

单词 slats
释义 slat·s 英slæt美slæt COCA²⁶⁷⁴⁸BNC³⁰⁶⁴⁸
a thin strip wood or metal
equip or bar with slats;

Slat the windows

close the slats of windowsslat conveyer翻板输送机,板式运输…pencil slat铅笔材side slat侧条top slat车顶铰接机构…slat conveyor板条式输送机,板条式…canvas slat帆布输送器条板…rolling slat卷帘板reel slat拨禾轮拨禾板…slat drive前缘缝翼传动…slat gum条橡胶hit the slats上床睡觉
近义词 plank厚板board木板lath木板条spline云形规

用作名词The oil paintings are backed up withslats.这些油画是用细木条做背衬的。
The house was covered withslatsof tiles.这所房子是用板条瓦盖的。用作动词The main sail was blowing andslattingwith a noise like thunder.主帆在风中吹动拍打,发出雷鸣般的响声。as in.amount
同义词 bulk,chunk,extent,load,lot,measure,number,supply,ton,volumebags,bundle,expanse,flock,gob,heap,hunk,jillion,magnitude,mass,mess,mint,oodles,pack,passel,peck,pile,scads,score,slew,whopperaplenty,muchoas in.board
同义词 panellath,plank,strip,timberas in.splint
同义词 chip,reed,splinteras in.stick
同义词 bar,bat,baton,cane,club,rod,slab,stalk,strip,wand,wedgebillet,birch,bludgeon,board,branch,cudgel,drumstick,ferrule,ingot,mast,rule,ruler,shoot,staff,stake,stave,stem,switch,timber,twig
amountnoun quantity
amountsnoun quantity
bodies,burdens,cores,full values,imports,matters,purport,results,senses,significances,substances,thrusts,upshots,values
boardnoun piece of wood
splintnoun sliver
sticknoun pole, often wooden
bar,bat,baton,billet,birch,bludgeon,board,branch,cane,club,cudgel,drumstick,ferrule,ingot,mast,rod,rule,ruler,shoot,slab,slat,staff,stake,stalk,stave,stem,strip,switch,timber,twig,wand,wedge Its white onyx slats cladding acts at the same time as an effective shading device.
白色的缟玛瑙板条覆盖同时也充当有效的遮挡。 gcszy

The cedar logs are cut into small, pencil- length slats less than one- fourth of an inch in thickness.
雪松圆木被切割成铅笔那么长的薄板条,只有1/4英寸厚。 blog.sina.com.cn

The disadvantage of leading- edge slats is that the air acceleration in the slot requires energy it creates additional drag.
板条不利的领先优势是,在槽中的空气加速需要能量它创造更多的阻力。 bbs3.fblife.com

The outside of the pots are also doused in the water, which drains down into the slats of a wooden tray.
茶壶的外围也浸在水中,这些水再慢慢流进一个木制托盘的空条板中。 ecocn

The slats are waxed and kiln dried again.
板条上蜡,然后再烘干。 blog.sina.com.cn

Arrangement of parallel, horizontal Blades or slats of glass, wood, or other material designed to regulate airflow or light penetration.
由一些平行的水平叶片或者玻璃板条、木板条或其它板条组合起来的一种装置,用于调节气流或透过的光线。 jukuu

Each one was grooved to half the thickness of a pencil lead. Two slats were glued together with the lead between.
每一根木条中开了一条只有铅笔直径一半宽的槽,两个木条用胶粘合在一起,铅笔芯置于两个木条中间。 edu.21cn.com

He joined his father at the window, squinted through the space between the slats.
他跟他的父亲一起站在窗边,从百合叶的横条中眯着眼看。 yeeyan

He ushered me through the back door, past neat stacks of hand- split applewood, to a wooden tank, like a giant wine cask cut in half, covered in moss and dripping water through its swollen slats.
他带我穿过后门,经过整齐的手劈苹果木柴堆,来到一个木制水池前。 水池像一劈两半的大葡萄桶,布满苔藓,膨胀的木板条间滴着水,池边围着铁丝网。 yeeyan

However, by combining the use of trailing- edge flaps with leading-edge slats, the wing's lift coefficient can be effectively doubled if used on the full span of the wing.
然而板条,结合边缘皮瓣与领先使用的后缘,机翼的升力系数,可有效地增加一倍,如果用在机翼完整的跨度。 sirenji

Joe did not appear for that function, and when Martin heard the gardener remark that most likely he was ripping the slats off the bar, Martin understood.
乔没有回来吃晚饭,马万听花匠说他很可能到酒吧“拆柜台”去了,便已经明白。 ebigear

New units have a raised, slatted floor design whereby air for cooling is drawn up through the slats.
新单位有一个提高,板条地板设计,使空气冷却是通过制定板条。 taiwan-swine

On modern jets almost the entire leading and trailing edges are taken up by lift- increasing flaps and slats for takeoff and landing.
在现在的喷气机上,几乎所有的前后缘都被用于起飞和降落的提高升力的襟翼和缝翼所占据。 blog.sina.com.cn

She danced across the floor, throwing open curtains, dazzling the room with golden morning, and the girls, brightened by her presence, pulled themselves up by the slats of their cribs.
她迈着舞步走过地板,拉开窗帘,让金色的早晨炫亮了房间,而女孩们一看到她来,就满脸放光,抓着婴儿床的板条要起来。 ebigear

She stopped under a window set in a wall made of something that masqueraded as slats of painted wood.
她在一面墙的窗口下面停下,这面墙是用一些伪装成上了漆的木条做成的。 yeeyan

The leading edge slats allow for steep climb angles of up to30- degrees.
在前缘缝翼允许30度角的陡坡攀登到。 bbs3.fblife.com

Thin wooden slats circle the unit to provide a smooth running surface to roll it and openings on the side and slated windows let light into the interior.
它的表面环绕了一层薄木板保持表面光滑,能够使它滚动起来,在侧面开口以及预订窗户能够让外部的光线照射进来。 yeeyan

Thin wooden slats are attached to the membrane to form the running surface of the roll.
薄薄的木质板附着在这层透明膜上,便是圆筒的间隔层。 yeeyan

This is also the time to replace slats if anything is broken.
这时如果有什么地方裂缝了,也是更换板条的时候。 yeeyan




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