

单词 sloppy
释义 slop·py 英ˈslɒpiː美ˈslɑpiAHDslŏpʹē ★☆☆☆☆高四GIT宝八COCA¹³⁷⁴⁹BNC¹⁷⁹⁶⁰iWeb¹¹⁰²²Economist¹⁶⁷⁷⁴

lacking neatness or order;

a sloppy room

sloppy habits

wet or smeared with a spilled liquid or moist material;

a sloppy floor

a sloppy saucer

of soil soft and watery;

the ground was boggy under foot

a marshy coastline

miry roads

wet mucky lowland

muddy barnyard

quaggy terrain

the sloughy edge of the pond

swampy bayous

not fitting closely; hanging loosely;

baggy trousers

a loose-fitting blouse is comfortable in hot weather

excessively or abnormally emotionalmarked by great carelessness;

a most haphazard system of record keeping

slapdash work

slipshod spelling

sloppy workmanship

slop,泥浆,-y,形容词后缀。引申比喻义马虎的,草率的。sloppy Joe宽大套衫; 炒牛肉酱…sloppy heat冷熔
GRE红宝书slopv 溅; n 泥汤, py-溅一身泥汤-邋遢snoppy特别sloppy
来自slop 泥浆,溅出,罩衣;slope 斜坡音:斜楼坡,斜的上楼的坡 土坡是脏的,泥泞的;
slop溅出,弄脏+p y→弄脏的
GRE难词记忆sloppy→slopp=slop 脏水, 污水+y→满是污水的→乱糟糟的词根记忆slop溅出;弄脏+ py ⇒弄脏的→邋遢的词根记忆slop溅出;弄脏+ py ⇒弄脏的⇒邋遢的近义词 wet湿的black黑的dirty脏的mucky粪的poor可怜的miry泥泞的messy散乱的muddy泥泞的dowdy过时的slack松弛的corny谷类的baggy袋状的slushy融雪的filthy污秽的shoddy劣质的quaggy沼地的chaotic混乱的boggy似沼泽的sloughy泥泞的soggy湿而软的careless粗心的untidy不整齐的slapdash草率的romantic浪漫的marshy沼泽般的swampy沼泽似的negligent疏忽的haphazard偶然的soppy浑身湿透的disheveled凌乱的disordered混乱的sentimental感伤的squashy容易压坏的slovenly不修边幅的slipshod穿塌跟鞋的schmaltzy过分伤感的loose-fitting宽大的waterlogged浸满水的bedraggled全身泥污的overemotional多愁善感的

用作形容词At home I tend to wear bigsloppyjumpers and jeans.在家里我喜欢穿宽大的套衫和牛仔裤。
I can't decipher hissloppyhandwriting.我无法辨认他那潦草的字迹。
She lectured him on hissloppydemeanor.她谴责他那种草率的态度。
I hatesloppyromantic films.我讨厌那些庸俗伤感的爱情片。adj.messy
同义词 awkward,careless,clumsy,dirty,mediocre,muddy,poor,wetbedraggled,botched,dingy,disheveled,inattentive,not clean,slapdash,slipshod,slovenly,sludgy,slushy,splashy,tacky,unkempt,unthorough,untidy,watery
反义词 adroit,clean,clever,dexterous,graceful,superiorneat,orderly,tidy
bedraggledadjective unkempt
decrepit,dilapidated,dirty,disheveled,disordered,dowdy,drenched,dripping,faded,messy,muddied,muddy,run down,seedy,shabby,slovenly,sodden,soiled,stained,sullied,tacky,tattered,threadbare,untidy,wet
carelessadjective without sufficient attention
cursoryadjective casual, hasty
brief,careless,depthless,desultory,fast,half-assed,half-baked,haphazard,hit or miss,hurried,offhand,passing,perfunctory,quick,random,rapid,shallow,short,sketchy,slapdash,slight,sloppy,speedy,summary,superficial,swift,uncritical
dirtiestadjective soiled, unclean
dirtyadjective soiled, unclean
disheveledadjective wrinkled, unkempt in appearance
bagged out,beat up,bedraggled,blowzy,dirty,disarranged,disarrayed,disordered,frowzy,grubby,messed-up,messy,mussed-up,mussy,ruffled,rumpled,scuzzy,slipshod,sloppy,slovenly,tousled,unbuttoned,uncombed,unfastidious,untidy,unzipped Girls at Tewkesbury School in Gloucestershire could be forced to wear trousers as part of a move to stamp out sloppy dress.
格洛斯特郡图克斯伯里学校的女学生被迫穿裤子作为消除邋遢服装的一项措施。 hxen

Just once, history could have given her father a sloppy hug.
历史本可能给她父亲一个更草率的拥抱。 yeeyan

The damage that America’s diplomatic service has suffered is partly the result of sloppy practices.
美国外交部门所遭受的折磨很大程度上是马虎的工作习惯造成的恶果。 ecocn.org

“ We will remain in a very sloppy bottoming process,” says Stuart Schweitzer, global market strategist for the JPMorgan Private Bank in New York.
“我们将仍然处在一个非常泥泞的谷底过程中,”纽约的 JP摩根银行全球市场战略家斯图尔特·施韦策说。 yeeyan

Any obvious bugs are an indication that early cycle developer testing was inadequate or sloppy.
任何明显的缺陷都是早期开发工程师测试不充分或粗心大意的表现。 yeeyan

But their arguments about the innate differences between men and women are sloppy and counterproductive.
但是,她们那些关于男女先天不同的论调是草率而具反效果的。 ecocn

Embroidery calls for great care. There must not be even a single sloppy stitch.

I guess the point is that rich countries can get sloppy and foolish too.
我想原因在于,富有的国家也会变得草率而愚蠢。 yeeyan

In fact, much of the recent hand- wringing about widening inequality is based on sloppy thinking.
事实上,最近关于不公加剧的绝望都是基于草率思考的结果。 ecocn

Naturally, they will have plenty of white space, and so without that grid, a minimalist design would feel disconnected and sloppy.
一般的,设计会留有足够的空白,所以如果没有这种网格,一个简约的设计会让人感到截断的和草率的。 yeeyan

Presenting a sloppy or confusing executive summary is like going to a loan interview in a dirty old pair of shorts, or even worse.
呈递上一份马虎或令人不解的执行概要,就像穿着一条又脏又旧的短裤去面谈贷款事宜,或者甚至更加糟糕。 examw

Some people think girls with a more androgynous style are just sloppy or lazy, but many of them care just as much about their appearance as other girls.
一些人觉得中性风格的女生都很邋遢或什么都不讲究,但是很多中性美女和其他女孩一样很在意自己的外表。 iciba

The actress disillusioned her fans by her sloppy play.

The book is marred by some sloppy mistakes: it is goitre, not gout, that leads to a swollen neck and Guatemaladoes not have a federal government, for example.
这本书被一些草率的错误损坏了:例如,是甲状腺而非通风导致颈部肿胀;危地马拉并没有联邦政府。 ecocn

The industry was fat and happy, doing sloppy things while churning out garbage and making tons of money.
这一行是块肥肉而且运气好,在粗制滥造垃圾并且大把挣钱的同时却草率从事。 yeeyan

These errors nearly always indicate sloppy programming, so if it's your code, you should clean them up anyway.
这些错误一般情况下只是表明编程草率,所以如果这是您的代码,您把它们清除掉即可。 ibm

They were greedy and sloppy, but the tree is unfazed. It promptly refills pawed- over flowers with a fresh supply of nectar and nudges other blooms to unfold.
猴子们既贪吃又马虎,但树们不会计较太多,它们很快又用新鲜的花蜜将猴爪翻过的花朵重新灌满,另外再新开了一批花朵。 yeeyan

This is one of my biggest complaints about Microsoft simply because it just seems like sloppy design.
这是我对微软最大的抱怨,因为它看起来就像设计得很草率。 yeeyan

To put the kindest interpretation on his financial dealings, he has been naive and sloppy, not the best qualities for looking after Africa’s biggest economy.
为了给他的金融交易给出合理的解释,他显得天真和草率,这都不是管理非洲最大经济体的良好品质。 ecocn

When meeting women, being sloppy means getting shot down.
在与女士见面的时候,草率意味着出局。 hjenglish

When your clothes look sloppy, so do you.
如果你的衣服看起来邋遢,那么你也一样。 hxen




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