释义 |
sit upon thorns 基本例句 坐卧不宁;如坐针毡;焦虑不安 He was then sitting on thorns and waiting for you.他当时如坐针毡,焦急地等待着你。 For the last few months,he has been on a bed of thorns.近几个月他一直烦虑不安,如坐针毡。 It is unbearable to be always on thorns.老是处于焦虑不安的情况中是受不了的。 For many years he was sitting on thorns, he had never qualified as a doctor, although he cured many of his patients.多年来使他焦虑不安的是,尽管他治愈许我病人,但他仍没有取得医生资格。 |