

单词 Siva
释义 Si·va 英ˈʃiːvə, ˈsiː-美ˈʃivə, ˈsi-AHDshēʹvə, sēʹ- COCA⁷⁰¹⁸³BNC⁶⁶¹³¹

the destroyer; one of the three major divinities in the later Hindu pantheon近义词 shiva七日服丧期

用作名词Sivarequires few articles of worship.湿婆并不需要很多祷文。
IsSivaIcnography Inspired by Stars?湿婆的影象是恒星启发而产生的吗? In the twelve Siva temples are installed the emblems of the Great God of renunciation in His various aspects, worshipped daily with proper rites.
十二座湿婆神庙里面安置了湿婆的各种不同面貌,是伟大神和弃绝的象征,每日都用适当的仪式来崇拜。 http://dj.iciba.com

It is widely believed among villagers that the frog is are incarnation of Lord Siva.
村民普遍认为,青蛙是西瓦神的化身。 bbs.in2english.com.cn

The likenesses of Hindu gods, particularly Siva and Vishnu, together with the Buddha, began to appear in scattered places throughout the area, fused or modified in form by local religious ideas.
尤其是像类似于湿婆、毗湿奴这样的印度神与佛陀一起,开始散见于整个地区,其形式被当地宗教思想所融合或改变。 jukuu

The myth is Mata Parvati was pregnant that time and he knew that Lord Siva know so much about yoga, so she requested him to teach yoga and then yoga first time came to know.
传说当时帕尔瓦蒂正值孕期,了解她的丈夫通晓瑜伽,因此帕尔瓦蒂要求希瓦传授自己瑜伽知识,这便是第一次的瑜伽传播。 blog.sina.com.cn

The people felt blessed as by a vision of Siva Himself.
人们感觉到受到湿婆本人的祝福。 iciba

“ In the last four months,15, 000 people died, 2,000 of them were children, ” Siva said.
“过去的4个月里,15000人死去,其中2000人是儿童。” Siva说。 yeeyan

A Siva Linga stands amid the ornate walls of the Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia.
神石湿婆林伽竖立在柬埔寨吴哥寺华美的围墙之间。 forum.sfw.com.cn

About this time, on the Sivaratri night, consecrated to the worship of Siva, a dramatic performance was arranged.
在湿婆之夜,崇拜湿婆被视为神圣,一场戏剧大约在这个时候被安排上演了。 iciba

God Siva's mantra should help.
湿婆神的咒语会有用。 yeeyan

In the Hindu trinity, it was Siva;
在印度教的三位一体,它是湿婆; cnufo

O God Siva, this woman must be eliminated.
唵,顶礼湿婆,这个女人是一定要被消灭的。 yeeyan

The official, Siva, said he and his wife and two children, aged one and three, had been running from artillery fire for the last nine months, and had been displaced13 times.
这位名叫 Siva的官员说他和他妻子以及他们的两个分别为1岁和3岁的孩子跑出来躲避炮火已有9个月了,有13次被迫搬家。 yeeyan

They honor Parvati, wife of the Hindu god Siva, who dwells among the peaks and sends the streams cascading to the plains.
她们尊敬的帕尔瓦蒂,妻子的印度的湿婆神,她居住在山峰之中和发送溪流像瀑布般到平原。 forum.home.news.cn

Where mighty Siva has His dwelling;
那是强而有力的湿婆的居所; lifeilove

Siva, Her mighty Husband, who wields the fearful trident.
湿婆,她强而有力的丈夫,挥舞着可怕的三叉戟。 lifeilove

Siva requires few articles of worship.
湿婆并不需要很多祷文。 iciba

Siva said the department would also soon allow relatives to book their visiting times via the Internet.
西瓦说感化部门很快还将允许犯人家属在网上预约探监时间。 edu.sina.com.cn




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