

单词 skated
释义 skate·d 英skeɪt美skeɪt COCA³³⁶⁵⁶BNC⁵⁶⁰⁹⁹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
vt. & vi. 溜冰

move on ice

sports equipment that is worn on the feet to enable the wearer to glide along and to be propelled by the alternate actions of the legslarge edible rays having a long snout and thick tail with pectoral fins continuous with the head; swim by undulating the edges of the pectoral fins
move along on skates;

The Dutch often skate along the canals in winter

用作动词 v.
~+副词skate arduously艰苦地溜冰skate expertly熟练地溜冰skate grotesquely可笑地溜冰skate picturesquely美丽地溜冰skate respectfully谨慎地溜冰~+介词skate on〔over〕 thin ice巧妙地处理复杂问题skate over the ice滑冰skate over a difficulty把困难一笔带过
skate over〔around,round〕 v.+prep.

轻率地处理; 约略提及 treat a problem or serious matter lightly

skate over〔around,round〕 sthDon't try to skate over the question by changing the subject.别想以改变话题来回避这个问题。
In this essay he skated over all the minor issues.在那篇文章里,他对一些无关紧要的问题一笔略过。
He simply skated over the difficulties there would be if we moved to Singapore.他只是轻描淡写地讲了一下如果我们移居新加坡可能会遇到的困难。
Mr. Smith skates over the difficulties.史密斯先生善于克服困难。
Instead of trying to solve the problems, the committee skated around them.该委员会不是设法去解决这些问题,而是企图回避这些问题。
They prefer to skate round the issue of sex.他们宁愿回避性问题。
skate through v.+prep.

顺利通过 pass successfully

skate through sthShe skated through her English exam.她顺利通过了英语考试。近义词 blade刀刃roller-skate溜旱冰roller skate四轮滑冰鞋in-line skate滚轴溜冰鞋skateboard溜冰板一种装有滑轮的椭…
S+~+AShe skates beautifully.她滑冰动作优美。
Let's go skating.让我们去滑冰吧。
Lots of people skate on the river when it freezes every winter.每年河水结冰时许多人在河上滑冰。
He skated smoothly across the lake.他平稳地溜过湖面。
The ice is not strong enough to skate.这冰太薄不足以滑行于其上。
They were picked to skate against the visiting team.他们被选出来与客队进行滑冰比赛。
If I were you,I wouldn't do it that way.As it is,I think you're skating on thin ice.要是我,我决不会那样做。就眼下情况看来,我认为你是在冒险。
Though he is skating on thin ice,I think he'll be able to manage the situation well enough.虽然他如履薄冰,但我认为他将能够很好地应付这一局面。
S+~+ n./pron.He skated the length of the rink without stopping.他一下子滑过了整个溜冰场。


skate既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词、代词作宾语。用作不及物动词时,多与 over〔 around ,round〕连用,意思是“口头或书面提及某事时轻描淡写地带过”“回避”“略过”等。

用作动词In winter, many peopleskateon the lake.冬天时,许多人在湖上溜冰。
The ice is too thin toskateon.冰太薄,不能在上面溜冰。
The Dutch oftenskatealong the canals in winter.冬天荷兰人经常沿着运河滑冰。用作名词I can move very fast across the ice onskates.我穿着冰鞋在冰上滑得很快。
I have bought iceskatesto learn to figureskate.我买了一双花样刀来学习滑冰。 The player skated a backflip on the ice.

You fell off. First time you ice skated you sucked.
第一次滑冰的时候你照样菜,更是跌的鼻青脸肿。 yeeyan

Before that fall I skated very difficult program with combinations like no other skaters.
在摔倒之前,我已经滑过难度很高的组合,这是其他任何选手都没有做过的。 blogbus

But last year, he slipped and hurt his leg when he skated.
不过去年,他在溜冰时滑倒了并伤到了腿。 ebigear

He skated for four hours.
他滑了四个小时。 pallasa

He skated round the problem.
他巧妙地解决了问题。 iciba

He skated over the mistakes he made.

I skated for two hours.
昨天我滑了两个小时。 web-107

I skated for hours.
我滑冰4个小时。 hjenglish

I skated in a marathon last year.
我在去年的一场马拉松比赛中就滑冰。 cnzhixue

In Dortmund, like in Budapest you skated last in the group and all the skaters before skated without a mistake. Was it hard for you to concentrate?
在多特蒙德,你在你那一组里最后一个出场,和布达佩斯一样。前面所有选手都没有失误,这是否会让你很难全心投入? blogbus

Sam skated for four hours.

She skated a perfect figure of eight.
她的8字花式溜冰动作堪称完美。 iciba

They skated on the flat sidewalk.
他们在平坦的人行道上溜冰。 sparke

Trevor pushed his skateboard towards Annabel’s house as he skated beside Annabel and Julia on their bikes.
特雷福踩着滑板朝安娜贝利家的方向滑去,安娜贝利和茱莉亚骑着车,和特雷福并行。 yeeyan

When I was a kid, there was a pond behind our village, where we swam in summer and skated in winter. The pond was a paradise for us then.
小时候在村子的后面有个水塘,我们夏天在里面游泳,冬天在上面滑冰,这时水塘便成为我们的乐园。 bbs.education.163.com




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