

单词 skinned
释义 skinned 英skɪnd美skɪndAHDskĭnd ●●●○○高COCA³¹⁷⁸⁰BNC³²³⁵⁴iWeb²²⁹⁴⁶Economist¹¹⁵⁶⁶
adj. 具有…皮的²⁵; 剥了皮的⁵⁰动词skin的过去式和过去分词形式²⁵原型skin的过去式和过去分词
having skin of a specified kindthin-skinned ingot薄皮钢锭skinned wire裸线thin-skinned structure薄皮构造thin skinned薄皮的as thick skinned as an elephant不听人劝,感觉迟钝…keep one's eyes skinned谨慎小心
skinn,-ed如|被…的⇒adj.具有…皮的²⁵;剥了皮的动词skin的过去式和过去分词形式反义词 skinless无皮的

用作形容词Now, Mr.Foust buys four whole,skinnedrabbits each month.Once a week, he defrosts one, chops it into a dozen pieces and puts it into a grinder.现在,福斯特每个月买四只去皮的整兔,每周解冻一只,切成碎块放进绞肉机。
He borrowed the sharp teeth of a dying panther, the claws of a long-dead bear, and the tail from a rotting raccoon and put them over hisskinnedhead and bloody bones.他从烂掉浣熊借用了一头死的豹的锋利的牙齿,一头长死的熊的爪和尾巴并且投入了他们在他的被剥皮的顶头和血淋淋的骨头。as in.raw
同义词 peeledcut,nude,open,sensitive,sore,woundedabradedau naturel,blistered,bruised,chafed,dressed,galled,grazed,pared,scraped,scratched
反义词 healed,healthy
rawadjective exposed, tender, referring to skin
abradedau naturel,blistered,bruised,chafed,cut,dressed,galled,grazed,nude,open,pared,peeled,scraped,scratched,sensitive,sore,wounded
rawestadjective exposed, tender, referring to skin
abradedau naturel,blistered,bruised,chafed,cut,dressed,galled,grazed,naked,nude,open,pared,peeled,scraped,scratched,sensitive,skinned,sore,unclad,unclothed,uncovered,wounded Fair- skinned people suffer more from sunburn and have a higher risk of skin cancer than dark- skinned people.
皮肤白皙的人比皮肤黑色的人更容易晒伤,罹患皮肤癌的风险也更高。 who

The obvious danger is that it would lead to the systematic harassment of brown- skinned people, including legal immigrants.
显而易见的危险是,这将会导致包括合法移民在内的黄皮肤人群彻底的混乱。 ecocn

Tweet Teenagers with severe acne are two to three times more likely to suffer from depression than their clear- skinned peers, according to a new study in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology.
根据《皮肤病学研究杂志》上一项新的研究显示:与面部光洁的同龄人相比,患有严重的痤疮的青年人抑郁的机率要高出两到三倍。 yeeyan

When we first meet Sylvester Stallone in that film, he frankly looks like a skinned heifer that someone left out in the rain for six weeks.
影片开头,我们看看西尔维斯特·史泰龙,简直就象一头被扒了皮的小母牛,而且,还被人扔在雨里,放了六星期。 yeeyan

A petite, light- skinned Jamaican woman sits with her husband in a crowded beachside ice cream shop in San Diego.
一个小巧、肤淡的牙买加妇女和她丈夫坐在圣迭戈拥挤的海边冰激凌店里。 yeeyan

An old soldier from Hiroshima visits Okada to tell him a terrifying story of a man who was skinned alive by enemy forces before the second world war.
一个来自广岛的老士兵拜访冈田亨并向他讲述了关于二战前一个人被敌军活活剥皮的可怕故事。 ecocn

Darker- skinned people of the same ethnicity grow up emotionally scarred and completely unrepresented by the media images they are subjected to daily.
同一种族的深色肤质的人们每天要面对这些媒体图像而使得他们容易受到情感上的伤害。 yeeyan

Even if you’ve hated him in the past. Love him as a brother, or love her as a sister, no matter who they are, old or young, light skinned or dark, male or female, rich or poor.
即使你不了解他,即使你过去恨他,也尝试像兄弟一样爱他,像姐妹一样爱她,不论他们是谁,年老还是年幼,白人还是黑人,男人还是女人,穷人还是富人。 yeeyan

I was one of those dark- skinned country children who didn't matter.
我作为一个皮肤很黑的乡村孩子,他们根本不在意我。 yeeyan

I gradually began removing small amounts of rind to get the different colour and then moved into shaping the skinned parts.
我渐渐开始将一小块瓜皮去掉以便获得不同的颜色,然后再开始修整其他有瓜皮的部分。 yeeyan

I watch the green lines of crops, the white- skinned eucalyptus trees, the solitary oaks move past in slow motion.
我看到整齐的绿色田野,长着白树皮的桉树,一棵棵独生的橡树,在眼前缓慢的移动。 kle100

I wish I was a kid again, because skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts.

I skinned my elbow against the wall.
我的肘部撞在墙上擦破了皮. putclub

In a rite to the maize goddess, a virgin danced for24 hours, then was killed and skinned; her skin was worn by a priest in further dancing.
在一场玉米女神的祭典中,一个处女要跳上二十四小时的死亡之舞,最后被杀害,剥皮,然后由一个祭司披着她的皮继续跳舞。 yeeyan

Indignation runs high when a celebrity professor succumbs to racial profiling, but whole communities are effectively“profiled” for the suspicious combination of being both dark- skinned and poor.
当知名教授认同种族定性时,人们的愤怒就变得高涨,但实际上整个社会已经对这种可疑的深肤色与贫穷的结合定性了。 yeeyan

It was only when they had to start sharing their streets, goods and services with their darker- skinned compatriots that they began to wonder whether they really were.
只有当不得不开始与黑皮肤的同胞们共享道路、商品和服务时,他们才开始怀疑自己究竟身在何处。 yeeyan

Jerry got a bear that I skinned for him.
杰利抓到一头熊,我为它剥了皮。 yeeyan

Luckily, a method of doing this type of stretching has been available since the early skinned applications.
幸运的是,从早期带皮肤的应用程序起,就有一个方法可用于处理这种类型的拉伸。 ibm

Scorpions scamper in bowls, water snakes coil in tanks and cats whine in cramped cages, waiting to be slaughtered, skinned and served for dinner.
碗里惊跑的蝎子、水箱里盘旋的水蛇、狭小笼子里哀叫的猫,等着被宰杀、剥皮,然后被端上餐桌。 yeeyan

The boy is an olive- skinned little scamp with Clark Gable ears and great chocolate eyes that open wider than the screenful of miracles at the neighborhood Cinema Paradiso.
这个橄榄色皮肤的小淘气长着克拉克盖博的耳朵,和比隔壁天堂电影院满幕的奇迹还要开阔的巧克力色的大眼睛。 yeeyan

The boy had skinned and dumped a buffalo carcass, from which a dog took a meaty bone into their field.
这个孩子刚刚给一头死牛剥完皮,一只狗还从他们的田地里叼走了根肉骨头。 yeeyan

Thus, the architect needs to be “thick- skinned” since they may need to correct their decisions and backtrack at times during a project.
因此构架师需要是厚脸皮的,因为他们很可能在项目开发过程中更正自己的决定,并且按原路返回查找问题。 ibm

We meet a blonde fair- skinned neighbor who hates the family. She is depicted three times, each time with her two blond sons, who seem less prejudiced than she is.
我们看到了一位讨厌这家人的金发白种邻居,她三次出场,每回身边都有她的两个金发儿子陪同——他们看起来没有她这样高傲。 yeeyan




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