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释义 SLADE AHDˈslād
abbr.英国平版及套色印刷工人工会=Society of Lithographic Artists;Designers;Engravers;and Process Workers
David Slade is perfect for the third film because it's darker. Eclipse was my favourite book.
由于第三部更加阴暗的格调,这由大卫·斯雷德导演再合适不过了,《月食》曾经是我最喜爱的一部小说。 yeeyan

Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: But not a snitch!
弗兰克·斯莱德中校:但不是个高密的小人! iciba

Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: Of what?
弗兰克·斯莱德上校:怕什么? yingyu

Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: Oh, she does like you, Charlie. So, Donna, you tango?
弗兰克·斯莱德上校:额,查理,她真的喜欢你。那么,唐娜,你要不要来跳探戈? yingyu

Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: Would you like to learn to tango, Donna?
弗兰克·斯莱德上校:你想不想学跳探戈舞,唐娜? yingyu

Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: Any minute? Some people live a lifetime in a minute. What are you doing right now?
弗兰克·斯莱德上校:随时?一些人在一分之内度过一生。你现在做什么? yingyu

Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: Excuse me, senorita. Would you mind if I join you? I'm feeling you've been neglected.
弗兰克·斯莱德上校:打扰下,小姐。介意我和你坐在一个桌上吗?我感觉你被冷落了。 yingyu

Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: I'm offering my services free of charge. How do you say?
弗兰克·斯莱德上校:我现在免费为你授课。你怎么看? yingyu

Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: Michael? The one you're waiting for?
弗兰克·斯莱德上校:迈克尔?你在等的那一位? yingyu

Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: Thank you. You know I detect a fragrance in the air. Don't tell me what it is. Ogilvie Sister Soul.
弗兰克·斯莱德上校:谢谢。你知道吗,我嗅到了芳香飘逸在空气中。不要告诉是什么牌子的。奥吉福姐妹魂。 yingyu

Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: Well, I think Michael's hysterical.
弗兰克·斯莱德上校:额,我认为迈克尔很歇斯底里。 yingyu

Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: Well, would you mind if we're waiting with you? You know, just, er, keep the womanizers from bothering you.
弗兰克·斯莱德上校:额,那么你介意我们跟你一起等吗?你知道,额,仅仅为了不让皮条客们来骚扰你。 yingyu

Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: You have a beautiful laugh.
弗兰克·斯莱德上校:你笑起来真美。 yingyu

Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: No mistakes in the tango, Donna.
弗兰克·斯莱德上校:跳探戈没有错误可言,唐娜。 yingyu

Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade: This is such a crock of shit!
弗兰克·斯莱德中校:这简直是一坛子狗屎! eduu

Afton Slade, president of Stamp Out Smog, or S.O.S., shows off a birthday cake marking21 years of smog at a news conference at the Ambassador Hotel in 1964.
1964年,在大使酒店举行的新闻发布会上,“驱除烟雾”组织或 S.O.S.组织向公众展示了一块特别的生日蛋糕,它标志着烟雾已经笼罩在洛城上空已经长达21年的时间。 yeeyan

Ashley Greene, who plays vampire Alice, tells RT that Slade isn't just a prince of darkness.
阿什利·格林 Ashley Greene,在电影中扮演吸血鬼爱丽丝,告诉 RT斯雷德不仅仅只是电影导演中的“黑暗王子”。 yeeyan

Colonel Frank Slade: Oh, crazy about your grandma. You know, I think she should like Charlie too.
弗兰克·斯莱德上校:额,真佩服你奶奶。你知道吗,我觉得她也应该喜欢查理。 iciba

In Walsall, the gritty industrial town north-west of Birmingham which gave the world Three Men In A Boat author Jerome K. Jerome, actor Frank Windsor and Slade’s Noddy Holder.
在沃尔萨尔,伯明翰西北方多沙的工业小镇,在那里诞生了《三怪客泛舟记》的作者 Jerome K. Jerome、演员 Frank. Windsor和歌手兼作曲家 Noddy Holder。 yeeyan

In1926 he entered the Belfast School of Art, and in1928 went on to the Slade School in London, where he studied under Henry Tonks and Randolph Schwabe, and for a time shared a studio with John Luke.
在1926年,他进入贝尔法斯特艺术学校,并在1928年到对向斯莱德学校在伦敦,他在那里研究下,亨利唐克斯和伦道夫施瓦贝,和今后一个时期的共同工作室,与约翰卢克。 diaosucn

It gives manager Russell Slade a selection headache and he may have to trust in on- loan Andrew Whing and Aaron Brown in the absence of his two first- choice defenders.
这使得经理罗塞耳思雷德必须做一个头疼的抉择,在两个主力中后卫缺席的情况下相信租借来的安德鲁.瑞和亚仑.布朗。 yeeyan




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