

单词 sixtieth
释义 six·ti·eth 英ˈsɪkstiːɪθ美ˈsɪkstiɪθAHDsĭkʹstē-ĭth ★★★★☆高牛COCA⁶⁸⁸²⁸BNC⁶⁴³⁵⁹iWeb⁴⁷⁶⁷³

position 60 in a countable series of thingsone part in sixty equal parts
the ordinal number of sixty in counting ordersixty六十
six-tie-th⇒num.第六十⁶⁵;六十分之一³⁵近义词 60th第六十one-sixtieth六十分之一

用作数词Today is my grandfather'ssixtiethbirthday.今天是我爷爷的六十大寿。
A minute is thesixtiethpart of hour.一分钟是一小时的六十分之一。 Passed his sixtieth year of Wang Wenfang still westbound, visit Longyuan, walking along the Silk Road, the sun off into the desert, dedicated to the creation and development of the western landscape.
已过花甲之年的王文芳仍在西行,访陇原,走丝路,出阳关,入大漠,致力于西部山水画的创作和发展。 gansufazhi

The sixtieth birthday is important for Chinese, but she didn't celebrate with a cake and candles.
六十岁的生日对中国人来说非常重要,但是她并不用点着蜡烛的蛋糕来庆祝她的生日。 zgepsa

“ Siduchishui” won the “ march to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the victory of” Art Fair Prize;
《四渡赤水》获“纪念长征胜利六十周年”美术展一等奖; cutpic

A minute is one sixtieth part of an hour.
一分钟是一小时的六十分之一部份。 sznews

But a special honor is planned this Sunday for the sixtieth anniversary of the day Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier.
但是,他们为罗宾逊打破肤色界限的60周年纪念日准备了一个特殊的荣誉。 iciba

But the Democrats have lost their sixtieth vote.
但是,民主党人丧失了其第六十票。 unsv

In the golden October, the sixtieth birthday of our motherland made the whole country excited.
金秋十月,伟大的祖国母亲的六十大寿让我们举国欢腾; wybgy

It will be Grandma's sixtieth birthday.
它将是奶奶的第60个生日。 hjenglish

Meanwhile, it seems an auspicious coincidence that this, my first post of the New Year of the Rabbit, happens to be the sixtieth post since the current series in my Sibuxiang blog was launched.
同时,似乎也是个吉利的巧合,我兔年的第一篇博客恰好是“四不像”系列博客的第60篇。 fortunechina

NATO spokesman James Appathurai said the main subject at the sixtieth anniversary meetings would be the NATO operations in Afghanistan.
北约发言人詹姆斯·阿帕苏莱伊说,在60周年会议上,主要的任务将是北约在阿富汗军事行动。 unsv

NATO spokesman James Appathurai said the main subject at the sixtieth anniversary meetings would be the NATO operations in Afghanistan.
北约发言人 James Appathurai说第六十次会议的主要目的是关于北约在阿富汗的行动。 wwenglish

Now in the hundred and sixtieth year Alexander the son of Antiochus, surnamed the Illustrious, came up and took Ptolemais, and they received him, and he reigned there.
一百六十年,安提约古儿子亚历山大厄丕法乃上去,佔领了仆托肋买,人民欢迎他在那里为王。 ccreadbible

Police Officer: Actually you can take the subway and get off at Sixtieth street.
警察:事实上,你可以搭地铁,在第六十街下车。 rockybbs

This year marks the sixtieth anniversary of the United Nations.
今年是联合国成立60周年。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Today, our great motherland is the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the big day,60-year-old mother of our country's birthday the big day.
今天正是我们伟大的祖国建国六十周年的大日子,我们祖国妈妈六十岁生日的大日子。 eduwg

Today is my grandfather's sixtieth birthday.
今天是我爷爷的六十大寿。 yywords

Sixtieth birthdays are big ones in Chinese culture— the culmination of a complete astrological cycle. So2010 marks in a sense a new beginning.
在中国文化中,60周年举足轻重——是天干地支轮回之鼎盛之时,因此,2010年代表着新的开始。 ecocn

Sixtieth birthdays are big ones in Chinese culture—the culmination of a complete astrological cycle.
中国文化中天道六十年一轮回,六十岁生日是件盛事。 topsage




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