

单词 slathering
释义 slath·er·ing 英'slæðəʳ美'slæðər COCA⁷⁸⁵⁰²
spread thickly;

I can't eat bagels without slathering them with cream cheese

用作名词Do you just slather on some extra deodorant as you head out the door?他们是否要在出门前涂抹大量除臭剂呢?as in.paint
同义词 brush,coat,cover,daub,decorate,depict,design,draw,dye,portray,sketch,tint,washcolor,compose,delineate,draft,figure,fresco,limn,ornament,outline,picture,represent,shade,slather,stipple,swabcatch a likeness,cover up,gloss over,put on coats,slap on,touch up
反义词 reveal,uncover,whitenstripas in.rub
同义词 apply,brush,caress,clean,coat,cover,glaze,graze,grind,knead,paint,pat,scrape,scrub,slather,smear,smooth,spread,wear,wipeabrade,anoint,bark,buff,burnish,chafe,curry,daub,erase,erode,excoriate,file,fray,fret,furbish,glance,gloss,grate,mop,plaster,polish,rasp,scour,shine,swabtriturate,wear down A liberal slathering of suntan lotion gave one woman more protection than she bargained for, allowing her to slip out of the grasp of a would-be rapist, police near Los Angeles said.
大方涂抹防晒乳液,给一名女子意想不到的更多保护,让她从一名可望得逞的强暴犯掌握中滑走,洛杉矶附近的警方说。 biodic

Another parenting practice with which Chua takes issue is Americans' habit, as she puts it, of“ slathering praise on their kids for the lowest of tasks— drawing a squiggle or waving a stick.”
另一个蔡美儿诟病的父母做法,用她自己的话讲,是美国人习惯“孩子完成了最低级的任务就滥加表扬— 比如画条歪歪扭扭的线或者挥挥木棒。” blog.sina.com.cn

I absolutely will not wear a tummy revealing shirt without slathering this stuff on first.

Making fertiliser is energy-intensive, so unless oil prices fall, increasing food production by slathering ever more fertiliser on the land would be inefficient.
制作肥料是能源密集型的,因此除非油价下跌,通过增加施肥而增加粮食产量是徒劳的。 ecocn

She recommends using the minimal necessary dose of topical ointments instead of slathering them on.
她推荐人们使用最小必要剂量的局部软膏而不是厚厚地涂上去。 yeeyan

They found that before the ceremony, and even after a slathering of sanitizer, hands were home to plenty of non harmful bacteria.
他们发现,毕业典礼之前,就算是抹上厚厚一层消毒剂,领导们的手上都布满了无害细菌。 hjenglish

Wearing sun-protective clothing, which is available online, can make more sense than slathering on sun-block lotion.

When CCD first hit, many people, from agronomists to the public, assumed that our slathering of chemicals on agricultural fields was to blame.
当蜂群衰竭失调病首次出现时,从农学家到公众都认为人类往农田中喷洒的大量化学物质是导致此病的罪魁祸首。 yeeyan




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