

单词 slacked
释义 slack·ed 英slæk美slæk COCA⁹⁵³⁹⁴BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²

not pulled tight; loose; relaxed


not busy; inactive; sluggish


dull; idle; neglectful

vt. & vi. 懈怠; 偷懒

be lazy or careless in one's work

vt. & vi. 减速; 放松

reduce speed, effort, tightness, etc.

dust consisting of a mixture of small coal fragments and coal dust and dirt that sifts out when coal is passed over a sievea noticeable deterioration in performance or quality;

the team went into a slump

a gradual slack in output

a drop-off in attendance

a falloff in quality

a stretch of water without current or movement;

suddenly they were in a slack and the water was motionless

a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfootthe quality of being loose not taut;

he hadn't counted on the slackness of the rope

a cord or rope or cable that is hanging loosely;

he took up the slack

not tense or taut;

the old man's skin hung loose and grey

slack and wrinkled skin

slack sails

a slack rope

flowing with little speed as e.g. at the turning of the tide;

slack water

lacking in rigor or strictness;

such lax and slipshod ways are no longer acceptable

lax in attending classes

slack in maintaining discipline

avoid responsibilities and work, be idlebe inattentive to, or neglect;

He slacks his attention

release tension on;

slack the rope

make less active or fast;

He slackened his pace as he got tired

Don't relax your efforts now

become slow or slower;

Production slowed

make less active or intensebecome less in amount or intensity;

The storm abated

The rain let up after a few hours

cause to heat and crumble by treatment with water;

slack lime





用作动词 v.
~+名词slack one's pace放慢脚步slack one's vigilance放松警惕~+副词slack carelessly粗心地放松slack dreadfully极端放松slack habitually习惯性地偷懒slack inconsiderately粗心地放松slack inexcusably不可原谅地懈怠slack inherently本质性地偷懒slack naturally自然地放松slack negligently粗心地放松slack thoughtlessly毫不考虑地放松slack uncommonly不寻常地放松slack unpardonably不可原谅地懈怠slack utterly完全地放松slack weakly无力地放松slack down滞销slack off放松,懈怠slack up使减速; 使松劲~+介词slack on在…方面松散〔懈怠〕slack one's pace to a walk把步速放慢到步行速度
slack down v.+adv.

滞销 become unsalable

slack downRetail business slacks down when employment drops.就业率低时零售业就不景气。
slack off v.+adv.

滞销 become unsalable

slack sth ⇔ offSlack off those ropes there, there's a storm coming!把那里的绳索放松,风暴就要来了!slack offIt's natural to slack off towards the end of a hard day's work.辛苦工作了一天,快结束时有所松弛是很自然的。
Haas slacked off in his work.哈斯工作很懈怠。
Don't slack off in your studies.不要荒废你的学业。slack offHouse sales in this city usually slack off during our severe winters.在严寒的冬季,这座城市的房产通常销路不好。
Business usually slacks off at this time of the year.每年这个时候生意一般都很清淡。
slack on v.+prep.

在…方面松散〔懈怠〕 become inactive on (sth)

slack on sthThe instructors were slacking on the job.教员们对工作松松垮垮。
slack up v.+adv.

使减速; (使)松劲 (cause to reduce speed or effect)

slack upSlack up before you reach the cross ̄roads.到交叉路口以前减速。
The doctor advised Facer to slack up for few days, as his lifestyle was having a bad effect on his heart.医生劝告费塞放松几天,因为他的生活方式对他的心脏产生了不良影响。slack sth ⇔ upSlack up the tent ropes before it rains.在下雨之前把帐篷的绳子放松。
Please slack up your speed,I can't run as fast as you!请你跑慢点!我跑得没你快。近义词 dulleasyslowloosequietadj. baggy反义词 quickrigidstiffdiligentadj. busy
~+ n.He tightened a few slack screws.他旋紧了几只松动的螺丝。
Winter is the slack season at most hotels.对大多数旅馆来说,冬天是淡季。
S+be+~Discipline in Mr. Brow's class becomes very slack.布朗先生班上的纪律很松。
Security's got a bit slack.安全问题有些放松。S+be+~+ prep .-phraseLiving alone, he became slack about his appearance.由于单独过活,他对自己的外表越来越不在意了。
Don't get slack at your work.不要疏忽你的工作。
He is always slack in doing his homework.他做作业总是马马虎虎。
Nancy is slack in answering letters.南希很少回信。用作动词v.
S+~+AStop slacking and get on with digging.不要偷懒,继续挖。
His pace has graduallyslacked.他的步速逐渐慢了下来。
The breezeslacked.风变小了。
S+~+ n./pron.Slack the rope before trying to untie the knot.想解结之前先将绳索放松。


slack既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,常与down, off, up等连用。

用作形容词A rope isslackif it hasn't been pulled tight.如果一根绳子没有拉紧,那它是松的。
She was shocked at theslackdiscipline in the school.对于学校松弛的纪律她感到震惊。
He isslackin answering letters.他疏于回信。
After intense work in the summer, we areslackoff now.夏季紧张的工作过後,我们现在放松了。
Business isslackat this season.在这个季节生意清淡萧条。
February is aslacktime for hotels by the sea.二月份是海滨旅馆的淡季。用作名词There is too muchslackin the rope.这条绳子太松了。
The sailor pull at the rope to take up theslack.水手们拉起绳索把它收紧。
Our boss doesn't give us anyslack.老板从来不让我们有一丝的松懈。
There's a certain amount ofslackin the car industry at the moment.眼下汽车工业不太景气。用作及物动词The driverslackedup before reaching the crossroads.司机在驶近十字路口时减慢了速度。
Freight-car loadings continue toslackoff.火车货运的运输量继续减少。
Don'tslackoff in your studies.不要荒费你的学业。用作不及物动词You shouldslackthe rope before trying to untie the knot.解结之前你应该先将绳索放松。
Slack up the tent ropes before it rains.在下雨之前把帐篷的绳子放松。verb.do little or nothing;loosen
同义词 abate,decrease,diminish,dodge,drop off,dwindle,ease,ease off,featherbed,flag,goldbrick,goof off,idle,lax,lay back,lessen,let up,lie down on job,loose,moderate,neglect,reduce,relax,release,shirk,slack off,slow down,taper,tire,untighten,wane
反义词 stiffen,tighten The antenna of master and slave transmitters slacked and liable to be shortened in current.
笼中主发信机和备用发信机天线松弛,易短路。 blog.sina.com.cn

The offensive has slacked off.

His hands slacked down when he heard her shouting.

I slacked and learned a few survival skills.
蹉跎中练就一身生存技能。 blog.sina.com.cn

If you slacked consistently, you could be thrown overboard.
如果你屡教不改老偷懒,你可能会被活活扔到海里。 yeeyan

Never really studied much. I slacked and learned a few survival skills. I've returned without accomplishment.
没正经上过学,蹉跎中练就一身生存技能,现在学无所成海外归来。 blog.sina.com.cn

Now that the circus was leaving town, business had slacked off again.
由于马戏团即将离开,这个城镇的商业再次停滞。 nciku

She slacked off in her work.
她工作很懈怠。 www.1stenglish.com

The American artillery slacked off in its firing and this tactical error undoubtedly allowed a lot of fleeing troops to fight their way out.
美国炮兵火力减弱,这一策略性错误无疑使大批逃窜的敌军得以突围。 iciba

The rain has slacked to a drizzle.
雨势减弱成毛毛细雨。 dj.client.iciba.com

The train slacked through the yards along the lake front, and ran rather slowly to Twenty-fourth Street.
火车隆隆地穿过湖边的车场,慢慢地朝二十四街驶去。 xddhy

Their enthusiasm slacked off.
他们的热情减退了。 iciba

Tighten the slacked stern line!

Went abroad to study. Lived overseas for a decade. Never really studied much. I slacked and learned a few survival skills.
留学生身份出去的,在国外生活了十几年,没正经上过学,蹉跎中练就一身生存技能。 blog.sina.com.cn

Went abroad to study, lived overseas for a decade, never really studied much. I slacked and learned a few survival skills, I've returned without accomplishment.




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