

单词 sitting room
释义 sitting room 英'sɪtɪŋ ruːm美'sɪtɪŋ rʊm ●○○○○高短语¹⁰²⁶⁸
会客室; 起居室

a room in a private house or establishment where people can sit and talk and relax近义词 parlor客厅parlour客厅front room前屋living-room起居室living room起居室; 客厅…
After dinner we repaired to thesitting room.用餐後我们去会客室。
He paced up and down thesitting room.他在会客室里踱来踱去。
Theirsitting roomwas enormous.他们的起居室很大。
He is vacuuming a rug in thesitting room.他在起居室里用吸尘器打扫地毯。noun.front room for socializing
同义词 drawing room,front room,living roomforeroom,salon,withdrawing room
common roomnoun sitting room in a residential community or school
community room,faculty lounge,sitting room
front roomnoun living room
best room,drawing room,foreroom,morning room,parlor,salon,sitting room,withdrawing room
living roomnoun room in house for relaxing
LR,best room,common room,drawing room,foreroom,front room,front room drawing room,livingroom,parlor,parlour,salon,sitting room,withdrawing room The family waited in the sitting room.
家人在客厅等着。 ebigear

This must be a most inconvenient sitting room for the evening, in summer; the windows are full west.
到了夏天,这间屋子做起居室一定很不适宜,窗子都朝西。 ebigear

What Grandmother called the parlour we now call the living room or sitting room.
祖母称之为起居室的,我们现在叫客厅或会客室。 iciba

Amazed by her casual manner, I follow her into the sitting room of her hotel suite in New York City.
我为她随意的风格而感到惊讶,随后我跟随她走进她在纽约下榻的宾馆的会客室。 yeeyan

Around midnight, when I was at home, Nixon called from the Lincoln Sitting Room, where he was brooding alone.
午夜左右,我正在家里的时候,在林肯厅孤独沉思的尼克松打来电话。 jukuu

Everyone came into the sitting room and sat down.
大家都走进客厅坐下来。 bbs.yule.iciba.com

Get out of the bedroom for some foreplay in the shower, bath, sitting room, even on the kitchen table.
离开浴室,在浴室、起居室甚至厨房的桌子上调一些情。 yeeyan

He puts on a suit and tie every morning, then steps into his office in the sitting room of his home in Windsor.
他每天早晨穿好西装打上领带,然后踏入在坐落于 Windsor的家中客厅办公室。 yeeyan

I held her in my arms, walking from the bedroom, through the sitting room, to the hallway.
接着我还是托抱着她,从卧室,到客厅,再到门厅。 yeeyan

I go into the sitting room.
我进了起居室。 yeeyan

I go into the sitting room. Minutes later, I'm back in the kitchen. “ He says he did his homework already.”
我进了起居室。几分钟后,我回到厨房。“他说他已经做完作业了。” yeeyan

I tiptoe from room to room, finding three bedrooms, one converted to a sitting room, and the same weak lighting in each.
我于是挨着每个房间转了一圈,找到了三条床,其中一条还挨着客厅。 床头灯也不太明朗。 yeeyan

In the evenings, we watch TV in the sitting room.
傍晚时,我们在客厅里看电视。 http://mysearch.100e.com

In a long talk in the sitting room of his home, Mr. Farhang recounted a two-year struggle to fire the man in charge of giving out licenses for new businesses.
在他住所起居室的一次长谈中,法尔汗先生提到,他为了解雇一名负责对新企业发放执照的职员,曾进行过长达两年的挣扎。 yeeyan

Marianne's pianoforte was unpacked and properly disposed of; and Elinor's drawings were affixed to the walls of their sitting room.
玛丽安的钢琴给拆了包,放在恰当的位置。埃丽诺的图画挂在客厅的墙壁上。 kekenet

Now, the White House ballrooms were filled with energy and music as we danced. The East sitting room became a peaceful place to read and study.
现在,白宫舞厅里回荡着我们舞蹈时的激情和音乐,东起居室成了安静地阅读和学习的场所。 yeeyan

Omar holding ball with Abdullah and his siblings in the bin Laden family sitting room in Jeddah,1989.
奥马尔跟阿卜杜拉一起拿着球与他的兄弟姐妹们在本·拉丹家的客厅,吉达,1989年。 yeeyan

Photographs from a2007 real estate listing show a stone- encircled swimming pool and an open-air sitting room with views of the ocean.
从一份2007年房地产清单照片来看,有一个石头围成的游泳池,一个能看到海的露天起居室。 yeeyan

She has neatened the sitting room up.

Spiff the sitting room with coloured lights.

They breakfasted at noon in the sunny sitting room, where the air was heavy with the scent of roses.
他们直到中午才在洒满阳光的起居室里用早餐。玫瑰花在房子里散放着芳香。 jukuu

We always watch TV in our sitting room.
我们总是在客厅里看电视。 http://mysearch.100e.com




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