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词汇 banish
释义 ban·ish 英ˈbænɪʃ美ˈbænɪʃAHDbănʹĭsh ★☆☆☆☆高四GIST宝八COCA¹¹⁷⁵⁵BNC²⁶⁰³²iWeb¹¹⁷⁹⁷Economist¹⁴⁶¹⁶

vt. 放逐,驱逐

send sb away especially out of the country,as a punishment

vt. 排除;消除

get rid of sth;drive away sth

expel from a community or groupban from a place of residence, as for punishmentexpel, as if by official decree;

he was banished from his own country

drive away;

banish bad thoughts

banish gloom







用作动词 v.
~+名词banish acid indigestion in a twinkling瞬间消除胃酸过多之痛banish criminals流放犯人banish care and woe消除忧虑和痛苦
banish from v.+prep.

赶走;驱除make sb/sth go away;get rid of sth

banish sb/sth from sth/sbThe dictator banished his opponents from the country.那个独裁者把他的反对者驱逐出境。
The Duke banished him from the court and city of Milan forever.公爵把他从宫里和米兰城里赶出去,永远不许回来。
They banish her from their game.他们不许她参加他们的游戏。
He wanted to banish it from his memory.他想把这事完全忘掉。
The sight of food banished all other thoughts from my mind.看到吃的,我别的什么都忘记了。
Banish gloom from your thought.你要驱除心中的忧郁。
He was banished from the realm.他被驱逐出境。
Those noisy children should be banished from the library.那些吵闹的孩子应该被赶出图书馆。
He was banished from the country for treason.他因叛国罪而被驱逐出境。钱博士ban宣布+ish动词后缀→宣布剥夺某人公权,使其不受法律保护⇒放逐,驱逐
ban宣布+ish动词后缀→宣布剥夺某人公权,使其不受法律保护⇒放逐,驱逐。GRE红宝书ban 流放,驱逐;从眼前消失vanish;一流放竟流到spanish去了词根记忆ban+ish表动词=禁止入境=驱逐发音记忆把你死 ⇒通过放逐把你弄死近义词 ban禁止bar酒吧away离开shun避开exile放逐expel驱逐evict驱逐eject喷射drive开车force武力remove消除dismiss开除discard丢弃cast out逐出send away派遣drive out逐出throw out扔出eliminate除去transport运输ostracize放逐ostracise放逐deport驱逐出境get rid of摆脱dispossess剥夺relegate使降级blackball反对票drive away把车开走expatriate移居外国者do away with废除,去掉outlaw被剥夺法律保护的人…反义词 admit承认receive接到
S+ ~+n./pron.You should banish your cares.你应该消除烦恼。
Her success helped to banish my worries.她的成功有助于消除我的顾虑。
The news of the task banished all thoughts of sleep.有了任务的消息赶走了睡意。
The child could not banish her fear of the dark.这女孩消除不了对黑暗的恐惧心理。Pbanishmentn.放逐驱逐




用作及物动词His lies caused his wife tobanishhim from the house.他因说谎而被老婆驱逐出家门。
The sound of doctrine rings out daily in order tobanishvarious curiosities about this world.一种主义的声响日以夜继,千日不绝,用以驱逐人们对这个世界的种种好奇与揣测!
You canbanishthat idea from your mind.你能消除心中的那种念头。
The doctor advised her tobanishfear and anxiety.医生劝她消除恐惧和忧虑。verb.expel from place or situation
同义词 dismiss,dispel,drive away,eject,eliminate,eradicate,evict,exclude,exile,get rid of,isolate,ostracize,oust,outlaw,relegate,removeban,deport,discard,discharge,dislodge,excommunicate,expatriate,proscribe,rusticate,sequester,transportcast out,expulse,extradict,shake off,shut out
反义词 accept,admit,allow,fix,hold,include,incorporate,keep,plant,take in,welcome,permit
banverb officially forbid
bar,blackball,close down,close up,curse,declare illegal,disallow,enjoin,exclude,halt,ice out,illegalize,inhibit,interdict,outlaw,pass by,pass up,prevent,prohibit,proscribe,restrict,shut out,suppress
blacklistverb ban
banish,bar,blackball,boycott,debar,exclude,expel,hit list,ostracize,preclude,proscribe,put on hit list,reject,repudiate,snub,thumbs-down,vote against
damnverb condemn, denounce
abuse,anathematize,attack,ban,banish,blaspheme,blast,cast out,castigate,censure,complain of,confound,convict,criticize,cry down,curse,cuss,darn,denunciate,doom,drat,excommunicate,excoriate,execrate,expel,flame,fulminate against,imprecate,inveigle against,jinx,object to,objurgate,pan,penalize,proscribe,punish,revile,sentence,slam,swear,thunder against
discardverb get rid of
abandon,abdicate,abjure,adios,banish,can,cancel,cashier,cast aside,chuck,deep-six,desert,dispatch,dispense with,dispose of,dispossess,ditch,divorce,do away with,drop,dump,eject,eliminate,expel,forsake,free of,give up,have done with,jettison,junk,oust,part with,protest,put by,reject,relinquish,remove,renounce,repeal,repudiate,scrap,shake off,shed,sweep away,throw away,throw out,throw overboard,toss aside,write off
dismissverb put out of one's mind
banish,contemn,deride,despise,discard,disdain,dispel,disregard,drop,flout,gibe,gird,jeer,kiss off,laugh away,lay aside,mock,pooh-pooh,rally,reject,relegate,repudiate,repulse,ridicule,scoff,scorn,scout,set aside,shelve,spurn,taunt,twit
dismissesverb put out of one's mind
banishes,contemns,derides,despises,discards,disdains,dispels,disregards,drops,flouts,gibes,girds,jeers,kisses off,laughs away,lies aside,mocks,pooh-poohs,rallies,rejects,relegates,repudiates,repulses,ridicules,scoffs,scorns,scouts,sets aside,shelves,spurns,taunts,twits In the case of Hoarding Tyrant, you can banish it to gain two runes.
如【护宝暴君】,你可以通过放逐它来获得两个符文。 yeeyan

“ Banish the black,” Thompson exhorted.
“摈弃黑,”汤普森告诫。 yeeyan

Banish them for their many sins, for they have rebelled against you.
愿你在他们许多的过犯中,把他们逐出。因为他们背叛了你。 ebigear

But you do not need to banish ice- cream from your dietary repertoire completely in an attempt to get fit.
但你不需要为了变得更健康把冰淇淋完全从你的日常饮食中驱逐。 yeeyan

European leaders sought yesterday to banish the spectre of protectionism stalking the EU, responding to the financial crisis by underlining the sanctity of Europe's single market.
昨日,欧洲领导人寻求消除欧盟渐兴起的贸易保护主义根源,强调欧洲单一市场的神圣不可破坏以应对金融危机。 yeeyan

His first act was to banish Misty from the premises, though she found a home with one of the children.

Imagine a country whose inhabitants eat human flesh, wear only pink hats to sleep and banish children into the forest to raise themselves until adulthood.
想像有这么一个国家,那里的居民吃人肉,睡觉的时候只戴个粉红色的红帽子,把小孩流放到丛林里让其自生自灭直到成年。 yeeyan

In the lab, psychologists have people try to banish a thought from their minds— of a white bear, for example— and find that the thought keeps returning, about once a minute.
心理学家在实验室中要求人们试着从思想里摒除某个念头——例如,一头白熊——而后发现这个念头会大约每隔一分钟返回一次。 yeeyan

More and better jobs, and rising living standards, may not be enough to banish the sectarian divide, but their absence could well widen it again.
更多更好的就业机会和不断提高的生活水平可能还不足以消除教派间的不合,但是如果没有这些,教派间的分歧很可能会再次扩大。 ecocn

Of its unmeaning character, too, I was entirely persuaded, yet that did not banish it.
我完全相信这个无意义的角色,但并不驱逐他。 yeeyan

So then, banish anxiety from your heart and cast off the troubles of your body, for youth and vigor are meaningless.
所以你当从心中除掉愁烦,从肉体克去邪恶,因为一生的开端和幼年之时,都是虚空的。 ebigear

The Founding Fathers did not intend to banish religion from the public square any more than they intended to create a Christian nation.
开国之父们的意图并没有打算从公众广场驱逐宗教,反之要创立一个基督教国家。 ecocn

The Kurds and the Arabs have yet to accommodate each others’ aspirations or banish the prospect of violence to achieve their aims.
库尔德人和阿拉伯人已经开始学会去容忍各自的野心或是去驱散暴力前景以达到各自的目标。 yeeyan

They'd banish us, you know.
要知道,他们会把我们驱逐。 yeeyan

Vodka can banish three of the most stubborn fabric stains known to man: ink, grass and lipstick.
伏特加可以去除三种男人衣服上最常见的顽固污渍:墨水、草渍和唇膏印。 yeeyan

When one client dared to do just that in an e- mail to other clients, Madoff threatened to banish the man from his fund.
当某一位投资者胆敢和其他投资者在电子邮件中谈论此事,他便威胁要将该投资者从他的基金会中赶出去。 yeeyan

Will we lift the child in Bangladesh from poverty, shelter the refugee in Chad, and banish the scourge of AIDS in our time?
我们会将孟加拉国的儿童从贫困中解救出来,给乍得的难民以住所,并在我们这个时代消除艾滋病的祸患吗? cri

Women, don't banish your man to the couch or stomp off to pout in the spare bedroom.
女人不要把你的男人打发到沙发上去或生气离开到另一个卧室里去睡。 yeeyan

Yet AIG’s rescue has done little to banish the naked fear that has the markets in its grip.
然而美国国际集团的援救却丝毫不能消除市场对它的控制这一赤裸裸的恐惧。 yeeyan

Banish the long and baggy and only buy skirts that end on, or just below, the knee, and have shape and proper waistbands.
不要买长而宽松的裙子了,要买就买短裙,及膝或者略低于膝盖,再买一条有型合适的腰带。 yeeyan

Banish those bad influences from your life that may be adding to your stress.




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