释义 |
sizing up短语⁸⁴³²⁰⁺⁸ 基本例句 na.够标准;估量;口语品评;🌏调查 The big money was not in the individual fluctuations but in the main movements that is, not in reading the tape but in sizing up the entire market and its trend. 赚大钱不是从细小的波动中,而是从主要的市场运动中,不是来自阅读每时每刻的报价单,而是阅读整个市场和它的趋势。8684 “ But the thing is, in human society we don't use chemical communication anymore, because we have good eyesight”—for visually sizing up attractive mates—“and we use language, ” he said. “但问题是,在人类社会,我们已经不再使用化学物质来交流了,因为我们拥有非常好的视力通过视觉来估量配偶是否具有魅力,我们还可以使用语言。”他说道。 www.ngmchina.com.cn Sizing up the reasons, no doubt there are rules neglected by personnel concerned, but the main reason is the defect of the system itself which cannot fully satisfied the legal practice demand. 分析其原因,固然有相关人员忽视法律规定的因素,但主要还是由于目前确立的司法解释体制自身存在着制度设计不周全等因素造成的。 cnki Fermented bean curd is distinctive condiment. This paper introduces the fundamental demand of sizing up, standard of sizing up and evaluating. 腐乳是中华民族独特的调味品,介绍了腐乳品评的基本要求,品评标准,打分标准。 chemyq I don’t know if it was to show me that he could have done something more but chose to show benevolence or if he saw something strong in me, like one warrior sizing up another. 我不知道他是不是要向我证明他本可以做更多的事情,却选择只向我致意还是他也看到了我的坚强,开始对我惺惺相惜。 cri I only joined last week. I'm still sizing up my new team. 我上周才加入的。我还在打量我的新球队。 tianya Jackals sizing up prey. Andy breaks free, flushed and shaking. He hurries off, leaving the three Sisters laughing. 安迪羞涩地左闪右躲,赶紧走开,留下嘲笑他的三姐妹。 blog.sina.com.cn So I turn away, Climbing on the way up, Sizing up the competition, Waiting for the right time, To strike a chord and change your life. 所以,我转身离开,上一路攀升,审时度势,竞争,等待合适的时机,要取得一个和弦,改变您的生活。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org The department's latest biannual compilation, published last month as the ' Occupational Outlook Handbook, ' is great for sizing up the long-term outlook for most fields. 美国劳工部上个月发布的最新半年编《职业前景手册》对大多数职业领域的长期前景进行了权威预测。 www.oxford.com.cn When the United States lifted its sanctions against Libya in2004, lobbying firms across the country began sizing up business opportunities. 当美国在2004年解除对利比亚的制裁时,利比亚开始在美国各地游说各个公司去网罗商机。 yeeyan |