

单词 sits
释义 sit·s 英sɪt美sɪt COCA²⁶³³BNC⁵⁵²⁸Economist³⁴³⁹
vt. & vi. 使坐

rest on the lower part of the body, with the weight off the feet

vi. 动物或鸟栖息; 伏窝

of an animal or bird be or go into a position with the tail end of the body resting on a surface

be seatedbe around, often idly or without specific purpose;

The object sat in the corner

We sat around chatting for another hour

take a seatbe in session;

When does the court of law sit?

assume a posture as for artistic purposes;

We don't know the woman who posed for Leonardo so often

sit and travel on the back of animal, usually while controlling its motions;

She never sat a horse!

Did you ever ride a camel?

The girl liked to drive the young mare

be located or situated somewhere;

The White House sits on Pennsylvania Avenue

work or act as a baby-sitter;

I cannot baby-sit tonight; I have too much homework to do

show to a seat; assign a seat for;

The host seated me next to Mrs. Smith

serve in a specific professional capacity;

the priest sat for confession

she sat on the jury


❌ The child is not old enough to sit on the table yet.

✔️ The child is not old enough to sit at the table yet.

sit at the table表示“坐在桌子旁边”,而sit on the table则表示“坐在桌子上”。


❌ He is sitting an important examination.

✔️ He is sitting for an important examination.

be sit for sth 表示“参加某事”时, for不可省。


❌ When the manager entered his office, he saw an old man sitting in a chair waiting for him.

✔️ When the manager entered his office, he saw an old man waiting for him in a chair.

可删去分词sitting。因为in a chair已足以表示老人“坐”在椅子里了。


❌ How late did you sit last night?

✔️ How late did you sit up last night?

sit up 表示“熬夜”,为固定短语, up不能省。


❌ She sat silently, waiting for their decision.

✔️ She sat silent, waiting for their decision.



❌ Sit, please.

✔️ Sit down, please.

sit表示“坐”这一动作的状态,表示持续的动作。而sit down则表示“坐下”,表示瞬间的动作。


❌ I have not got a chair to sit.

❌ I have not got a chair to sit down.

✔️ I have not got a chair to sit on.

动词不定式修饰名词作后置定语时,该动词不定式与所修饰的名词是动宾关系。sit是不及物动词,接a chair时必须借助介词on。

sit at, sit in, sit on


1.当宾语是table, desk时用介词at; 当宾语是chair, bench, sofa, branch, ground时用介词on; 当宾语是armchair时用介词in。

2. sit in与sit on的意思不同。试比较下面两句:

sit in the grass


sit on the grass


3.作“作委员”“作陪审员”“搁置”解时用sit on; 作“静坐示威”解时用sit in; 作“列席”解时则用sit in on。

sit up for, sit up with

sit up for表示“不睡等人”时,含有“期待”的意味; sit up with表示“不睡陪伴人”时,含有“照顾”的意味。例如:

I shall be late getting back tonight, so please don't sit up for me.今晚我回来得迟,请不要等我了。
The nurse sat up with her patient all night.护士整晚不睡,照顾病人。sit, seat

这两个词都有“坐”的意思。它们的区别是:seat作“使就座”解,是及物动词,一般和反身代词连用,或用于被动结构,强调坐在座位上, be seated是正式用语; sit 作“坐”解,与stand站相对,一般作不及物动词。例如:

Sit down, please.请坐。

此外, seat还有“可容纳若干人”的意思,而sit无此义。例如:

Don't just sit there watching—come and help me!别坐在那儿观看,过来帮帮我的忙吧!

The hall will seat 200.这大厅将能容纳二百人。

sit up, stay up, stop up

这三个短语均可表示“熬夜”。其用法区别在于:sit up和stay up常跟现在分词短语,表示伴随动作; 而stop up常跟动词不定式表示目的。例如:

They sat up all night discussing these questions.他们整宿没睡,讨论这些问题。
We stayed up until midnight talking about our work.我们谈论工作一直到深夜还没睡。
I stopped up to watch the match.我熬夜观看比赛。下面两个句子的句法结构是不同的:They sat talking all through the night.他们通宵地坐着谈论。
He sat in the armchair reading the news- paper.他坐在扶手椅里读报纸。

第一句sat和talking结合紧密,直接连用,有些语法学家认为sat在这时是系动词, talking是主语补足语,也有些语法学家认为sat是不及物动词, talking是伴随状语,修饰前面的sat。而第二句中He sat in the armchair句意完全, reading the newspaper起状语作用,不可误认为主语补足语。


sit at one's feet

sit at the feet of


下面两个句子的意思不同:Shall we sit here for a moment?我们在这儿坐一会儿好吗?
Shall we sit down here for a moment?我们在这儿坐下歇会儿好吗?seat,sit




用作动词 v.
~+名词sit six people坐六个人~+副词sit alone独自坐着sit still安静地坐着sit tight稳坐不动,毫不动摇sit calmly静静地坐下sit daringly大胆地坐下sit dejectedly沮丧地坐下sit desperately绝望地坐下sit grotesquely古怪地坐下sit habitually惯常地坐下sit ignominiously不光彩地坐下sit inscrutably高深莫测地坐下sit about〔around〕懒洋洋地闲坐,坐着不吭声sit back向后靠着坐,不动,旁观sit down就座,扎营,降落sit oneself down自行就座sit out坐在一旁sit out the next dance不跳下一场舞sit out the whole play看完整出戏sit over坐过去一点sit up直起身来,熬夜sit up all night彻夜不眠sit up late晚睡~+副词+介词sit back from the road坐落在离大路有一段距离的地方sit down at a piano坐下弹钢琴sit down in a chair在椅子上坐下sit down to a meal坐下就餐sit out in the garden到外面的花园坐~+介词sit at one's feet拜某人为师,追随某人sit beside坐在某人的身边sit by the window坐在窗旁sit for为…而坐着摆好姿势sit for an examination参加考试sit in classes听课sit on坐骑在…上,搁置,当…的一员sit on a bench坐在长凳上sit on eggs鸡孵蛋sit on pins and needles如坐针毡sit through无兴趣而强忍着坐着听完sit through a performance看完演出sit through the speech不得不听完演说sit to an artist坐着由画家画像sit under sb twice a week一星期听某人的两次课sit upon shoulder落在肩上sit with sb all night整夜守护某人
sit about〔around〕 v.+adv.

懒洋洋地闲坐sit doing nothing in particular

sit about〔around〕I wish I could just sit about and dream.我要是能闲坐着做梦该多好。
The children sat about on the grass.孩子们都闲坐在草地上。
He just sits around and does nothing all day.他整天闲坐无所事事。
Most people in this office just sit around with nothing to do.这办公室里的大多数人都坐在那儿无事可做。
They seemed to spend most of their time sitting around in bars.他们似乎花了大部分时间在酒吧里闲坐。
I got tired of sitting around waiting, so I went home.我懒得坐着空等,所以我就回家了。
sit at v.+prep.

坐,在…坐 rest in a position with the upper body upright and supported at the bottom of the back

sit at sthHe sat at his desk working.他坐在办公桌旁工作。
The child is not big enough to sit at table yet.那孩子还小,不能上桌吃饭。
sit back v.+adv.

袖手旁观keep out of the way; become a spectatorDo you expect me to sit back and do nothing?你希望我袖手旁观啥也不管吗?

sit beside v.+prep.

坐在…的旁边 seat beside

sit beside sb/sthHe came over and sat beside me.他走过来坐在我旁边。
sit by¹ v.+adv.

袖手旁观 look on with folded arms; look on unconcerned

sit byDon't just sit by while the other children are all busy.别的孩子都忙着,你不要闲着袖手旁观。
sit by² v.+prep.

坐在…的旁边 seat beside

sit by sthWe sat by the fire and chatted.我们坐在炉火旁聊天。
She set the table and the two of them sat by the stove to enjoy a good hot meal together.她摆好桌子,两人就围着火炉吃起热腾腾的饭来。
sit down v.+adv.

坐下take a seat or a resting position after standing

sit downAsk them to sit down.让他们坐下。
After standing for so long, it was a pleasure to sit down and rest.站了那么久以后坐下来休息真是件美事。sit down to sthWe sat down to a wonderful meal prepared by my uncle.我们坐下来享用我伯父准备的美餐。
Both sides in the disagreement are prepared to sit down to long talks if necessary.如有必要的话,争执的双方都准备坐下来进行长时间的谈判。sit down with sthI can't sit down with that insult.我不能忍受那种侮辱。
sit for v.+prep.

参加考试等( take part in examination, etc.)

sit for sthMore students than ever before have sat for their law examinations this years.今年有比以往任何一年更多的学生参加法律考试。
He sat for his examinations as a co-pilot.他参加了飞机副驾驶员的考试。
She sat for a scholarship but failed to win it.她参加申请奖学金的考试但失败了。
sit inv.+adv.

出席,列席,旁听attend without taking an active part

sit in with sbHe sits in with the patients while the nurse has a rest.他在护士休息时,照看病人。sit in for sbHe's sitting in for his friend today.他今天正代替他的朋友们。
As the consul-general is away, one of the consuls is sitting in for him.由于总领事不在,一个领事代理他的工作。sit in at sthSome of the students are sitting in at the Faculty Office.有些学生在系办公室静坐示威。
The students sat in at the administrative building to protest against racial discrimination.学生们在办公大楼静坐示威,抗议种族歧视。
In protest against the wages cut, the workmen decided on sitting in at the factory.为了抗议降低工资,工人们决定在工厂里静坐示威。sit inWe're having a conference and we'd like you to sit in.我们将举行一次会议,希望你来旁听。sit in on sthThey decided to sit in on the discussion.他们决定听一下这次讨论。
I'd like you to sit in on this meeting.我希望你旁听一下这次会议。
When I was doing teaching practice, people often sit in on my lessons.我教学实习时经常有人听我的课。
A group of foreign visitors came to sit in on our English class yesterday.昨天有一批外宾来听我们的英语课。
We sat in on classes and had discussions with the students.我们听了课,并和学生进行了座谈。
Friends of the band who give their support may sit in on practices.凡给我们乐队支援的朋友都可来听我们乐队的练习。
sit on¹ v.+adv.

继续坐continue to sit

sit onThe group of demonstrators sat on till morning.这一批示威者一直坐到早晨。
She sat on until someone agreed to help.她一直坐到有人同意帮忙了才了事。
sit on² v.+prep.

占议席; 当代表 have a position in an official body

sit on sb/sthThe committee sat on him.委员会刁难他。
We cadres are ordinary workers and not overlords sitting on the backs of the people.我们干部是普通劳动者,不是骑在人民头上的老爷。
They are sitting on that particular idea.他们在压制那个特别的意见。
Jenkins sat on those students' applications for a month.詹金斯把学生们的申请压了1个月。
The shop has been sitting on my complaint for more than three months.这个商店已把我的投诉压了3个多月。
It's time you had a reply.是不是那些家伙还压着你的信?现在是该他们答复的时候了。
That big corporation tried to bribe the press to sit on the story.那家大公司企图贿赂新闻界把这方面的报道压下来。
I don't like being sat on by the authorities.我不喜欢为当局所摆布。sit on sb/sthI'll sit on the stuff for a few days.我将看守几天东西。sit on sthThe clock has sat on that shelf for years.这钟在那座架子上已放置多年。
The house sits high on a hill overlooking a lake.房子高高地坐落在俯瞰一片湖水的小山上。sit on the fenceSitting on the fence will not do.骑墙是不行的。
They sat on the fence during the dispute.在辩论时,他们两边都不参与。sit on sthA number of distinguished professors sat on the committee.许多有名的教授都是该委员会成员。
He used to represent the Democrats but he now sits on the council as an Independent.他过去一直代表民主党但现在却以独立党担任地方议会议员。
Please don't ask me to sit on any more committees this year,I already have my face share of meetings.请不要再让我在今年担任更多的委员会委员了,我参加的会议已经够多了。
This was only one of the many bodies on which he had sat during his life of public service.这只是他担任公职期间出任委员的许多机构之一。
sit outv.+adv.

不参加某种活动not take part in certain activities

sit outThey sat out until the sun went in.他们一直在户外坐到太阳钻入云层。
Let's go and sit out, shall we?我们出去坐好吗?sit sb/sth ⇔ outThey sat out the play.他们坐着看完演出。
He sat out all the other guests.他一直留到其他的客人都离去。
I decided to sit out the rest of the film,I wasn't especially enjoying it, but my friends were.我决定把电影看完。虽然我并不特别喜欢这个电影,但是我的朋友们喜欢。
When I go to a concert I like to sit out the whole thing, and not to go home half way.当我去听音乐会时,我喜欢把节目听完而不愿半途退场回家。
We had to sit a long speech out yesterday afternoon.昨天下午我们不得不把一个冗长的演说听到底。sit sth ⇔ outI'll sit this dance out.这场舞我不参加。
May I sit this one out?我可以不跳这一场吗?
Let's sit this one out, shall we?I'm afraid I tango very badly.咱们不跳这个舞好吗?我怕我的探戈舞跳得太糟。
The general sat out the war in a nice safe office in the home base.这位将军呆在国内基地一个又安全、又漂亮的办公室中,直到战争结束。
The injured left forward was compelled to sit out the rest of the play.受伤的左前锋只好退出比赛坐在一旁直到终场。
He sat out the 2001 presidential campaign.他没有参加2001年的总统竞选。
sit round v.+prep.

围着…就座 be seated round sth

sit round sthLet's sit round the table.让我们围桌而坐吧。
They were all sitting round the fire.他们正围坐在炉火旁。
sit up v.+adv.

〈口〉引起注意,用心听; 警觉,诧异,关注take notice

sit upHe told the children to sit up and not slouch.他告诉孩子们坐直,别无精打采的。sit sb/sth ⇔ upShe sat the baby up and tried feeding him.她让婴儿直坐着,然后试着喂他。
The nurse tried now and then to sit me up while I was lying in bed in hospital.我住院期间,护士时常扶我坐起来。
The little girl sat all her dolls up.这小女孩把她所有的“娃娃”都摆成端坐的样子。sit upWe don't allow the children to sit up late.我们不允许孩子们熬夜。
The doctor warned his patient not to sit up late at night.医生告诫他的病人晚上不要熬夜。sit up with sbThe mother sat up all night with the sick child.母亲彻夜不眠守候着那生病的孩子。
She sat up with her husband.她不睡而看护着她的丈夫。
Mother, please don't sit up with me,I don't like to think that you're worrying about me.妈妈,请不要陪我熬夜,我不愿意想到你在为我操心。
I sat up with her, discussing her problems.我一直陪她坐到深夜,谈论她的问题。sit up for sbShe sat up for her husband.她不睡而等待她的丈夫。
Mrs. Smith always sits up for her daughter no matter how late it may be.不管多晚,史密斯夫人总是不睡觉等候女儿回来。sit up into sthHe sat up far into the night and studied.他熬夜学习到深夜。sit upAt first the boy had not seemed much interested in what the teacher was saying, but when the teacher called him, he began to sit up.起初那男孩子似乎对老师说的话不太感兴趣,但是当老师叫他的时候,他才开始用心听讲了。
I call him a damned hypocrite and that made him sit up.我称他为十足的伪君子,这使他大吃一惊。
These new crime statistics should make people sit up.这些新的犯罪统计数字应使人们大吃一惊。
sit with v.+prep.

对…合适; 被…接受 be fit for sth; be accepted

sit with sbA neighbour's daughter sat with the children.一个邻居的女儿帮助照料孩子们。sit with sb/sthThe painting sits well with the rest of the room, doesn't it?这幅画和房间的其余部分很协调,不是吗?
The decision did not sit well with the rest of the committee, who had voted against it.这一决定未被委员会的其余委员接受,他们投了反对票。
How did your story sit with your mother?你编造的那一套你妈妈相信吗?近义词 meetrestseatsettleassembleaccommodate反义词 lie躺下stand站立arise出现
S+~+ALet's sit together.让我们一起坐。
Come and sit here.来坐这儿。
Are you sitting comfortably?你坐得舒服吗?
That hen wants to sit.那母鸡要孵蛋。
There was a bird sitting on the branch.一只鸟栖息在树枝上。
I'm going to sit tight till I hear what they are going to do next.在我未得知他们下一步的行动之前我将不采取行动。
Parliament will sit in the autumn.国会将在秋天开会。
In a fortnight the House will be sitting.两星期后议院就要开会了。
The House of Commons was still sitting at 3 a.m.下议院凌晨三点还在开会。
The rider sits well.这个骑手的骑术很好。
S+~+as n.He sat there as a guest.他坐在那边思考。S+~+ adj./v -ed/ v -ingShe sat motionless, waiting for their decision.她坐在那里一动不动,等候他们作出决定。
She sat silent in her own room.她在自己的房间里一动不动地坐着。
With profits up 150% the company is sitting pretty.这家公司业务很好,利润增加了150%。
We sat cross-legged on the blanket-covered kang .我们盘腿坐在铺了毯子的炕上。
The books sat unread on the shelf for years.这些书在书架上搁了许多年无人读过。
She sat drinking her beer.她坐着饮啤酒。
Don't just sit watching, come and help me!别只是坐着看,来帮我!
S+~+ n./pron.She sat the baby on the grass.她让婴儿坐在草地上。
All of them will sit an exam.他们所有的人将参加考试。





用作动词Hesatat his desk working.他坐在桌子旁边工作。
The studentssitin a circle on the floor.学生们在地板上坐成一圈。
There is a sparrowsittingon a branch.有只麻雀栖在树枝上。用作名词Would you like asiton the deck-chair?在躺椅上坐一会儿好吗?
Chickenssiton a roost at night.鸡夜晚栖息在竿子上。 A walrus skull sits alone in a field of wildflowers.
海象的头骨单独地坐落在布满野花的旷野里。 yeeyan

As she sits at the bar next to me, she stares down at her vodka tonic, and then the ground, and then her vodka tonic.
酒吧里,坐在我旁边的她低下目光凝视着她的伏特加奎宁,接着转向地面,再接着又是她的伏特加奎宁。 yeeyan

Once he is here, he won't leave; he just sits there as bold as brass.

Richard Curtis colleague helps me to my feet and sits quietly with me at an outside table as a rowdy, town centre Saturday night unfolds in the street alongside us.
理查德·柯蒂斯同事扶我站起来,然后陪我静静地坐在酒吧外的一张桌子旁,这时,我们身边那条镇中心大街喧嚣的星期六夜晚展开了。 yeeyan

To the girl who sits next to me in class; have a terrific Valentine's Day.
送给那位在班上坐在我旁边的女孩;愿你有一个奇妙的情人节。 edu.sina.com.cn

With dirty nails and a face banged up by prison fights and repeated falls after blackouts, he's the guy you move away from when he sits next to you on the subway.
他的指甲很脏,脸上都是在监狱里打架留下的瘀伤,还有无数次眼前一黑摔倒地上留下的伤,如果在地铁里他坐在你旁边,你恨不得赶快逃走。 yeeyan

And behind me, watching over the union he saved, sits the man who in so many ways made this day possible.
而在我身后坐着那个俯视他所拯救的国家的男人,是他使今天的一切成为了可能。 yeeyan

He sits down, shivers a little. Clock outside strikes twelve.
他坐了下来,微微有些颤抖,外面钟敲了十二点。 kekenet

He sits rubbing his temples with fatigue.
他疲惫地坐着,揉着他的太阳穴。 yeeyan

He sits silent in the corner.
他坐在角落里一声不吭。 edu.sina.com.cn

If he has been starving and he sits down and eats a hamburger and chips, that could actually kill him.
如果他一直处于饥饿状态,现在坐下来吃个汉堡和一些薯条,那将会是致命的。 kekenet

In the picture, a man sits with a dozen of clocks around him.
正如这幅图所显示的那样,一个男人坐在椅子上,身边围绕着许多的钟。 hxen

Inside Adie sits down in the rocker and takes off her shoes and cuffs her wet jeans. “ My feet are freezing,” she says.
进到房间,爱狄在一把摇椅上坐下来脱下鞋,摸摸已被打湿的牛仔裤。“我的脚快冰冻了,”她说道。 yeeyan

Mike sits between Lucy and Helen.
迈克坐在露茜和海伦中间。 edu.sina.com.cn

My daughter, Anna, sits next to my mother.
我的女儿安娜就坐在我母亲旁边。 ebigear

My friend sits behind me in class.
在教室,我朋友坐在我后面。 yeeyan

My mother sits alone in her room.
我母亲独自坐在房间里。 yeeyan

Not only that but the waiters also sits down to eat their meals with you.
不止如此,甚至那些服务员也坐下与你一同进餐。 yeeyan

Of course, every small business is different, but where I work, the entire team sits at long glass tables in one giant room.
当然,每个小生意都是不同的,在我工作的地方,整个团队坐在一件巨大的屋子里的长玻璃桌庞。 yeeyan

On my right sits an old woman.
在我的右侧坐着一位老妇人。 kekenet

Pressure and gravity—which might result, for instance, when a patient sits up in bed— create additional shear forces that compound cell loss.
压力和重力例如,当病人在床上坐起时会产生造成额外的剪应力,同时造成细胞的死亡。 yeeyan

She sits on it.
她坐在它上面。 ecocn

She sits in the courtyard, dressed in a traditional Mayan multicoloured shirt and skirt.
她端坐在院子里,穿一身传统的玛雅五彩衬衣和裙子。 ecocn

So it threw me for a loop when I saw him walking into the movie theater with that stupid girl who sits next to him in biology class.
所以,当我看到他和那个生物课坐在他旁边的傻姑娘一起走进电影院的时候我真是大吃一惊。 edu.sina.com.cn

The girl lost everyone in a car wreck, but she sits so still.
那个女孩在一次车祸中失去了所有的人,但她还这么静静地坐着。 yeeyan




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