

单词 sisterly
释义 sis·ter·ly 英ˈsɪstəliː美ˈsɪstəliAHDsĭsʹtər-lē ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁵⁸³⁹⁸BNC⁴⁹⁵¹⁵iWeb⁴²⁵⁸⁷
like or characteristic of or befitting a sister;

sisterly kindness

sororal concern

sister,姐妹,-ly,形容词后缀。sister-ly像⇒adj.姊妹一般的⁵⁸;像姊妹的⁴²adj.亲密的;姐妹的;情同手足的;友好的亲切的充满深情的adv.姐妹般地近义词 amiable和蔼的sororal姐妹的amicable友好的neighborly睦邻的sympathetic同情的sisterlike像姐妹的反义词 brotherly兄弟般的

用作形容词Her bright eyes are full ofsisterlyaffection when she speaks to him.对他说话时,她明亮的眼睛充满了姊妹般的爱。
If you think of me as your sister, let me give you somesisterlyadvice.如果你把我当姐姐,那我就给你个姐姐般的建议。as in.amative
同义词 amatory,amorous,anacreontic,ardent,brotherly,doting,enamored,erotic,fervent,fervid,impassioned,indulgent,loving,overindulgent,tender,warm
反义词 platonicas in.sisterhood
同义词 friendship,sodality,sorority,unity
反义词 brotherhood
amativeadjective affectionate
sisterhoodnoun bond
friendship,sisterly,sodality,sorority,unity And that idea of“ sisterly love” allows female lovers to stay under the radar, even more easily than in the West— until they reach the age of marriage.
“姐妹情”的观念使女性之间的爱恋不易被发现,甚至比呆在西方国家更容易隐瞒——直至她们到了适婚年龄。 yeeyan

But we must stem the tide of malice, and pour into the wounded bosoms of each other the balm of sisterly consolation.
人心恶毒,我们一定要及时防范,免得一发不可收拾。 我们要用姐妹之情来安慰彼此创伤的心灵。 hjenglish

Here a sisterly girl ran out of the house. She flew to the uncle's arms, and cheered, “ Good dad!”
这时候,一个小妹妹从屋子里跑出来,一下子扑到伯伯的怀里,叫道:“爹!” landeng

The older sister of Moses who kept a sisterly eye on him while he was in the papyrus reeds on the side of the Nile river.
她是摩西的姐姐。当摩西被放在尼罗河边的芦苇丛中时她定睛守住他。 bibleview.org

The sisterly chat between the two of them lasted till midnight.
俩之间的亲密交谈一直继续到半夜。 ezitong.com

Anyone who calls upon the capacity of people to practice brotherly and sisterly love is more likely to be ridiculed than to be taken seriously.
你要是呼吁人们彼此以兄弟姐妹相待,人们会嘲笑你,把你的话当耳旁风。 blog.sina.com.cn

But set against the difficulties and meannesses were heroism, kindness and a sisterly pleasure in other women’s triumphs.
尽管困难重重条件恶劣,这些女性们却英勇顽强、仁慈善良,并为其他女性的成功发自内心地欣喜。 ecocn

Could one say that you try to go beyond it in the direction of sisterly love?
可不可以说你试图以一种姐妹之爱去超越它? blog.sina.com.cn

Lately, a new kind of sisterly love seems to be in the air.
近来,一种新形式的姐妹恋似乎成为一种流行。 yeeyan

Miss Bennet's astonishment was soon lessened by the strong sisterly partiality which made any admiration of Elizabeth appear perfectly natural; and all surprise was shortly lost in other feelings.
班纳特小姐对伊丽莎白手足情深,觉得她妹妹被任何人爱上了都是理所当然的事情,因此开头虽然惊讶,过后便觉得不足为奇了。 hjenglish

She had revealed, in mere sisterly affection, the secret of Lady Emily's attachment.
她仅仅出于姊妹般的情谊,透露了埃米莉小姐别有所属的秘密。 dictall

She had a true sisterly feeling for her brother.
她对兄长怀有真正的骨肉之情。 yygrammar

The writer is the webmaster of Sisterly Advice which touches on clothes, study tips, skin care and other concerns of teenagers.
作者是“姐妹的建议”网站的管理员。该网站内容涉及服饰,学习技巧,皮肤护理和青少年的其它问题。 yeeyan

They are twin sisters. They share a sisterly love that runs deeper than blood.
她们是双胞胎姐妹,她们之间的姐妹爱比血缘关系来得还要深切纠结。 englishtown

They would hold hands walking down the street as many women do in Pakistan— it's simply regarded as“ sisterly love.”
她们会像很多巴基斯坦女孩一样手牵手走在大街上——这只被看作是“姐妹情”。 yeeyan

' Welcome to my world, ' she scoffs, before telling me I can't back out on my sisterly duties. I tell Colin that we have to practise being very quiet.
“欢迎来到我的世界,”她打趣道,然后又跟我说不准赖账。我跟科林说我们俩必须得悄悄行事了。 yeeyan

Naturally she supported the Equal Rights Amendment, but since Jerry opposed it she waited until1977 to get out in front of the sisterly protests with her placard.
当然她也支持《平等权利修正案》,但由于杰拉尔德反对这项法案,直到1977年她才得以与姐妹般得抗议者们站在一起,高举标语牌。 ecocn

Network has become a part of indispensables in every body's lives. Minority nationality students know little about network sisterly and comprehensively, because of all kinds of limitless.
网络已成为人们生活中不可缺少的一个组成部分,而少数民族学生由于各方面条件的限制,对于网络系统和全面的接触比较少。 cnki




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