

单词 skidding
释义 skid·ding 英'skɪdɪŋ美'skɪdɪŋ 高COCA³³⁶⁵³BNC³⁹⁸³⁸
名词 skid:
one of a pair of planks used to make a track for rolling or sliding objectsa restraint provided when the brake linings are moved hydraulically against the brake drum to retard the wheel's rotationan unexpected slide
用作名词The smooth brick noodles can let sumo hand theskiddingpass the next brick noodles.光滑的砖面可让相扑手滑行通过到下一砖面。
She could feel they wereskidding.她能感觉到他们在打滑。
The car wentskiddingoff the road into a ditch.汽车打滑冲出公路跌进沟里。verb.slide against will
同义词 drift,glide,slip,swerve,veermove,sheer,skew,sluego into skid Initial word of the deal sent Citi’s share price skidding on January12th, as investors reasoned that the bank must be desperate if it was choosing to sell one of its best assets.
这个意向在1月12日宣布后,花旗银行的股价下跌了。投资人认为如果花旗银行肯将其最好的资产卖出,肯定是饥不择食了。 ecocn

Japan’s politics is skidding for the buffers.
日本政治正滑向缓冲区。 ecocn

The hip angulation that's created prevents skidding and maintains the carving of your outside ski.
由此产生的胯部的倾角能让你保持外侧雪板的切雪并防止搓雪。 lvye

The mechanism and impact of aero- engine bearing's skidding damage are analyzed.
分析了航空燃气涡轮发动机主轴承产生滑蹭损伤的机理与危害。 cnki

This paper presents a discussion of steady-state response of the structural skidding damping friction force by using the computer aided analysis.
本文用计算机辅助分析结构受滑移阻尼摩擦力时的稳态响应。 dictall

ANTI-SKID, A system for providing maximum braking without skidding for any runway condition. Anti-skid components are part of the brake system.
防滑系统,一种在任何跑道状况下,都能提供最大的刹车能力而不使轮胎打滑的系统。防滑部件是刹车系统的一部分。 blog.sina.com.cn

But the silver car unexpectedly fishtailed around, skidding to a stop with the passenger door open just a few feet from me.
但那辆车出人意料地摆尾急转,骤然停在离我几英尺远的地方,乘客座的门打开了。 blog.sina.com.cn

If the object is skidding or slipping, then the friction must always be a maximum here.
如果物体是在滑移或滑动,那么摩擦就会保持,是最大的。 open.163.com

If the store is crowded, I’ll sometimes go so far as to drop my change all over the floor, the nickelsand dimes skidding in every direction.
如果商店里很挤,我有时会跑得很远,就像一大把零钱掉落在地,各种硬币会倒处乱滚一样。 yeeyan

In addition, I also like extreme skidding sports, and participated in extreme skidding games more than once.
另外我还喜欢极限轮滑运动,多次参加国内举办的极限轮滑比赛。 gatefanyi.com

So then we have skidding and we have slipping and then we don't have the pure roll situation.
所以这里是滑移和滑动,而不是纯滚动的情况。 open.163.com

Some preventive measures of skidding damage used on foreign aero- engines are listed.
列举了国外一些发动机中防止滑蹭损伤采用的措施。 cnki

That means the object is not skidding and is not slipping.
这意味着物体不是在滑移,也不是在滑动。 open.163.com

The recession sent car sales in America skidding from16.5m in 2007 to just over10m in 2009 see chart, below.
经济衰退导致美国的汽车销量从2007年的1650万辆下降到2009年的刚刚超过1000万辆见表。 ecocn

The collision flipped his car a few times and sent it skidding down the highway.
在撞击下,他的车翻了好几个翻,然后又在高速路上滑了一段。 yeeyan

The multi- objective function taking objectives at against skidding torque and stopping time is proposed.
提出以制动摩擦力矩和制动时间为主要优化目标的多目标函数。 cnki

Thus, at least a part of an arc in phase- III is executed with significant skidding.
结果,在第三阶段的至少某一部分弧线上就会出现明显的搓雪。 lvye

Under high speed lightly loaded conditions, skidding damage often becomes one of the main damage forms for cylindrical roller bearings while surface roughness has great effect on skidding damage.
在高速和轻载工况条件下,打滑擦伤往往成为圆柱滚子轴承的主要失效形式,而表面粗糙度对轴承打滑损伤有很大的影响。 cnki




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