

单词 sketched out
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In September1969, Dr. Boyle and Dr. Smith, working at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, N. J., sketched out an idea on a blackboard in Dr. Boyle’s office.
1969年9月,博伊尔和史密斯博士,工作于位于新泽西州莫雷山的贝尔实验室,当时在博伊尔博士办公室的黑板上草拟了一个想法。 yeeyan

Last chapter summarized the work of this dissertation, and future work of this dissertation were also sketched out.
本文的第六章对研究内容进行了总结,并对今后的工作进行了展望。 fabiao

The chancellor inherited a plan sketched out by Alistair Darling, his Labour predecessor, for a sizeable fiscal consolidation building up over several years.
奥斯本继承了由前任工党财政大臣戴理德制定的财政计划,打算用几年时间大规模巩固性地减少财政赤字。 ecocn

Gloria Steinem sketched out the vision in a1970 TIME Essay titled“ What It Would Be Like If Women Win.”
Gloria Steinem在1970年在 TIME杂志上发表文章概述了她的梦想,文章标题是:“如果女人赢了世界会如何”。 yeeyan

If the team in the example had been using an agile approach, as shown in Figure2, it would have roughly sketched out the requirements, but in a way that allowed the project owners to prioritize them.
如果此示例中的团队使用了敏捷方法,如图2所示,则应该已经大致拟定了需求,但是允许项目所有者对需求进行优先排序。 ibm

If you're sketched out, ask the woman at the counter if she has a new tester you can use.
如果你愿意试用,问柜台内的妇女她是否能给你一个新的试用品。 yeeyan

Jose Luis Rodriguez captured the imaginations of the judges with a picture that he had planned for years, and even sketched out on a piece of paper.
罗德里格斯终于打动了评委的心,为拍伊比利亚狼计划数年甚至把要拍的在纸上绘成草图。 yeeyan

Their innovation, sketched out in1969, is now the imager in millions of digital cameras and telescopes.
他们在1969年草创的这项发明,如今已成了数百万数码相机和望远镜的成像仪。 yeeyan

Two scenarios can be plausibly sketched out for Europe in the near term: one surprisingly positive, the other more negative.
对于近期的欧洲,人们做了两套可能的方案﹕一个出乎意料的积极,另一个则更消极。 ecocn




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