

单词 slivers
释义 sliv·er·s 英'slɪvəʳ美'slɪvər COCA³¹⁹³⁹BNC³¹⁸⁸⁸Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
a small thin sharp bit or wood or glass or metal;

he got a splinter in his finger

it broke into slivers

a thin fragment or slice especially of wood that has been shaved from something
divide into slivers or splintersbreak up into splinters or slivers;

The wood splintered

form into slivers;

sliver wood

card sliver粗梳条子sliver lap machine条卷机sliver reversing drawer棉条反向并条机…asbestos sliver石棉条root sliver块根切碎机sliver spinning machine条子直接纺纱机…
近义词 shave刮layer层slice薄片flake薄片paring削皮shaving剃须crumbC碎屑splinter尖碎片shard陶器或玻璃等的碎片…

用作名词Asliverof glass nicked my hand.一片玻璃扎了我的手。
Cut me just a smallsliverof cheese.给我切一小片干酪吧。
Theslivermust therefore be attenuated.因此,必须要拉细条子。
Eightsliversare drawn together to produce the drawnsliver.八根梳棉条并合在一起被牵伸成熟条。用作动词The glasssliveredwhen it fell.玻璃杯掉在地上摔碎了。 The cleaning should not be done with steel wool, because of the likelihood of leaving small slivers of the steel or oil in the joint.
不应该用钢丝绒进行清理,因为细小的钢丝绒长条可能会残留或被油污粘在连接部位。 h6688

“ Where did you say you put those wooden traps?” he asks the next morning as we survey the foil wrappers and slivers of uneaten chocolate littered across the floor.
“你把木头鼠夹放哪儿了?”第二天早上当我们收拾仔细查看撒在地板上的巧克力碎渣和包装时凯文问我。 blog.sina.com.cn

Burrs, slivers, scabs and weld spatter visible following blasting shall be removed and the area re-blasted.
喷砂之后,应当除掉明显的毛刺、裂片、瑕疵和焊渣并对此处再次喷砂。 www.1x1y.com.cn

Create a breakfast trail mix of Cheerios, raisins, and mixed nuts or almond slivers.
制作一条混合着保健麦片,葡萄干,坚果或者杏仁的早餐条。 yeeyan

Many drowned at birth after slipping or being tossed from small slivers of ice.
许多刚出生的小海豹由于“失足”或因小碎冰块的颠簸碰撞而跌入水中溺亡。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, stack the kale leaves in bunches and cut crosswise into slivers.
与此同时,把羽衣甘蓝堆成束,切成薄长条。 yeeyan

Remove all slivers and burrs left cutting the tube, by reaming and filing, both inside and outside.
通过内外铰锉,将遗留在管道切割口的长条和毛刺清除掉。 h6688

Surface imperfections, such as slivers, scabs, burrs, weld splatter, and gouges, shall be removed by grinding.
表面瑕疵,例如碎片,烧痕,焊渣,砂眼应用磨光机打磨。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Kyoto University researchers hope to be able to repeat their success using slivers of skin as starting material, allowing men to father children that are genetically their own.
日本京都大学的研究者们希望可以复制他们的成功经验,以皮肤组织为原始材料,让男性拥有自己的亲生孩子。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

There are physicists who work in dingy basements, following electron movements through slivers of metallic crystal or spending hours watching the swirling patterns in vats of liquid helium.
有些物理学家忙碌于昏暗的地下室,观察金属晶体长条中的电子运动,或者花上几个小时观察容器中液氦的旋转模式。 yeeyan

These are odd slivers of an atom that have confounded physicists for about80 years.
他们都是困扰了物理学家80年的奇怪的原子碎片。 yeeyan

These rotary motors see picture resemble bicycle wheels that have had their spokes replaced with thin, black slivers of EAP.
这些旋转电机形似自行车车轮见下图,辐条换成了黑色电活性聚合物薄片。 ecocn

They are generally served sliced into extremely thin slivers on top of other food and are frequently suffused in oil for sale as truffle-oil.
一般会把它切成极薄的片状放在其他食物上,或制成各种松露油销售。 yeeyan

Watered wine and lemon sweet and some nice hot oxtail soup with slivers of mushroom in the broth.
掺水的葡萄酒和柠檬蜜还有一些上好的加了蘑菇条的热狗尾烫。 xmluyu

When they analyzed these rocks, they foundshockedquartz grains— slivers with a particular arrangement of micro cracks believed to represent the relic left by an extraterrestrial impact.
在分析这些岩芯时,他们发现冲击石英颗粒———带有特殊排列的微裂缝的薄片,科学家认为他们是外层空间来的物体与地球碰撞留下来的遗迹。 kekenet

When Dr Kagawa transplanted minute slivers of tissue harvested from younger mice into older subjects, she was astonished to see that not only did the mice live longer, but they also became younger.
当把从较年幼的老鼠身上得到的微小组织移植到较年长的老鼠身上时, Kagawa博士惊讶地发现后者不但寿命延长了,并且变得年轻了。 yeeyan

Whether they are based on tiny slivers of silicon, organic circuitry or a combination of the two, stretchable devices will require power to operate.
不管以上的东西是基于硅片还是有机电路,或者是两者的复合物,总之,这种可伸缩电路都需要电力的驱动。 ecocn




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