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词汇 SLA
释义 SLA 英ˌesel'eɪ美ˌesel'eɪ;英slɑː美slɑ COCA⁴⁸⁸⁸⁶BNC⁵⁰²⁸⁹
abbr.航天器-登月舱适配器=Spacecraft Lunar-module Adapter
The aggregation of this data can be required as a general report card on a system's operational health and capacity or as some form of SLA compliance assessment.
这些数据的总和可以作为关于系统运行健康状况和性能的通用成绩单,或者作为某种形式的 SLA遵从性评价。 ibm

The consumer also wants to know how threshold levels are related to guaranteed levels of service availability as set forth in a service level agreement SLA.
用户还想知道阈值水平之间是如何关联的,以保证之前在服务水平协议 SLA中所规定的服务可用性水平。 ibm

The developers should communicate with localization specialists on the issues of dropped packets and significant interruption thresholds when specifying resizing and bandwidth limits in a SLA.
在指定 SLA的调整和带宽限制时,开发人员必须与本地化专家沟通关于传输数据包和重大的中断阀值问题。 ibm

The functional requirements and SLA requirements must be satisfied, with acceptable limits, as mandated by the business requirements.
在业务需求强制要求的可接受限制范围内,必须满足功能需求和 SLA需求。 ibm

All of these recommendations are subject to constraints, such as SLA, security policies, testing process, corporate policies, and government regulations.
所有这些建议都受到各种约束的影响,如 SLA、安全处理、测试过程、公司政策和政府法律法规。 ibm

At that time, you would translate that into a Service Legal Agreement SLA, which the customer would sign off on.
此时,您可以将该定义转换为服务水平协议 SLA,准备征得客户的正式同意。 ibm

By including exceptions in a SLA, a provider can protect itself from liability in case of problems or network outages.
通过在 SLA中包含进例外情况,提供者可以在出现问题或网络损耗时免负责任。 ibm

Doing so helps you translate the data into a service level agreement SLA in which the customer signs off on.
这样做可以帮助您将数据转化为服务水平协议 SLA,从而解决客户所面临的问题。 ibm

Each service has an SLA contract in place for its consumer and tools exist to measure it.
每个服务都有针对其消费者的 SLA契约,并有工具可以对其进行度量; infoq

Every SLA must take into consideration the service levels supported by downstream services and components it invokes.
每一份 SLA都必须考虑所调用的下游服务和组件所支持的服务水平。 ibm

Find out how the threshold levels may vary from those specified as the performance standards for uptime availability in the SLA.
查明阈值水平与 SLA中作为正常使用时间可用性的性能标准规定的那些阈值水平有什么不同。 ibm

For this article, I'll highlight those exploitable vulnerabilities that would impact the uptime availability in the SLA.
在本文中,我将重点介绍这些可利用来影响 SLA中正常运行时间有效性的漏洞。 ibm

Fourth, he can notify the client of SLA downtime or before changes to network interfaces take place.
第四,可以向客户通知 SLA宕机事件,或在对网络接口作出修改之前通知。 ibm

If this exercise is completed and the changes still do not meet the required SLA, then the business process needs to be carefully looked into and changed.
如果完成了此工作,而更改后仍然无法达到要求的 SLA,则需要对业务流程进行仔细检查并进行一定更改。 ibm

It gathers run- time data and analytics that might be subsequently used to analyze and adapt the modeled“to- be” business processes to meet the SLA requirements.
它收集运行时数据和分析数据,可以随后将这些数据用于分析和调整已建模的“将来”业务流程,从而满足 SLA要求。 ibm

Like any agreement or insurance, a SLA will usually specify exceptions to its terms.
象任何协议或保险单一样, SLA通常会指定其条款中的例外情况。 ibm

Now, we check the SLA database at the end of a test run to determine the number of transactions conducted.
现在,我们在测试运行的末尾检查 SLA数据库,以确定所进行的事务的数量。 ibm

The article shows you how to create a service gateway mediation flow that enables endpoint selection based on an active SLA between a particular consumer and an agreed endpoint.
本文将展示如何创建一个服务网关中介流,以支持基于一个特定用户和一个已认可端点之间的一个活动 SLA选择端点。 ibm

The first is a performance management policy called service policy, which is a type of service level agreement SLA.
第一种是称为服务策略的性能管理策略,该策略是一种服务水平协议 SLA。 ibm

The infrastructure architecture might also be analyzed to ensure whether changes at that level can satisfy the SLA requirements.
可能也需要对基础设施体系结构进行分析,以确保该级别的更改是否能满足 SLA要求。 ibm

The policy must state that resource threshold levels be below or at the guaranteed level of service availability forth in the Service Level Agreement SLA.
该策略必须声明资源阀值水平,低于或等于之前在服务水平协议 SLA中规定的服务可用性保证水平。 ibm

The services and business processes are further monitored to ensure compatibility with the business metrics and service-level agreements SLA that are supposed to be met.
对服务和业务流程进行进一步监视,以保证它们与应当满足的业务度量及服务级别协议 SLA 之间的兼容性。 ibm

This capability allows you to track application changes on your server, which is important to maintenance the application for service level agreement SLA in a complex IT environment.
这一功能使您可以跟踪您服务器上的应用程序变更,这对于在复杂的 IT环境中维护应用程序服务级别协议 SLA是很重要的。 ibm

This completes the connection manager SLA modification.
连接管理器 SLA修改到此结束。 ibm

This SLA type usually defines the importance of a particular service consumer.
这种 SLA类型通常用来定义特定服务客户的重要性。 ibm

To have an accurate SLA you should do adequate testing of your solution.
为拥有准确的 SLA,您应当对解决方案进行足够测试。 ibm

Total transactions from the SLA database includes both Browse and Buy transactions.
来自 SLA数据库的总事务包括浏览和购买事务。 ibm

Transactions are logged to a file and eventually sent to SLA, and then to the test machine.
事务被记录在一个文件中,最终发送到 SLA中,然后发送到测试机上。 ibm

When you do so, test the firewall to ensure the uptime availability guarantee maintains at a level agreed upon in the SLA.
当您这么做的时候,测试防火墙以确保正常运行时间的可用性保证保持在 SLA许可的级别。 ibm

SLA monitoring and management providing support for controlling throttling and load balancing to meet defined SLAs on a per- endpoint basis.
SLA监控与管理为控制节流和负载平衡提供支持以达到满足每一终端基准的预定义的 SLA。 infoq




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