

单词 six
释义 six 英sɪks美sɪksAHDsĭks ★★★★★常小中高研牛4COCA⁴⁸⁴BNC²⁵¹iWeb⁷¹⁴Economist⁵²⁰
the cardinal number that is the sum of five and onea playing card or domino or die whose upward face shows six pips
denoting a quantity consisting of six items or units来自古英语 siex,来自 Proto-Germanic*sehs,来自 PIE*sweks,六,词源同拉丁语 sex,六。at sixes and sevens乱七八糟six of one and half a dozen of the other半斤八两, 差不多…deep six 海葬six roller mill六辊粉碎机knock someone for six一击得满分6分…six of the best用藤条打六下的惩罚…figure six圆形完成不好…basic six六个基本驾驶仪表…six vector六维向量六度向量…six evils六淫six by六轮大卡车Six Day War六日战争six-shooter六发式左轮手枪…six-pack可装六个并可手提的厚…eighty-six八十六deep-six决定不使用six-figure六位数的six footer身高六英尺的人…six ways to Sunday在各方面six to one六对一相差悬殊…
非常记忆si四〖拼音〗+x剪刀〖编码〗⇒四把剪刀怎么分给六个人近义词 6six,六hexad六VI垂直距离sextet六重唱half dozen半打sestet六重唱曲half-dozen半打的six-spot游戏六点half a dozen半打, 六个sextuplet六胞胎的一人…sixer板球得六分的一击…

用作数词It is aboutsixo'clock now.现在是六点钟左右。
The heifer is onlysixmonths old.这只小母牛只有六个月大。
The murder trial lastedsixweeks.法庭对这一谋杀案的审理为时六周。
The tree is said to besixhundred years old.这树约莫已有600年树龄了。adj.having six of something
同义词 hexadic,hexagonal,semestral,senary,sextuplenoun.six of something
同义词 hexad,hexagon,hexagram,semester,sextet,sextuplet I’m running on one or two cylinders instead of all six.
我运行的一个或两个汽缸不是所有六个。 yeeyan

There are six of you, what matters that to me?
你们是六个,那和我有什么关系? ebigear

“ The work is ongoing but we expect to have some results in the next six to nine months,” he adds.
他又补充说:“这个工作正在进行中,但我们希望在未来六到九个月内得到一些结果。” yeeyan




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