

单词 sitting on
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A Karzai rally in a hotel ballroom kept the women sitting on the left and the men on the right.
而在一家旅馆的舞厅里,卡尔扎伊把自己的听众分成两部分,男人坐在右边,女人坐在左边。 yeeyan

In other words, the properties of physics are the same for me whether I am riding my bicycle or sitting on a park bench.
换句话说,物理性质对于我来说都是一样,不管我是骑在自行车上,还是坐在公园里的长椅上。 yeeyan

“ I just can't envision myself, you know, the big straw hat and a Hawaiian shirt sitting on some beach,” he said.
“我只是不能想象我自己,你知道,戴着大草帽穿着夏威夷衬衫坐在某处沙滩上。”他说到。 blog.sina.com.cn

And in the deep forest, where only the old trees can hear, and the strip of sky see it, he talks with thee, sitting on a heap of moss!
而在深源的树林里,只有那些老树能够听见、只有那一线青天可以看见的地方,他跟你坐在一堆青苔上谈话! ebigear

He is sitting on a low bench.
他坐在一张矮矮的长椅子上。 ebigear

I remember sitting on my bedroom floor eating cake and pudding sauce with my ex.
我记得我有一次和前男友坐在卧室的地板上吃蛋糕和布丁酱。 yeeyan

No one in his life, except maybe Tanya, would recognize him now, sitting on this stranger's bed, about to have sex with a man.
除了坦尼娅,不会有人能认出他的现在这个模样:坐在陌生人的床上,即将和一个男人上床。 yeeyan

Seeing a distinguished person sitting on the sidewalk is something our of the ordinary.
看着一个坐在路边的杰出的人却是坐在我们的字典上面。 yeeyan

The clouds roll around the Sierra behind us and then out to sea, and, sitting on the beach, the gigantic strikes flash around us like a giant strobe.
乌云从我们身后的塞拉利昂卷来,然后朝海上方向滚去。坐在沙滩上,我们身边打起巨大的闪电,像打开了天上的大闸门。 yeeyan

The father, sitting on his cot, stared at her like a madman.
这个父亲坐在帆布床上,像个精神失常的人盯着她看。 yeeyan

There are more millionaires sitting on the Tory front bench then ever before in history.
在历史上,从来没有这么多百万富翁作为保守党的代表坐在议会前座。 yeeyan

When I go downstairs, I realise the dog is sitting on some trousers.
当我走下楼后,却看到我们的狗坐在几条裤子上面。 yeeyan

Sitting on a cliff overlooking Thailand, he said he had orders to be patient, but expressed doubts that talks Monday between the two countries' defense ministers would yield results.
他坐在一处俯瞰泰国的山崖上说,他接到命令要有耐心,但是他对星期一两国国防部长的会谈是否能产生结果表示怀疑。 ebigear




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