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sip. sɪp 基本双解英英词源搭配记法近义反义句型例句Thesaurus例句 abbr.=standard inspection procedure 标准检查程式
n.名词 C 小口喝,一小口的量drink a small amount at a time v.动词 vt. & vi. 小口喝,呷,抿take a small amount at a time Noun: a small drink Verb: drink in sips;She was sipping her tea 来自古英语,源自原始日耳曼语*sup-浸湿,吸水。和单词sup啜饮,小口喝等同源。sip.=standard …sip up吸干,啜干 联想记忆高档酒店喝一小口sip酒也得给小费tipGRE难词记忆sip→piss v.尿→喝得多尿得就多非常记忆tip提示⇒提示一下请小口地喝pissv.尿⇒喝得多尿得就多近义词 nip夹sup啜drink喝mouth嘴drop落下shot注射taste味觉swallow燕子mouthful一口quaff〈旧或修辞〉一口气喝干… 用作名词n.A sip of beer can make her drunken.一小口啤酒就能让她醉倒。用作动词v. 用作不及物动词 S+~+AShe sipped from her glass while the professor emptied it.她小口品尝杯中酒,教授却一饮而尽。 用作及物动词 S+ ~+n./pron.The bee was sipping a flower.蜜蜂正在吸花蜜。 名词65%,动词35% 用作名词He took onesipof the wine and spat it out.他抿了一口酒,又吐了出来。 He paused to take asipof water, and then went on with his story.他停下来呷了一口水,然後继续讲他的事。用作动词Isippedat the coffee.我啜饮咖啡。 When you drink your soup, don'tsipit, but swallow it all in one mouthful.喝汤时不要啜饮,而应一口吞下去。 If Isipinstead of blow, the chair moves backward.要是我不是吹而是吸,椅子就会转回去了。 Beessiphoney from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave.蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营地道谢。verb.drink slowly 同义词 imbibe,quaff,savorextract,partake,sample,sup,swallow,taste,tossdrink in 反义词 abstain,refraindown,slurp drankverb take in liquid absorbed,belted,boozed,consumed,dissipated,downed,drained,gargled,gulped,guzzled,hit the bottle,imbibed,indulged,inhaled,irrigated,lapped,liquor up,nipped,partake of,put away,quaffed,sipped,sloshed,slurped,soaked up,sopped,sponged,sucked,supped,swallowed,swigged,swilled,tanked up,thirsted,tippled,toasted,tossed off,washed down,wet whistle drinknoun beverage;alcoholic beverage alcohol,booze,brew,cup,draft,glass,gulp,libation,liquid,liquor,potable,potation,potion,refreshment,shot,slug,spirits,spot,swallow,swig,taste,thirst quencher,toast drinkverb take in liquid absorb,belt,booze,consume,dissipate,down,drain,gargle,gulp,guzzle,hit the bottle,imbibe,indulge,inhale,irrigate,lap,liquor up,nip,partake of,put away,quaff,sip,slosh,slurp,soak up,sop,sponge,suck,sup,swallow,swig,swill,tank up,thirst,tipple,toast,toss off,wash down,wet whistle drinksnoun beverage;alcoholic beverage alcohols,booze,brews,cups,drafts,glasses,gulps,libations,liquids,liquors,potables,potations,potions,refreshments,shots,sips,slugs,spirits,spots,swallows,swigs,tastes,thirst quenchers,toasts drinksverb take in liquid absorbs,belts,boozes,consumes,dissipates,downs,drains,gargles,gulps,guzzles,hits the bottle,imbibes,indulges,inhales,irrigates,laps,liquor up,nips,partake of,puts away,quaffs,sips,sloshes,slurps,soaks up,sops,sponges,sucks,sups,swallows,swigs,swills,tanks up,thirsts,tipples,toasts,tosses off,washes down,wet whistle dropnoun single globule of liquid;small amount of anything bead,bit,bubble,crumb,dab,dash,dewdrop,driblet,drip,droplet,iota,molecule,morsel,nip,ounce,particle,pearl,pinch,sip,smidgen,speck,splash,spot,taste,tear,teardrop,trace,trickle Have a spoonful of sugar in your tea: It helps stress sip away. 在你的茶中加一勺糖吧:你的压力会被一口一口地喝掉。 kekenet It was to the mausoleum that Antony, dying of self-inflicted sword wounds, was brought on the first of August so he might take a last sip of wine and perish in Cleopatra's arms. 八月一日,挥剑自刎、奄奄一息的安东尼被人抬到克里欧佩特拉的陵墓中。在那里,安东尼轻啜了他人生的最后一口酒,在女王的怀中死去。 yeeyan The SIP address uniquely identifies a user during the creation of a communication session. SIP地址在创建通信会话期间唯一地对用户进行标识。 ibm As mentioned previously, most of the work of designing and implementing a SIP service in actual development takes place when you create the business logic with these other classes and technologies. 如前面所提到的,在实际开发中,设计和实现 SIP服务的大部分工作发生在您用这些类和技术创建业务逻辑的时候。 ibm As SIP was modeled after the Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP, many people have been looking at how to combine these technologies for a better user experience. 由于 SIP是在超文本传输协议 HTTP之后建模的,所以许多用户希望知道如何组合这些技术,以获得更好的用户体验。 ibm Because you submit a SUBSCRIBE request to a group but not each member of the group, you still receive SIP NOTIFY messages whenever the group changes. 由于向组提交 SUBSCRIBE请求,而不是向组的每个成员提交请求,因此仍然能在组发生更改时接收到 SIP NOTIFY消息。 ibm But others were delighted by being able to sip or serve a strong espresso without finishing the day with clothes smelling of second-hand smoke. 但是,其他人为此而感到高兴,因为他们不必为啜饮或喝一杯浓咖啡而在结束一天工作时弄得衣服上都是二手烟的烟味。 edu.sina.com.cn Even a sip is not for the fainthearted. 即便是小啜一口也不是懦夫所能承受的。 ecocn Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. 最后,父亲要她饮一口咖啡。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Finally, he asked her to sip the coffee. She smiled, as she tasted its rich aroma. 最后,父亲要她饮一口咖啡。尝着芳香四溢的咖啡,她微笑起来。 yeeyan For example, while setting up or tearing down a connection, SIP services can also implement call blocking or forwarding, as well as interface with gaming and back office systems. 举例来说,当建立或拆开连接时, SIP服务还可以实现调用的阻塞或转发,以及带有对策和事务部门系统的界面。 ibm Her throat felt tight and dry; a colleague said she should sip hot Ribena between the acts. 她的嗓子又干又涩;同事建议她在幕间小啜几口热的利宾纳。 ecocn How would you like to sip a glass of cold beer while sitting in the shadow of a Chinese pagoda surrounded by English gardens in the middle of a southern German city? 在德国南部城市中,坐在为英式花园环抱的中国式宝塔的荫凉下,啜饮一杯冰凉的啤酒,这样的感觉,你有多心动? ebigear If a failover occurs, both the SFSB and SIP Session will failover to the single peer in its replication domain. 如果出现故障转移, SFSB与 SIP会话将故障转移到其复制域中的唯一对等计算机上。 ibm In these exercises, you will use this sample as the SIP application to test. 在这些例子中,您将会使用该示例作为 SIP应用程序进行测试。 ibm In this article, the various IMS and SIP tools and toolkits are explained according to roles. 在这篇文章中,各种 IMS和 SIP工具和工具包都是根据角色来解释的。 ibm It is also possible to customize the toolkit for deployment on other SIP application server platforms. 还可以定制该工具包,用于在其他的 SIP应用服务器平台上部署。 ibm Its methods receive requests by SIP clients and are responsible for communicating with a proxy to establish a session with one or more other devices. 其方法接收 SIP客户端的请求,并且负责与代理通讯,从而与一个或多个其他设备建立会话。 ibm So, regardless of whether an HTTP or SIP message comes in first after a failover occurs, they will be routed to the same machine. 因此,无论在发生故障转移之后先收到 HTTP消息还是 SIP消息,都会将其路由到相同的计算机。 ibm So if you have a can of fizzy drink and sip it all day long, then the acid in your mouth will be under constant attack. 这样一来,如果你一整天都在小口啜饮一罐饮料,就等于那些酸性物质一直在攻击你的牙齿。 cri The common setup for SIP DRS is to simply have two servers per replication domain, essentially a peer to peer replication only. SIP DRS的常见设置就是简单地为每个复制域配置两个服务器,实质上仅仅支持对等复制。 ibm The total number of SIP requests sent received by all machines and succeeded in the test domain. 所有机器发送接受 SIP请求的总数目,以及在测试域中成功进行的数目。 ibm This article is targeted to audiences with a basic understanding of protocols over Internet Protocol IP, particularly HTTP and SIP. 本文的目标受众是对网际协议 IP 上的协议特别是 HTTP和 SIP有基本了解的人员。 ibm While SIP is a request- response protocol, there is not necessarily only one response to every one request. 虽然 SIP是请求-响应协议,但每个请求不一定只有一个响应与之对应。 ibm Yes, both products offer capabilities for SIP deployments of the application server. 是的,这两个产品都提供应用服务器的 SIP部署功能。 ibm |