

单词 skulls
释义 skulls skʌlz COCA¹⁸⁸¹⁸BNC¹⁶⁵⁹⁵Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺
n.头骨skull的复数v.击中…的头颅skull的第三人称单数原型skull的复数 Children’s skulls are thinner than adults’ and their brains are still developing.
儿童的头骨比成年人的更薄们的大脑还正在发育。 yeeyan

The good news is with skulls, as Mary was discussing, when we try to use all our various formulas for developing the features to create a skull- to-face reconstruction.
像玛丽说的那样,当我们进行从头骨到面部的重建时,我们试图利用全部的关系来形成必要的面部特征,幸好,我们手里还有头盖骨。 yeeyan

The injuries to the skulls suggest face-to-face combat in a battle perhaps fought between warring tribes, say the researchers.
研究人员说,头骨上的伤痕暗示着一场可能发生在部落战争期间的肉搏战。 yeeyan

The team was then able to exert virtual stresses to test how the different skulls held up.
这样他们就能利用虚拟的压力对不同动物的头骨进行压力支撑测试. yeeyan

The use of mammoth bones, jaws, and skulls to build structures was common among the mammoth- hunting cultures of the Upper paleolithic.
用猛犸骨头、下颚骨和头骨建造房屋,在旧石器时代的猛犸狩猎文化中很普遍。 yeeyan

“That's when the tiny braincase started to make sense, because early whales have big skulls and relatively small brains, ” Gingerich remembers.
“那时,小脑开始有意义了,因为早期鲸头骨比较大,而大脑相对小点,”金格里奇回忆说。 yeeyan

Alas, the physicist notes, many skulls don’t come with hair.
不过,物理学家们注意到,许多头骨上并无头发。 yeeyan

Archaeological excavations of the Tollense Valley in northern Germany unearthed fractured skulls, wooden clubs and horse remains dating from around1200 BC.
在德国北部托伦瑟河谷的考古发掘中出土的骨折头骨、木棍和马的遗骸,可以追溯至大约公元前1200年。 yeeyan

Archaeologists discovered this mummy and skulls in a cave in Peru in1915, during a joint National Geographic- Yale Peruvian expedition headed by Hiram Bingham.
1915年由海勒姆宾厄姆领导的国家地理-耶鲁的秘鲁远征考古学家在秘鲁的一个洞穴中发现了这个木乃伊和这些头骨。 yeeyan

As far as skulls are concerned, there is one confounding variable: climate.
至于说到头骨,这里有个容易混淆的变化因素:气候。 ecocn

BABIES’ skulls dashed against rocks; attempts to twist off the heads of toddlers.
婴儿的头骨撞击着岩石;想要扭断初学走路孩童的头部而未遂。 ecocn

Children's skulls and scalps are thinner.
儿童的头骨和头皮更薄。 yeeyan

Gray wolves have relatively long skulls and one gray wolf skull is more or less the same as another age and gender differences notwithstanding.
灰狼有相对长的头骨和一个灰色的狼头骨或多或少与另一个年龄和性别差异尽管相同。 yeeyan

He knew what he had discovered and was eagerly seeking more of these skulls.
他了解这一发现的重要性,并急于寻求更多的头骨。 yeeyan

Human skulls are also much thicker than mice and this could prevent the waves from impregnating the brain.
人类的头骨也比老鼠厚很多,可能会阻止电磁波浸入大脑。 yeeyan

I'm pretty sure that when it occurred in the past, when we got all these skulls on the beach, that was during a warm period.
我非常确信,当我们在海滩上得到所有这些头骨的时候,过去发生的这种洄游是在比较温暖的季节。 yeeyan

In this singularly interesting syndrome, a single genetic mutation causes elongated skulls, and over- production of oestrogen.
在这个奇异有趣的综合征中,一个单一基因的突变会导致头骨细长,和产生过多的雌激素。 yeeyan

Infant mice that had been exposed to alcohol in the womb also had some of the symptoms of human fetal alcohol syndrome, such as a lower body weight and smaller skulls.
在子宫内就经受了酒精考验的幼鼠也表现出了人类胎儿酒精综合征的一些症状,如体重轻、头骨小。 yeeyan

Modern large- mouthed snakes, such as boas and anacondas, can eat large prey because their jaw joints are positioned well behind their skulls, allowing the snakes to open their mouths very wide.
现代阔口蛇,像蟒蛇和水蟒,能吃大的猎物是因为它们的颌关节恰位于头骨的后面,能使蛇的嘴张得非常宽。 yeeyan

Prehistoric cave denizens cleaned the skulls before using stone tools to shape the upper parts of the brain cases into containers, the researchers say.
研究人员称,史前穴居人先将头骨清洗干净后,再用石器修正上半脑部位置的形状,使之成为容器。 yeeyan

That can be done very accurately for all primates, and DeSilva was able to analyze a dozen Australopithecus skulls.
这种方法可以精确地运用于所有灵长类。 德西尔瓦有一打南猿头骨可供他分析。 yeeyan

The predator has been identified as a new species of pliosaur, a group of extinct aquatic reptiles that had huge skulls, short necks and four flippers to power them through the water.
这种食肉动物已被确认为一种上龙,上龙是一类已经灭绝了的水生爬行动物,有巨大的头骨,粗短的脖子,还有令它们在水里来去自如的四只脚蹼。 yeeyan

Their skulls are built to withstand greater stress from chewing tougher food like grasses.
它们的头骨能够承受咀嚼植草类坚韧食物时产生的更大的力。 yeeyan

These measurements were taken using skulls found in Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
这些数据的测量涉及在欧洲,中东,和亚洲发现的人类头骨。 yeeyan

These questions were quickly preempted by new discoveries of more of these skulls.
随着更多此类头骨被发现,这些问题很快就淡出了人们的视野。 yeeyan

They claimed their skulls showed that modern humans had evolved all over the world from local populations of an earlier species called Homo erectus.
他们在研究头骨后得出这样的结论:分布在世界各地的现代人是由当地的早期直立人进化而来。 ecocn

Those who still tried to break free had their skulls smashed, or were repeatedly bayonetted.
那些仍然试图挣脱的人的头骨或被打得粉碎或被刺刀多次劈刺。 yeeyan




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