

单词 Slater
释义 Sla·ter 英ˈsleɪtə美ˈsletɚ英'sleɪtə美'sletɚ 高COCA¹⁵²³⁷BNC¹⁴⁰¹⁹
any of various small terrestrial isopods having a flat elliptical segmented body; found in damp habitats近义词 woodlousewoodlice 〈动〉…

用作名词Becoming a household name, however, brought its problems forSlaterwith his every move being headline news.可是成了大名鼎鼎的人物倒为斯莱特带来了许多麻烦,他的一举一动都成了要闻。 He said his client was simply trying to defuse a testy situation when a passenger, who has not been identified, started giving him hell after the plane landed. And that sparked Slater’s tirade.
霍华德.特曼说,斯莱特只不过是巧妙地处理了一个容易引起争端的情况,事实上,是一个不具名的乘客在飞机降落之后就对他言语攻击,才会触怒斯莱特与她争锋相对。 yeeyan

LBers, we understand that not all of you may be well versed in New York criminal law. But what do you think should be the proper punishment— if any — for Slater?
我们知道不是你们中的每一个人都会熟悉纽约的刑法,但是你们认为,对于斯蒂芬.斯莱特的行为,什么样的惩罚才是合适的呢? yeeyan

Robert Slater, Soros's biographer, told the Bloomberg news agency that he expected Soros to remain an active investor.
索罗斯传记作者罗伯特·斯莱特告诉彭博新闻社,他预计索罗斯仍将做一个积极投资者。 yeeyan

But to paraphrase Mr Slater, cash must eventually be turned into these other things.
但斯莱特先生这句话的意思是说,现金最终必须兑换成其他的东西。 yeeyan

But Dr Slater proved the tool’s usefulness in2006, when he used it to recreate a famous experiment conducted in the1960s by Stanley Milgram, an American psychologist.
不过 Slater博士在06年证明了这个工具的实用性。他运用这个方法重做了1960年由 Stanley Milgram美国心理学家做的那个著名的实验。 yeeyan

But in this instance, David Slater wasn’t there at all and he still got a result.
但是在这个案例里面, David Slater虽然没有这么做,依然得到了一个不错的结果。 ebigear

Commentators discussed the pressures of air travel, and related to Slater's stressful working conditions.
评论家也谈到了航空旅行的压力,并且提及了 Slater紧张的工作环境。 yeeyan

In collaboration with Mel Slater, a computer scientist at University College, London, he is looking at the responses of bystanders to violence recreated in virtual reality.
在伦敦大学的计算机科学家 Mel Slater的帮助下,Levine博士通过虚拟现实对旁观者对暴力事件的反应进行观察。 ecocn

In the midst of the whole thing, Slater somehow had the presence of mind to grab two beers from the beverage cart, something that we won’t allow to go overlooked.
还有就是,在这些事件的过程当中,斯莱特还有那么点企图想要拿走饮料车上的两瓶啤酒。我们认为这也是不能被忽略的事。 yeeyan

In1997, Christian Slater was sentenced to three months in jail and36 months probation for assaulting his then- girlfriend Michelle Jonas and a man who had come to her aid.
在1997年,克里斯汀·斯莱特被判服刑3个月和36个月的缓刑,他是因为侵犯当时的女友 Michelle和前来救助的一位男士。 yeeyan

JetBlue announced Tuesday that it had suspended Mr. Slater pending the outcome of the investigation.
捷蓝航空周二宣布,已对斯莱特停职,等待调查结果出炉。 www.voa365.com

Rodney Slater, Carol Willis, and Bob Nash stayed with me for the next nineteen years.
在后来的19年中,罗德尼.斯莱特、卡罗尔.威利斯和鲍勃.纳什一直都跟着我。 yeeyan

Rodney Slater and Carol Willis were already hard at work contacting black political, religious, and business leaders across the country.
罗德尼.斯莱特和卡罗尔.威利斯已经在忙着联络全国范围的黑人政治、宗教和商业领袖了。 yeeyan

Rodney Slater left Attorney General Steve Clark’s staff to help.
罗德尼.斯莱特放弃了为州检察长史蒂夫.克拉克工作,到我这里来帮忙。 yeeyan

Slater on Tuesday was charged with two felonies— reckless endangerment and criminal mischief— for cursing at passengers over an intercom system and popping open an emergency door to flee the plane.
星期三,斯蒂芬.斯莱特被控告了两条重罪,一个是由于他鲁莽导致的危害,另一个是刑事的恶作剧。因为他在对讲机系统中对乘客破口大骂,还猝不及防地打开了飞机的紧急用门,跑离开了飞机。 yeeyan

Slater& Gordon, an Australian law firm that went public in May2007, used the proceeds to go on an acquisition spree, swallowing up six smaller rivals within a year.
2007年5月,澳大利亚 Slater& Gordon律师事务所上市,这加快了该所收购的进程——在一年内吞并六个规模较小的竞争对手。 ecocn

Slater's self- ejection vividly illustrates the personal story behind the numbers.
斯莱特的自我驱逐,生动地说明了这些数字背后的个人故事。 yeeyan




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