degree of slopping, the swirl- flow oxygen lance can satisfy the need of slag splashing for furnace protection and improve metallurgical results.
从冲击动力、喷溅量和流股特性等方面分析了旋流喷头的优点,认为可达到溅渣护炉的要求,并能提高溅渣的均匀性和效果。 cnki

Already there are reports of workers slopping about in radioactive water wearing leaky boots.
早已有报道称,该公司员工穿着漏靴在放射源污染的水域中游荡预算不足,没有物资。 renren

Black carbon slopping over India’s bathtub rim represents a threat to Asia’s high glaciers.
“黑碳”喷发于整个印度这个澡盆的边沿,这代表着对亚洲高地冰川的威胁。 ecocn

Furthermore, with the increase of the total altitude gaps of hills, the maximum inverse temperature gaps decreased when the drop-join and grades of slopping fields were not changed.
当排汇比和坡度相同时,最大逆温差值随山坡的总高度差的增大而减小。 zgnyqx.ieda.org.cn

Given the slopping nature of eucalyptus wooded site and the large volume and scale of the required warehouse spaces, the program is partly submerged so that it does not harshly impose on site.
鉴于场地的斜坡特性,巨大的体量及所需仓库空间的规模,项目部分被半埋在地里,以减少对场地的影响。 julemei

In2010 the westward slopping of cooler water across the tropical Pacific, a phenomenon called La Niña, made itself felt on weather around the world.
在2010年,向西的凉流经过热带太平洋的时候,引发了一种现象,叫拉尼娜现象,影响了世界各地的气候。 ecocn

Raise cotton region development strategy in connection with cotton production strategy slopping toward Xinjiang.
在系统思想指导下,针对新形势下新疆棉区的生产情况,提出了区域发展和生产对策。 dictall

Shake the bottle gently and you can hear the spirits slopping about.

Similar uncertainties dog predictions about the great slopping of warmth back and forth across the Pacific known as El Niño and other climatic oscillations.
对厄尔尼诺横跨太平洋的暖流和其他气候变化的预测往往尾随着相似的不确定性。 ecocn

Using the diagram of sound level slag-forrning, we can know clearly when the slag is slopping, drying and being normal during the slag-making process of converter.
利用音乎化渣图象可以清晰地看出在转炉造渣过程中何时发生喷溅,何时发生炉渣返干和何时化渣正常。 cnki

Usual phenomena of the seismic damage are cracking, slopping and Collapsing of buildings.
常见的震害现象是建筑物开裂、倾斜和倒塌。 cnki

We were then ushered down a slopping narrow passage.
我们接下来被引导下一个往下的通道。 hoolee8




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