

单词 sleeves
释义 sleeves 英s'liːvz美s'liːvz COCA¹⁰³⁹⁷BNC⁸⁶²⁹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
名词 sleeve:
the part of a garment that is attached at the armhole and that provides a cloth covering for the armsmall case into which an object fitslawn sleeves上等细布袖子…welding sleeves套轴
用作名词He rolled up hissleevesand got down to work.他卷起袖子开始工作。
My mother tacked thesleeveson before sewing them.我妈妈在把袖子缝好之前,先用大针脚把它缝好。 A few had razored off the necks or sleeves of their T-shirts.
有些人还把他们的 T恤领子或袖子用刀裁掉了。 yeeyan

Up on a pavilion the middle-aged lady was dressed in her gaudy finery, a green lace tunic over a white gown with sleeves to the floor.
在亭子上是一位穿着俗气服饰的中年妇女,白色长袍的外面是带花边的绿色短袍,袖子都拖到了地上。 yeeyan

“ Your sleeves are too short, ” she barked, indifferent to the disgusted looks of other families nearby.
“你的袖子太短了,”她吼道,并且对附近其他人脸上的厌恶表情熟视无睹。 yeeyan

But for those of you stepping into spring and summer with short sleeves and skirts, now there’s no excuse to let your winter clothes degrade in the interim.
但是,对于那些正在步入那穿短袖衫的春夏季节的人们来说,没有理由在过渡期间让你们的衣服受到损害。 yeeyan

But these techniques can be stored up anyone's sleeves, not just those of salespeople, who want you to cough up your dough.
然而这些技巧可能藏在任何人的袖子里,并非只有这些想说服你掏钱的销售人员知道而已。 yeeyan

Do you think that we will have sleeves in our shirts and blouses?
你认为我们的衬衣和上衣还会有袖子吗? ebigear

Emphasise your lower half with a patterned skirt and opt for a block colour top with sleeves, which will balance out your curves.
最好用一件有花色图案的裙子来突出下半身,上身则选择带袖子的单色上衣,这样可以使你的身体曲线比较协调。 iciba

Germany rolls up its sleeves, looks at France, and punches Belgium.
德国卷起袖子,看了法国一眼,给了比利时一拳。 ecocn

He folded back the sleeves.

He wears a suit and tie, and a shirt with sleeves that cover his arms.
他穿西装,打领带,并支付他的武器与袖子的衬衫。 ebigear

It was the shape of a businessman with dressy shoes, slacks, and the rolled sleeves of a collared shirt.
那是一个商人的形状,穿着讲究的皮鞋,宽松的长裤,带领的衬衫卷着袖子。 yeeyan

She tacked the sleeves on and sew them up.

The coat is a little short in the sleeves.

The band’s last great release,1978’s Some Girls, showed off the Stones in drag in a heavily detailed die-cut package with varying color sleeves.
而乐队最后的辉煌之作,1978年的《绝代佳人》则炫耀似地把滚石扯进有各种色彩袖子的精细繁复打孔包里。 yeeyan

These Wedding Dresses with Sleeves are usually made of luxury materials like velvet, silk, and taffeta.
这些带有袖子的结婚礼服通常都是选用一些奢华的布料例如丝绒、丝绸、塔夫绸。 yeeyan

This is because my father rolls up his sleeves and prepares to work hard.
这是因为我的父亲卷起他的袖子,准备努力工作。 ebigear

Veronica had a favorite summer dress, with a wide oval neck and half-length sleeves, of orange, orange distributed with a tie-dyed unevenness.
维罗妮卡穿过一件她最喜欢的夏季连衣裙,椭圆形的领口,半截袖,橘色的,经过扎染的色调分布很不均匀。 yeeyan

When you enter puberty, it might seem like your sleeves are always getting shorter and your pants always look like you're ready for a flood— that's because you're experiencing a major growth spurt.
当你进入青春期,你的袖子看起来总是在变短,你的裤子看起来似乎总是为洪水准备的——那是因为你正在经历主要的生长陡增期。 yeeyan

Sleeves and trouser legs can be removed in hot weather.
袖子和裤腿在天气炎热时可以取下。 hjenglish




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