

单词 skinhead
释义 skin·head 英ˈskɪnˌhed美ˈskɪnˌhɛdAHDskĭnʹhĕd' ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁵³³⁵BNC¹⁹⁹⁸⁵iWeb³⁰²⁴⁶
a young person who belongs to a British or American group that shave their heads and gather at rock concerts or engage in white supremacist demonstrations蒋争熟词记忆skin皮肤headn.头⇒剃光头的人;秃头skin皮肤headn.头⇒剃光头的人;秃头as in.hairless
同义词 bald,clean-shavenshavedbaldheaded,beardless,cue ball,depilated,glabrate,glabrescent,glabrous,shaven,shorn,smooth,smooth-faced,tonsured,whiskerless
反义词 furry,hairy,hirsute
hairlessadjective without growth on body part
bald,baldheaded,beardless,clean-shaven,cue ball,depilated,glabrate,glabrescent,glabrousshavedshaven,shorn,smooth,smooth-faced,tonsured,whiskerless IT IS rare for an ex- neo- Nazi skinhead to sit down with a couple of former Islamist extremists and someone who was once a member of a violent street gang.
一个前“新纳粹”光头党分子、几个前伊斯兰极端主义分子、一些曾经的暴力街头帮派成员坐到了一起,这种场面真得十分罕见。 ecocn

Wu, another staff member has admitted involvement in the beating Sumou facts, and give out a nickname called“ skinhead” who also participated in the assault.
另一名工作人员吴某也承认了参与殴打苏某的事实,并供出一个外号叫“光头”的人也参与了殴打行为。 dw188

Alarmist rhetoric from President Vladimir Putin; skinhead violence on Russian streets. Is there a connection?
普京总统危言耸听的外交辞令和俄国街头的平民暴力,他们之间有关联么? ecocn

He likes technology, his sense of family responsibility, although he is a skinhead, I still feel handsome.
喜欢他的技术,他的家庭责任感,虽然他是个光头,我还是觉得很帅。 blog.sina.com.cn

Laser Tattoo Removal There are two heads, green and white skinhead skinheads.
激光洗眉机有两个光头,绿光光头和白光光头。 tianya

Our household golden, Bjorn, raises his paw in a Teutonic salute so often, I fear he may have picked up Nazi sympathies from a reprobate gang of skinhead German pointers.
我家的金色 Bjorn金毛猎犬总会举起爪子做纳粹敬礼状,恐怕它是从一帮流氓光头德国指示犬那里找到的一些同情心。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Russian human rights activists said during the hearings that police often stood by when skinhead and neo- Nazi groups staged demonstrations against Jews, ethnic minorities or foreigners.
俄罗斯人权活动者们说经常处在警察的暴力恐惧当中,当那些暴力分子举行示威游行反对犹太人等,或者是外国人。 dltcedu

So he went to the skinhead youth road.

The band has never been a“ skinhead band, ” but has had both skinhead and punk members who have emphasized unity between the two groups.
乐队从来没有一个光头带,但有两个光头和朋克成员都强调,两组之间的团结。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org




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