

单词 slighter
释义 slight·er 英slaɪt美slaɪt COCA⁸⁵⁷⁰⁴BNC⁵⁶¹⁰⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

small in degree; not considerable, noticeable, or serious

不结实的,纤弱的; 脆弱的

not strong-looking; thin and delicate

vt. 轻蔑,忽视,怠慢

treat a person or group rudely, without respect, or as if unimportant

a deliberate discourteous act usually as an expression of anger or disapproval
quantifier used with mass nouns small in quantity or degree; not much or almost none or with `a' at least some;

little rain fell in May

gave it little thought

little time is left

we still have little money

a little hope remained

there's slight chance that it will work

there's a slight chance it will work

lacking substance or significance;

slight evidence

a tenuous argument

a thin plot

being of delicate or slender build;

she was slender as a willow shoot is slender

a slim girl with straight blonde hair

watched her slight figure cross the street

pay no attention to, disrespect;

She cold-shouldered her ex-fiance

slight, overlook

这两个词都可表示“无视”。slight多指有意地“无视”,即“蔑视”; overlook多指无意地“无视”,即“忽视”。








用作形容词 adj.
~+名词slight book无足轻重的书slight chance机会渺小slight cold轻微的感冒slight fever低烧slight figure身材瘦长
用作形容词adj.in the slightest

丝毫,一点不at all

近义词 weaksmalladj. little反义词 majoradj. large
~+ n.The wind seemed to lift her slight body.风似乎要把她瘦弱的身体吹起来。
I have a slight cold.我患了轻微的感冒。
He had a slight German accent.他有轻微的德国口音。
There's only a slight chance of him living beyond tomorrow.他能活到明天的可能性极小。
There's a slight damage to your car, so you can easily get it repaired.你的车只有轻微的损坏,你找人修好很容易的。
In my opinion,this is a very slight book indeed.依我看这是一本无足轻重的书。
S+be+~The difference is so slight that I can hardly see it.差别很小,我几乎看不出来。
He is slight and dark.他又瘦又黑。S+be+~+to- vHe is too slight to play football.他太纤弱,不能踢足球。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.He slighted no one.他不轻视任何人。
She felt slighted because her friends didn't telephone her.她的朋友没有给她打电话,她觉得受到冷落。
用作形容词He has aslightwheeze in his chest.他呼吸时胸部发出轻微的响声。
Our army suffered aslightreverse.我们的部队受到轻微的挫败。
The salve will healslightburns.这药膏能治疗轻微烧伤。
Herslightframe was shaken by bouts of coughing.她纤弱的身躯因阵阵咳嗽而发颤。
She noticed thisslighthint of manifestation of the colour bar.她注意到了这个微小的种族歧视的表现。
The dial records veryslightvariations in pressure.刻度盘显示出压力有微小变化。
I was not aware of theslightchanges.我察觉不到这细微的变化。用作及物动词We shouldn'tslightanybody even if he's a nobody.我们不应该轻视任何人,即使他是一个小人物。
He seems toslightthe news writer.他好象是轻视这个新闻撰稿人。
Heslightedmy efforts.他看不起我所作的努力。用作名词I was hurt by the obviousslight.这种明显的怠慢伤害了我的感情。
He suffersslights.他受到了怠慢。 Perched on stage beside the hulking figure of Arnold Schwarzenegger last weekend, Alibaba boss, Jack Ma, looked slighter than ever.

The case of leaf blight of taro and soft rot of taro was slighter.
茎尖苗抗逆性强,芋疫病和芋软腐病发病程度较轻。 cnki

The interest rate for interest on arrears on default of payment is 5%, subject to proof of greater loss by the supplier or slighter loss by Weidmuller.
延迟付款利息为5%,但认为损失大于该罚息的由供应商提供证据证明,认为损失小于该罚息的由魏德米勒提供证据证明。 cnweidmuller

The toxicity is slighter than benzene, and replace the benzene to used for degreasing, paint remover.
毒性比苯小,代替苯类用于脱油脂、脱漆剂等。 com

After the fight the young fighter weighed out at two pounds slighter.
拳击结束后,那年轻的选手一称,体重减了两磅。 hotdic

But he and Congress are both stuck in the mire of health-care reform, so the chances of progress in time for Copenhagen grow slighter by the day.
但是其和国会还深陷医疗改革的陷阱不能自拔,以至于在哥本哈根当天想取得富有建设性成效的机会很小。 ecocn

Compared with group C, the changes of above indexes of group D were slighter.
组与 C组各时点比较,上述指标变化均较轻。 cnki

Damage of renal tissue in groups S is slighter compared with that in group A .
胶状铁染色及肾组织损伤较 A组明显改善。 cnki

Drought damage will bring the slightest influence among meteorological disasters especially in short and long term, and its influence is about 5% slighter than that in normal year.
对广州市影响最小的是旱灾特别在近期和远期,比中等年份偏少5%左右。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn

Edema and infiltration of neutrophils observed in tissue sections in experimental group is slighter than that of control group.
实验组各段皮瓣的组织水肿情况、炎细胞浸润情况明显比对照组减轻。 cnki

He'd better have kept his distance; my master quickly sprang erect, and struck him full on the throat a blow that would have levelled a slighter man.
他还不如站远些,因为我的主人很快地就站直了,结结实实地朝他喉头一击。这一击都可以把瘦弱一点的人打倒。 putclub.com

Her figure was slighter and therefore more seductive than Natalie.
她的身段比较苗条,因此比娜塔丽更加诱人。 hxen

In rabbit corneal ulcer treated with SOD- compound, the clinical manifestation and pathological change was slighter, the MDA was lower.
动物实验中,加用 SOD复合酶的兔眼,临床表现及病理改变较轻,丙二醛含量较低。 d.wanfangdata.com.cn

Just as the crowd in Kinshasa urged the slighter man on with the cry“ Ali, kill him!”
就像金沙萨的观众大喊“阿里,揍扁他!” ecocn

Myocardial ultrastructure changes in group BH were slighter than in group CCP.
电镜显示心肌超微结构改变 BH组明显轻于 CCP组。 cnki

Results: The morphological damage of SMNs in ASS and GDNF pre-treated groups was slighter than that in anoxia- induced apoptosis group.
结果:形态学观察显示 ASS、 GDNF保护组神经元缺氧损伤较缺氧损伤组明显减轻。 cnki

She was smaller and slighter than I had imagined.
她比我想象的要矮小瘦弱。 hunau

Symptomes and adverse drug reaction were slighter.
临床症状和药物的不良反应较轻。 cnki

They are much slighter than humans however, about a head shorter and of slimmer build than an average human.
和一名正常的人类相比他们轻得多,矮了一个头的同时也更纤细。 gw2cn.com

Tobacco gives you slighter greater shipping advantages later, however.
然而,烟草在后期给你轻微的装船优势。 mtime




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