

单词 slope protection
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The application of seeding spraying technology in vegetation restoration and slope protection project was researched by simulated experiment in Lab and engineering practice.
通过室内模拟试验和具体工程实践应用,研究了绿化喷播技术在植被恢复和护坡工程中的应用。 cnki

The landless vegetation slope protection of tailing dams is a new technology in our country.
尾矿库坝坡无土植被护坡在国内是一项新兴的技术。 cnki

The slope protection with vegetation is to stabilize slope and protect slope surfaces according to the mechanisms of conservation of both moisture and soil with vegetation.
植被护坡就是利用植被涵水固土的原理来进行边坡加固及坡面防护。 dictall

Concrete slope protection is broadly used in hydropower engineering for its stability is good and its construction is simple.
混凝土护板与其它护面型式相比,具有自身稳定性好、施工简单等优点。 cnki

Monitoring was carried for a slope protection project in highway to survey the soil and water conservation effects through bioengineering techniques for slope protection.
对高速公路生态护坡工程开展试验观测,研究探讨生态护坡技术的水土保持效应。 dictall

Plant slope protection for river dike is a newly developed dike slope protection technology.
河道堤防植物护坡技术,是国内外新兴的堤防护坡技术。 cnki

The project was handed to the team from Dongxiang and included railway beds and bridges, culverts and slope protection.
这项包含铁路路基、桥梁、涵洞、护坡的工程就交到了东乡人团队的手中。 yeeyan

Therefore, the idea that applying the technology of protecting slope by vegetation and the method of designing landscape on slopes is consistent with the development of slope protection.
因此,在边坡工程中采用植被护坡技术并进行景观设计,符合边坡治理的发展趋势。 fabiao




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