

单词 sliced through
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By contrast, our recent experience in close combat was decidedly one- sided as American forces sliced through Iraqi combat formations with few casualties.
与之对比,我们最新得到的近距离作战经验是美军部队以极少的伤亡一边倒地横扫了伊拉克人的战斗部队。 blog.116.com.cn

In his month-long stay on Coruscant, Ghent even sliced through the pulse transmitter encrypt code used by the mysterious Delta Source.
在科洛桑的一个月里,根特甚至破解了一种脉冲传输器密码。该密码由神秘的德尔塔情报源使用。 starwarsfans.cn

Johnson stabbed him six times. Two of the knife wounds sliced through his aorta and proved fatal.
然后约翰逊刺了塞伊6刀,其中有两刀割破了塞伊的主动脉,这被证明是致命的伤害。 yeeyan

On lap11, into the chicane, he sliced through and vanished into the murk, winning it by13.8 seconds.
在第11圈时,发生了变化,他切线然后消失在黑暗之中,以13。8秒的领先优势获胜。 kekenet

She sliced through the skin and subcutaneous fat, ignoring the bleeding from the abdominal wall.
她切开皮肤和皮下脂肪层,对不断流血的腹壁置之不理。 yeeyan




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