

单词 sleekest
释义 sleek·est 英sliːk美sliːk COCA¹³⁷⁹¹⁶BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
well-groomed and neatly tailored; especially too well-groomed;

sleek figures in expensive clothes

designed or arranged to offer the least resistant to fluid flow;

a streamlined convertible

having a smooth, gleaming surface reflecting light;

glossy auburn hair

satiny gardenia petals

sleek black fur

silken eyelashes

silky skin

a silklike fabric

slick seals and otters

make slick or smoothsleek stone光面石round sleek圆角光子
近义词 shiny闪亮的slick光滑的silky丝制的glossy光滑的smooth光滑的slippery滑的satiny光滑的silken丝绸的flowing流动的polished擦亮的silklike似丝的lustrous有光泽的streamlined流线型的aerodynamic空气动力的

用作形容词Sleek surfaces are a hallmark of the style.光滑的表面是现代派厨房的特点。
Spurredriders sat astridesleekmares.装着马刺的骑手两脚分开跨在光滑的母马上。
Thesleekswordtail is an agile swimmer and needs plenty of room.圆滑的剑尾鱼是一个敏捷的泳者并且需要充足的活动空间。
The all-black chassis is set off with just a few selected bits of purple anodized aluminium to give it an ultra-coolsleekracing look.全黑色的底盘是一套小康,只需几个选定的钻头紫色铝阳极氧化膜给它一个超冷静圆滑的赛车外观。 Here are50 examples of great chair design, from the sleekest you’ll ever see, to the funkiest and the just plain weird.
这里是50个很棒的椅子设计范例,有我们所见最有光泽的,有最时髦的,还有些让人不可思议的。 yeeyan

Like the minimalist theft-proof bicycle by Chris Boardman, the Nulla has no hubs or chain drive for perhaps the sleekest, most futuristic look yet.
就像 Boardman的最简防偷自行车,这辆车也没有拉幅和传动链,这也是它看起来超现代的原因。 yeeyan

The most stylish gear this season isn't the slickest or sleekest. It's the kind of rugged, butt-kicking pieces that will carry you through the most brutal conditions.
本季最流行的服装不是平滑整洁的服装,而是那种有些粗旷不羁的服装,它们能帮你度过最恶劣的天气。 blog.zjol.com.cn




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