

单词 sizzle
释义 sizzle 英ˈsɪzəl美ˈsɪzəlAHDsĭzʹəl ★☆☆☆☆高八COCA²⁴⁹²⁵BNC⁶¹¹⁶²iWeb²³¹⁴⁷Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
a sizzling noise
make a sound like frying fatseethe with deep anger or resentment;

She was sizzling with anger

burn or sear with a sizzling sound;

The fat sizzled in the pan

sizz-,发咝咝声,拟声词,-le,表反复。sizz-le⇒v.油煎食物时发出咝咝声;嘶嘶作响v.使…烧得咝咝作响v.表现极好n.咝咝的声音³⁰近义词 spit唾液hiss嘘声sputter喷溅buzz发出嗡嗡声crackle发劈啪声

用作动词It's enough to make your neurons misfire, thensizzleand smoke.这个问题足以使你的神经元失火,然后发出咝咝声和冒烟。
A snake issizzlingat us.一条毒蛇冲着我们发出咝咝的响声。用作动词The sun was beginning tosizzlethe land.太阳开始使大地炎热。用作动词Sales immediately began tosizzle.销售情况立即出现喜人景象。用作名词The vegetables dropped into the boiling oil with asizzle.欻拉一声, 把菜倒进了滚油锅里。verb.hiss, fry
同义词 broil,crackle,fizzle,grill,roast,sear,sputterbrown,buzz,cook,fizz,frizzle,sibilate,spit,swish,wheeze,whisper,whiz
反义词 freeze
cookverb prepare food, usually using heat
bake,barbecue,blanch,boil,braise,brew,broil,brown,burn,coddle,decoct,deep fry,doctor,escallop,fix,french fry,fricassee,fry,grill,heat,imbue,melt,microwave,nuke,panfry,parboil,percolate,poach,pressure-cook,reduce,roast,sauté,scald,scorch,sear,simmer,steam,steep,stew,toast,warm up
fryverb cook in hot oil
brown,french fry,fricassee,frizzle,pan fry,sauté,sear,singe,sizzle
libelverb purposefully lie about someone
asperse,bad-mouth,blister,burlesque,calumniate,caricature,crack,defame,denigrate,derogate,drag name through mud,give a black eye,knock,malign,mark,mark wrong,revile,roast,scandalize,scorch,sizzle,slur,smear,tear down,traduce,travesty,vilify
rantverb yell, rave
bellow,bloviate,blow one's top,bluster,carry on,clamor,cry,declaim,fume,harangue,mouth,objurgate,orate,perorate,rage,rail,roar,scold,shout,sizzle,soapbox,sound off,spiel,spout,storm,stump,take on,vociferate
rantedverb yell, rave
bellowed,blew one's top,bloviated,blustered,carried on,clamored,cried,declaimed,fumed,harangued,mouthed,objurgated,orated,perorated,raged,railed,roared,scolded,shouted,sizzled,soapboxed,sounded off,spieled,spouted,stormed,stumped,took on,vociferated
searverb dry, burn
blight,brand,brown,burn up,cauterize,cook,dehydrate,desiccate,dry out,dry up,exsiccate,harden,parch,scorch,seal,shrivel,sizzle,tan,toast,wilt,wither Is your fitness routine wilting in the sizzle of this long, hot summer?
漫漫长夏,热浪来袭,你的健身计划是否已被晒“蔫”了? www.chinadaily.com.cn

Kona Haque of Macquarie, an Australian bank, points to two structural factors behind oil’s sizzle: China and biodiesels.
澳大利亚麦格理银行科纳·哈克指出炙手可热的石油业背后隐藏着两大结构性因素:中国和生物柴油。 ecocn

Kona Haque of Macquarie, an Australian bank, points to two structural factors behind oil's sizzle: China and biodiesels.
澳大利亚麦格理银行科纳·哈克指出炙手可热的石油业背后存在着两大结构性因素:中国和生物柴油。 blog.sina.com.cn

The foyer is the gateway to the home and requires a little extra sizzle, perhaps an oversized mirror, fresh flowers or dazzling new wall sconces.
休息室是进入您家的门户,要求额外的照顾,或许一个大型镜子,鲜花或新的炫目壁灯。 reddeerchina

What Mr Ellroy gains in surface sizzle he loses in emotional resonance.
艾尔罗伊赢得的是他在情感共鸣中所失去的。 ecocn

All that sizzle is a cultural artifact and a tie that binds us.
这种嘶嘶声已经形成了一种文化,紧紧的绑在我们身上。 yeeyan

Even when you do get around to it, the sizzle has clearly begun to fizzle.
即便你总算去进行的时候,热情也显然开始降温。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Even the emerging world has lost some of its sizzle.
就连新兴世界也部分略减。 ecocn

Growth has slowed sharply in both America and Europe. Even the emerging world has lost some of its sizzle.
美国和欧洲的经济增长双双急剧放缓,甚至连新兴经济体的增长也有所降温。 ecocn

Heat the remaining oil in a medium skillet over medium- high heat until hot enough for a drop of the puree to sizzle upon contact.
用中-大火在中型煎锅里加热剩下的橄榄油直到一放入菜泥就兹兹响为止。 yeeyan

Maybe I’ll be tempted by the hot sizzle of hot dogs being sold around the corner.
也许我会被那个角落烤热狗发出的嘶嘶声引诱过去。 yeeyan

Notice that I'm not looking at anything that end users would see as dramatic: Portland does not address the“ sizzle” of GUI themes or shading effects or virtual file system innovations.
请注意,我没有研究最终用户将看到的生动的显示效果: Portland并不解决 GUI主题的“花俏”,或者阴影效果又或者虚拟文件系统创新。 ibm

Philosophy, to have any meaning at all, must sizzle with passion, boil your brain, fry your eyeballs, or you're just not doing it right.
哲学,要是要有任何意义的话,你必须以火样的热忱来思考,大脑沸腾,目光灼热,否则你就是不进状态,干脆不要干。 yeeyan

Sell the sizzle, not the steak.
卖的是烤牛排的咝咝声,而不是牛排。 yeeyan

Sophisticated consumers these days know the sizzle from the steak and prefer the steak every time.
如今那些老练的顾客早就知道嘶嘶声是怎么回事,而且他们每一次都会选择牛排。 yeeyan

Such pragmatic thinking lacks the sizzle and punch of get-rich-quick advice.
这种实事求是的思想是不会告诉你如何赚快钱的。 www.irich.com.cn

Technical sizzle will go a long way towards accomplishing this, but it's far from the whole story.
为了达成这个目标,技术上的磨合必不可少,但却远不是故事的全部。 yeeyan

The report comes as the Earth continues to sizzle in 2010.
该报告出炉于地球2010年持续炙热的关头。 yeeyan

Though his lack of sizzle costs him a starting spot through fan voting for the All- Star Game, he's just as honored being selected by the Western Conference coaches for the sixth consecutive year.
虽然他的曝光度不高让他无法通过球迷投票获得全明星赛首发位置,但他还是连续第六年被西部联盟教练选进全明星阵容。 luckerer

To warn you: Not a tremendous amount of focus was put on making the application's appearance sizzle.
提醒您:我们并未对如何让应用程序的外观光鲜诱人给予过多的关注。 ibm

When he meets a sexy fellow traveller named Alex Vera Farmiga, pictured right who shares his aversion to entanglements, their casual fly- by encounters sizzle and pop like a1930s screwball comedy.
他遇见了性感的旅伴亚历克斯维拉•法米加饰演,见图右,她一样讨厌情感纠葛,两人在飞行中相遇,擦出火花,犹如30年代的奇妙喜剧。 ecocn

Why you should skip it: Your sweat session might not sizzle as many calories as you think.
为什么不可取:出汗所燃烧的卡路里可能不会像你想象的那么多。 cri

With the new company, called Sizzle It, Mr. Gerber vowed to find a niche, reduce overhead and generally be more frugal.
凭借这家名叫 Sizzle It的新公司,戈贝尔先生发誓要有所成就,他削减了日常开支,过着更为节俭的生活。 yeeyan




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