释义 |
sit on one's hands 基本Thesaurus na.不鼓掌赞许;应行动时袖手旁观;观众等不鼓掌;🌏不采取行动;不表示赞成 as in.abstain 同义词 cease,forgo,pass up,quit,refrain,renounce,shun,withholdabjure,abnegate,avoid,constrain,curb,decline,eschew,evade,fast,forbear,pass,refuse,spurn,starve,stopdeny oneself,do without,fence-sit,give the go by,give up,go on the wagon,keep from,sit on the fence,sit out,take the cure,take the pledge 反义词 continue,do,accept,allow,embrace,encourage,face,meet,use,wantindulgeas in.kill time 同义词 amuse oneself,consume time,fritter away time,have leisure,idle away time,pass the time,summer,while away the timeas in.twiddle one's thumbs 同义词 do nothing,not lift a finger,sit it out abstainverb hold back from doing abjure,abnegate,avoid,cease,constrain,curb,decline,deny oneself,do without,eschew,evade,fast,fence-sit,forbear,forgo,give the go by,give up,go on the wagon,keep from,pass,pass up,quit,refrain,refuse,renounce,shun,sit on the fence,sit out,spurn,starve,stop,take the cure,take the pledge,withhold kill timeverb waste time amuse oneself,consume time,fritter away time,have leisure,idle away time,pass the time,sit on one's hands,summer,while away the time killing timeverb waste time amusing oneself,consuming time,frittering away time,having leisure,idling away time,passing the time,sitting on one's hands,summering,while away the time twiddle one's thumbsverb wait and do nothing do nothing,not lift a finger,sit it out,sit on one's hands twiddling thumbsverb wait and do nothing doing nothing,not lifting a finger,sitting it out,sitting on one's hands |