

单词 skein
释义 skein 英skeɪn美skenAHDskān ☆☆☆☆☆高四宝GCOCA³⁷⁸⁷⁴BNC³⁵²⁷⁴iWeb²²⁶⁷⁷Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

coils of worsted yarn来自中古英语 skeyne,束,缕,可能来自 PIE*skend,分开,来自 PIE*seg,砍,劈,词源同 segment,section.skein cell网状细胞skein reel摇纱绞机skein test检色盲彩线skein reeling machine摇绞纱机skein winding分布绕组the tangled skein of纠缠不清的the ravelled skein of纠缠不清的
GRE红宝书如果看过恐怖片《苍蝇》就比较好背: skin皮肤里面有一卷e纱线, 说的是主人公变成苍蝇前的情景.
skin 纳粹集中营里剥下的人皮是一束一束的,用来做成书皮、灯罩等
GRE难词记忆skein→Nikespl. 耐克运动服装→生产耐克运动服所用的一束束纱线Nikespl.耐克运动服装⇒生产耐克运动服所用的一束束纱线近义词 web网ball球coil卷reel卷bundle捆length长度Hank汉克男名

用作名词She passed me askeinof wool.她递给我一绞毛线。
Thisskeinof wool won't disentangle.这束毛线解不开。
The twistedskeinof fate smiles on us.扭曲痛苦的命运向我们微笑了。
Askeinof duck came across, gabbling softly to themselves一群鸭子走过来,相互轻轻地低声而鸣。noun.tangle
同义词 knotcoil,complication,entanglement,jam,jungle,labyrinth,mass,mat,maze,mesh,mess,mix up,morass,muddle,rummage,snag,snarl,strand,thread,twist,webcat's cradle
反义词 benefit,ease,order,organization,simplicity
flocknoun group of people
labyrinthnoun maze, complexity
mazenoun labyrinth;confusion
meshnoun netting, entanglement
morassnoun bog;mess
chaos,confusion,fen,jam,jungle,knot,labyrinth,marsh,maze,mesh,mix up,muddle,quagmire,skein,snarl,swamp,tangle,web
sequencenoun series, order
arrangement,array,catenation,chain,classification,concatenation,consecution,consecutiveness,continuance,continuity,continuousness,course,cycle,disposition,distribution,flow,graduation,grouping,ordering,pecking order,perpetuity,placement,procession,progression,row,run,sequel,skein,streak,string,subsequence,succession,successiveness,track,train It is pointed out that the main factor of breakage lies in the poor building of grand reel skein;
认为大竹或丝片成形不良是造成切断的主要因素; cnki

Colour stain can be eliminated effectively in skein mulberry silk yarn heavy-shade dyeing with some selected acid mordant dyes. Silk carpets made of such yarn will give clear-cut multilevel shades.
选用部分酸性媒染染料染深色绞装桑蚕丝,有效地解决了沾色病疵,使丝毯色泽层次分明。 cnki

Despite Mexico’s skein of trade agreements, branching out into new markets is hard because of the accords’ rules of origin.
尽管墨西哥加入了贸易协定,但是因为要遵守原产地规则,所以想要把规模扩大到新的市场还很困难。 ecocn

It was only after drinking a bottle or two of wine that he felt vaguely that the terrible tangled skein of life which had terrified him so before was not so terrible as he had fancied.
他喝了一两瓶葡萄酒以后,他才模糊地意识到,往昔使他不寒而栗的难以解决的生活难题并不像他想象的那样可怕了。 tingroom

It shows how to abstract static and dynamic structures of the smoke skeleton from hand drawn series and, based on those structures, reproduce smoke skein and smoke puffs with proper rendering models.
首先介绍如何从手工绘制的卡通烟雾画面中提取烟雾骨架的静态结构与动态结构,然后沿骨架进行不同的形状绘制来生成卡通烟缕和烟团。 cnki

One skein, two skeins, three skeins, and still the spool was full.
一团,两团,三团,纱锭还是满的。 dreamkidland

She passed me a skein of wool.
她递给我一绞羊毛线。 suxuewang

Spun silk skein should be scoured under gentle conditions in accordance with its features, usually no pretreatment, primary or second scouring are necessary.
根据绢丝绞纱的特点,精练条件应缓和,一般不需要预处理及常规的初、复练; chemyq

Stained rose by the setting sun, a skein of clouds meets twilight over the Clarence River in New South Wales, Australia.
在澳大利亚新南威尔士州的克拉伦斯河上空,夕阳将云彩染成一片瑰丽。 ngpod

The skein after winding is characterized by even thickness and good form.
卷绕后的丝片具有厚薄均匀,成形良好的特点。 cnki

The irregular border indicated that over a long period of time each skein of yarn had been bought and hoarded whenever a dollar or two was available.
从它不规则的边沿来判断,每一束纱线都是在她手头存够一两美元的时候才买来的,而且之间隔的时间较长。 fzfanyi

This skein of wool won't disentangle.
这束毛线解不开。 yeshj




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